Exergy: A measure of Work Potential - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exergy: A measure of Work Potential


Exergy: A measure of Work Potential Chapter 8 Work Potential of Energy When a new energy source is discovered, the first thing the explorers do is estimate the amount ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exergy: A measure of Work Potential

Exergy A measure of Work Potential
  • Chapter 8

Work Potential of Energy
  • When a new energy source is discovered, the first
    thing the explorers do is estimate the amount of
    energy contained in the source.
  • Work Potential is the amount of energy we can
    extract as useful work. The rest of the energy
    will eventually be discarded as waste energy and
    is not worthy of our consideration..

  • The property that enables us to determine the
    useful work potential of a given amount of energy
    at some specified state is exergy, which is also
    called the availability or available energy.
  • Exergy is a property and is associated with the
    state of the system and the environment.
  • The property exergy is also called availability
    or available energy.

  • Dead State A system that is in equilibrium with
    its surroundings has zero exergy and is said to
    be at the date state.
  • At the dead state, a system is at the temperature
    and pressure of its environment it has no
    kinetic or potential energy relative to the

  • Distinction shoud be made between the
    surroundings, immediate surroundings and the
  • Surrounding are everything outside the system
  • Immediate surrounding the portion of the
    surrounding that is affected by the process.
  • Environment the region beyond the immediate

  • A system will deliver the maximum possible work
    as it undergoes a reversible process from the
    specified initial state to the state of its
    environment, that is, the dead state.
  • The exergy of heat supplied by thermal energy
    reservoirs is equivalent to the work output of a
    Carnot heat engine operating between the
    reservoir and the environment.

  • Exergy (Work Potential) Associated with Kinetic
    and Potential Energy
  • The work potential or exergy of the kinetic
    energy of a system is equal to the kinetic energy
    itself regardless of the temperature and pressure
    of the environment.
  • The exergy of the potential energy of a system is
    equal to the potential energy itself regardless
    of the temperature and pressure of the

  • Example 1 A windmill with 12 m diameter rotor as
    shown in fig. is to be installed at a location
    where the wind is blowing steadily at an average
    velocity of 10m/s. Determine the maximum power
    that can be generated by the windmill.

  • The work done by work-producing devices is not
    always entirely in a usable form.
  • For example, when a gas in a piston-cylinder
    device expands, part of the work done by the gas
    is used to push the atmospheric air out of the
    way of the piston.

  • The difference between the actual work W and the
    surroundings work Wsurr is called useful work Wu
  • The work done Wsurr by or against the atmospheric
    pressure has significance only for systems whose
    volume changes during the process (i.e., systems
    that involve moving boundary work.)

  • Work done Wsurr by or against atmospheric
    pressure has no significance for cyclic devices
    and systems whose boundaries remain fixed during
    a process such as rigid tanks and steady-flow
    devices (turbines, compressors, nozzles, heat
    exchangers, etc.)

  • Reversible work Wrev. is defined as the maximum
    amount of useful work that can be produced as a
    system undergoes a process between the specified
    initial and final states.
  • The useful work output obtained when the process
    between the initial and final states is executed
    in a totally reversible manner.

  • The difference between the reversible work Wrev
    and the useful work Wu is due to the
    irreversibilities present during the process and
    is called irreversibility I.
  • It is equivalent to the exergy destroyed and is
    expressed as
  • Where Sgen is the entropy generated during the

  • For a totally reversible process, the useful and
    reversible work terms are identical and thus
    exergy destruction is zero.
  • Irreverisbility can be viewed as the wasted work
    potential or the lost opportunity to do work.
  • The smaller the irreversibility associated with a
    process, the greater the work that will be
  • The performance of a system can be improved by
    minimizing the irreversibility associated with it.

  • Example A heat engine receives heat from a
    source at 1200 K at a rate of 500 kJ/s and
    rejects the waste heat to a medium at 300 K. The
    power output of the heat engine is 180 kW.
    Determine the reversible power and the
    irreversibility rate for this process.

  • Example A 500 kg iron block shown in fig. is
    initially at 200OC and is allowed to cool to 27OC
    by transferring heat to the surrounding air at
    27OC. Determine the reversible work and the
    irreversibility for this process.

  • Second-Law Efficiency
  • The second-law efficiency is a measure of the
    performance under reversible conditions for the
    same end states and is given by
  • For Heat engines and the work-producing devices

  • For refrigerators, heat pumps and other
    work-consuming devices. The second law efficiency
    is expressed as
  • In general, the second law efficiency is
    expressed as

  • Example A dealer advertises that he has just
    received a shipment of electric resistance
    heaters for residential buildings that have an
    efficiency of 100, as shown in fig. Assuming an
    indoor temperature of 21OC and outdoor
    temperature of 10OC, determine the second law
    efficiency of the heaters

  • The exergies of a fixed mass (nonflow exergy) and
    of a flow stream are expressed as
  • Flow exergy

  • The exergy change of a fixed mass or fluid stream
    as it undergoes a process from state 1 to state 2
    is given by
  • Nonflow exergy or exergy of fixed mass
  • Flow exergy

  • Example A 200m3 rigid tank contains compressed
    air at 1 MPa and 300K. Determine how much work
    can be obtained from this air if the environment
    conditions are 100 kPa and 300 K.
  • The mass of air in the tank is
  • The exergy content of the compressed air

  • Example Refrigerant 134a is to be compressed
    from 0.14 MPa and -10OC to 0.8 MPa and 50OC
    steadily by a compressor. Taking the environment
    conditions to be 20OC and 95kPa, determine the
    exergy change of the refrigerant during this
    process and the minimum work input that needs to
    be supplied to the compressor per unit mass of
    the refrigerant.
  • Inlet State
  • Exit State

  • The exergy change of the refrigerant during this
    compression process is determined as
  • Therefore, the exergy of the refrigerant will
    increase during compression by 37.9kJ/kg

  • Exergy can be transferred by heat, work and mass
  • Exergy transfer accompanied by heat, work and
    mass transfer are given as
  • Exergy transfer by heat

  • Exergy transfer by work
  • Exergy transfer by mass

Decrease of Exergy Principle
  • The exergy of an isolated system during a process
    always decreases or in the limiting cases of a
    reversible process, remains constant.
  • This is known as the decrease of exergy
    principle and is expressed as

Exergy Destruction
  • Irreversibilites always generate entropy, and
    anything that generates entropy always destroys
  • The exergy destroyed is proportional to the
    entropy generated and is expressed as
  • Exergy destroyed is a positive quantity for any
    actual process and becomes zero for a reversible
  • Exergy destroyed represents the lost work

Exergy Balance Closed Systems
  • The exergy change of a system during a process is
    equal to the difference between the net exergy
    transfer through the system boundary and the
    exergy destroyed within the system boundaries as
    a result of irreversibilities.
  • General form
  • Rate form

Exergy Balance Control Volume
  • The rate of exergy change within the control
    volume during a process is equal to the rate of
    net exergy transfer through the control volume
    boundary by heat, work and mass flow minus the
    rate of exergy destruction within the boundaries
    of the control volume
  • or
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