Title: Basic concepts (I)
1Basic concepts (I)
- How do you define energy?
2Energy definition related to physical forces
- Definition of energy in physics, energy is the
work that a force can or could do. - Forces are
- gravitational (due to interaction between mass
and energy concentrations) - electric (attraction and repulsion of charged
particles) - magnetic (attraction and repulsion of magnetic
objects) - chemical (driving chemical reactions
electro-magnetic) - nuclear (binding nuclei together or breaking
unstable apart) - mechanic (impact of one moving object on another)
3Force of Gravity
- On earth, we are constantly under the force of
gravity. What types of energy does gravity
produce? - Acceleration of falling objects
- Altitude and depth pressure gradients of the
atmosphere and the seas - Part of the fusion of the earths core
4Mechanical Force
- Mechanic forces are when one object hits another.
What type of energy does this produce? - Acceleration / deceleration of interacting
objects - Heat dissipation within the objects
- Change of shape of objects
5Electric magnetic forces
- Cause electrons to be attracted to nuclei in
atoms -gt basis for chemistry - Cause charges (electric current) to flow in
electric circuits -gt basis for energy used in
electronics, lights, appliances - Cause needle of compass to point north
6Energy definition, continued
- Energy is can also be inherent in a system,
without any forces acting on it. - Types of inherent energy are
- In a steadily moving particle ½ mass x velocity2
- In a mass mass x (speed of light)2 mc2
- In a body at a certain temperature (heat
capacity of body) x temperaturefor water, heat
capacity is, 1 calorie per gram per degree
Celsius or Kelvin - In a chemical compound
- 2 H2 O2 -gt 2 H2O , Â Enthalpy released -571.6
7Forms of energy
- Energy can take many forms
- kinetic (movement of a mass)
- electric, magnetic (movement of charges or
electromagnetic fields radiating) - Electricity
- Radiation (light)
- chemical (molecules with internal energy)
- heat (thermal) (statistical expression of
kinetic energy of many objects in a gas, liquid
or solid - or even radiation) - potential (water above a dam, a charge in an
electric potential or a battery) - Other examples?
8SI units for energy
- The SI unit of energy is a Joule 1 kgm2/s2 1
Newtonm (Newton is the unit of Force) - mass velocity 2
- mass g height (on earth, g 9.81 m/s2 )
- for an ideal gas cvkBT (cv 3/2 for a monatomic
gas) - Power is energy per time 1 Watt 1 Joule/s 1
kgm2/s3 - most commonly used in electricity, but also for
vehicles in horsepower (acceleration time)
9Other common energy units
11How to do energy conversions(quick reminder)
- Given E 5 kWh, what is value in MJ?
- From table, 1 kWh 3.6 MJ
- 5 kWh x (3.6 MJ / kWh) 18 MJ
- In other direction 5 MJ ? kWh
- 1 MJ 0.28 kWh
- 5 MJ x (0.28 kWh / MJ) 1.4 kWh
12Basic concepts (II)
13What is energy for?
How do you use energy?
- Examples of
- Kinetic
- Electro-magnetic
- Electricity
- Radiation (light)
- Chemical
- Potential
- Heat (thermal)
- ?
14Practical energy what is it for?
- Energy in daily life we use it to ...
- stay alive (food, oxygen chemical)
- move faster (transportation fuel chemical)
- keep warm (heating fuel chemical)
- almost everything else (keep cold, preserve food,
light and ventilate spaces, cook, run machines,
communicate, measure, store data, compute,...)
electricity - In industrial processes we use it to
- Extract (mechanical), refine (chemical),
synthesize (chemical), shape (heat, mechanical),
assemble (mechanical) produce
15Properties of energy
- In any process, energy can be transformed but is
always conserved - Fuel oxygen heat, light new compounds
- Moving objects collide heat work on objects
- Falling waterturbine electricity heat
16Basic concepts (III)
- Energy conversion, conversion efficiency
17Energy conversion
- Energy conversion from one type to another
- Examples
- Chemical to kinetic
- Chemical to electric
- Potential to electric
- Thermal to electric
- Chemical to thermal
- Radiation to chemical
- Radiation to electric
- Radiation to thermal
- Electric to thermal
- Electric to chemical
18Why is this important? Efficiency
- Output / Input
- Energy out / energy in for an energy conversion
process? - Energy out energy in , so not very useful
- Useful energy out / energy in
- Physical work / Heat content of fuel
- Electricity / physical work
- Food / Inputs to agriculture
19(No Transcript)
20Efficiencies (2)
21Efficiencies (3)
22More than one conversion process
- The total efficiency is the product of all
conversion efficiencies - Etotal E1 x E2 x E3 x E4 x E5 x E6 x
- Total losses can be (and are) tremendous
- Most losses are in the form of radiated heat,
heat exhaust - But can also be non-edible biomass or non-work
bodily functions (depending on final goal of
23Chain of conversion efficienciesLight bulb
Etotal E1 x E2 x E3 35 x 90 x 5 1.6
24Example 2 diesel irrigation
Losses t t t,r t,m
25Example 3 Drive power
26Example 4 living and eating
- Need 2500 kcal/day 10 MJ/day or 2kcal/min.
- 2200 for a woman, not pregnant or lactating, 2800
for a man (FAO). EU 3200 kcal/day. - Equivalent to 4.75 GJ/year vegetable calories in
a vegetarian diet (including 1/3 loss of food
between field and stomach) - Equivalent to 26.12 GJ/year vegetable calories in
a carnivorous diet (1/2 calories from meat) - Vegetarians are 5.5 times more efficient in terms
of vegetable calories.
27Efficiency of human-powered motion
28EU Energy Label
- A, B, C ratings for many common appliances
- Based on EU standard metrics for each appliance
- kWh / kg for laundry
- of reference appliance for refrigerators
29Importance of consumer behavior/lifestyle
- EU energy label vs. temperature of washing
30USA EnergyGuide label
- EnergyStar ratings exist, but are not A,B,C
grades - Instead, appliances have EnergyGuide labels
(usually without EnergyStar ratings)
31Basic concepts (IV)
- Thermodynamics and entropy
32Conservation, but
- Energy is ALWAYS conserved
- However, energy is not always useful dissipated
heat is usually not recoverable. - Useful energy is an anthropocentric concept in
physics from study of thermodynamics - Thermodynamics investigates statistical phenomena
(many particles, Avogadros number 61023)
energy conversion involving heat.
3331 laws of thermodynamics
- If systems A and B are in thermal equilibrium
with system C, A and B are in thermal equilibrium
with each other (definition of temperature). - Energy is always conserved.
- The entropy of an isolated system not at
equilibrium will tend to increase over time. - As temperature approaches absolute zero, the
entropy of a system approaches a constant.
34Paraphrases of 2 laws of thermodynamics
- You cant get something from nothing.
- You cant get something from something.
- You can't get anything without working for it.
The most you can accomplish is to break even. - You even can't break even.
- (economics) There is no such thing as a free
35History of thermodynamics (2nd law)
- Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (1796-1832)
- Theory of heat engines, reversibleCarnot
cycle 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906)
- Kinetic theory of gases (atomic)
- Mathematical expression of entropyas a function
of probability
- The entropy function S is defined as
- S kB log (W)
- kB Bolzmanns constant 1.38Â 10-23 Â
Joule/Kelvin - WWahrscheinlichkeit S possible states
- Increases with increasing disorder
- For instance
- vapor, water, ice
- expanding gas
- burning fuel
372nd law of thermodynamics
382nd law of thermodynamics
- Total entropy always increases with time.
- An isolated system can evolve, but only if its
entropy doesnt decrease. - A subsystems entropy can increase or decrease,
but the total entropy (including the subsystems
environment) cannot decrease. - R. Clausius (1865)
- Die Energie der Welt ist konstant.
- Die Entropie der Welt strebt einem Maximum
zu. - Notion of heat death of the universe
39Basic concepts (V)
- Applications of thermodynamics heat engines,
Carnot cycle, maximum and real efficiencies.
40Performance of energy conversion machines (Carnot
- Heat engine (cycle)
- Heat, cool engine fluid
- Diesel, internal combustion
- Reversible processes
- Entropy remains constant
- DSc - DSh
- Irreversible processes
- Real world
- Heat losses, no perfect insulator
- Heat leakage
- Pressure losses, friction
41The Carnot Cycle (the physics)
Ideal cycle between isotherms (Tconstant) and
adiabats (S constant). dE dW - dQ where
dW PdV dQ TdS Loop integral over dE 0.
The total work from one cycle of the engine is
The heat taken from the warm reservoir is
theoretical maximal for heat engine.
The efficiency is
42Common types of heat engines
- Rankine cycle stationary power system (power
plant for generating electricity from fossil
fuels or nuclear fission), efficiency around 30 - Brayton cycle improvement on Rankine to reduce
degradation of materials at high temperature
(natural gas and oil power plants), efficiencies
of 28 - Combined Rankine-Brayton cycle for natural gas
only, efficiencies of 60! - Otto cycle internal combustion engine, electric
spark ignition, efficiency around 30 - Diesel cycle internal combustion engine,
compression ignition (more efficient than Otto if
compression ratio is higher), efficiency around
43Comparison of heat engines
44Coal power plant
Typical generating capacity 500 MW 250 tonnes of
coal per hour
45Other types of power generation
- Not based on heat (fossil combustibles or
nuclear) - Use various types of energy (guess which?)
- Hydraulic power gravitational energy of water
- Wind power kinetic energy of air
- Solar power radiation from sun
46Wind power
- Power 0.47 x h x D2 x v3 Watts
- h efficiency 30 (59 theoretical maximum)
- D Diameter (40 meters)
- v wind speed (13 m/s)
- P 500 kW
47Hydroelectricity (hydro)
- Uses difference in potential gravitational energy
of water above and below dam - E m x g x D h m x D v2 / 2
- P h x r x g x D h x (flow in m3/s)
- r is the density of water 1000 kg /m3
- Efficiency h can be close to 90
D h
48Power plant fuel cell efficiencies
Source Miroslav Havranek, 2007
49Energy, entropy and economy some history
- Austrian Eduard Sacher (1834-1903) Grundzüge
einer Mechanik des Gesellschaft economies try
to win energy from nature, correlates stages of
cultural progress with energy consumption. - Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932) Vergeute keine
Energie, verwerte Sie! concerns due to rising
fuel demands and realization of thermodynamic
losses - Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) how long the natural
resources of energy of the globe will hold out,
distinguishes between energy flows in nature and
fossil fuels (spending interest vs. spending
50Basic concepts (VI)
- Georgescu-Roegen and entropy applied to the
economic system.
51Implications of entropy for economics
- Geogescu-Roegen (1906-1994), Romanian economist,
wrote The Entropy Law and the Economic Process in
1971. - Points out that economic processes are not
circular, but take low entropy (high quality
resources) as inputs and produce high entropy
emissions (degraded wastes). - Worries about CO2 emissions from fossil fuel
burning - Concludes that current entropy production is too
high, advocates solar input scale for global
52Georgescu-Roegen (1)
Le processus économique nest quune extension
de lévolution biologique et, par conséquent, les
problèmes les plus importants de léconomie
doivent être envisagés sous cet angle
Vision G-R, reprise par H. Daly et l'économie
Vision Brundtland 1987 du développement durable
53Georgescu-Roegen (2)
- la thermodynamique et la biologie sont les
flambeaux indispensables pour éclairer le
processus économique (...) la thermodynamique
parce quelle nous démontre que les ressources
naturelles sépuisent irrévocablement, la
biologie parce quelle nous révèle la vraie
nature du processus économique - 2 concepts clefs
- les ressources naturelles sépuisent
irrévocablement (thermodynamique) - la "vraie nature" du processus économique peut
être comprise à travers la biologie (surtout
l'analyse énergétique des écosystèmes)
54Georgescu-Roegen (3)
" Chaque fois que nous produisons une voiture,
nous détruisons irrévocablement une quantité de
basse entropie qui autrement, pourrait être
utilisée pour fabriquer une charrue ou une bêche.
Autrement dit, chaque fois que nous produisons
une voiture, nous le faisons au prix d'une baisse
du nombre de vies à venir." concepts clefs le
patrimoine limité de l'humanité en ressources
naturelles et donc la responsabilité envers les
générations suivantes The entropy law and the
economic process
55Georgescu-Roegen (1)
The economic process is nothing but an extension
of biological evolution. Therefore the most
important problems of the economy must be
considered through this lens.
G-Rs vision, taken up by H. Daly and ecological
Brundtlands 1987 vision of sustainable
56Georgescu-Roegen (2)
- () our whole economic life feeds on low
entropy, to wit, cloth, lumber, china, copper,
etc., all of which are highly ordered structures.
() production represents a deficit in entropy
terms it increases total entropy (). () After
the copper sheet has entered into the consumption
sector the automatic shuffling takes over the job
of gradually spreading its molecules to the four
winds. So the popular economic maxim you cannot
get something for nothing should be replaced by
you cannot get anything but at a far greater
cost in low entropy. - The entropy law and the economic process, p.
277-279 - key concepts
- Economic processes feed on low entropy, produce
high entropy - Concentrated natural resources are gradually
57 It is not the suns finite stock of energy
that sets a limit to how long the human species
may survive. Instead it is the meager stock of
the earths resources that constitutes the
crucial scarcity. First, the population may
increase. Second, for the same size of population
we may speed up the decumulation of natural
resources for satisfying man-made wants, usually
extravagant wants. The conclusion is
straightforward. If we stampede over details, we
can say that every baby born now means one human
life less in the future. But also every Cadillac
produced at any time means fewer lives in the
future. Key concepts Solar energy will still
be available in the future, however the quantity
(STOCK) of low entropy natural resources is
limited thus the responsibility to future
generations. The entropy law and the economic
process, p. 304
58Global entropy global population
- Meadows (1971) There are limits to economic and
physical growth of human societies. - Daly (1973) steady-state economy and population
is a goal, but at levels supported by organic
agriculture alone population probably lower than
today. Advocate of managed decline in population,
economic growth.
59Basic concepts (VII)
Origin of energy How do we get energy? Where
does it all come from? (not so
simple...) Energy system (primary, final,
useful, energy services)
60Origin of energy on earth
- Food? Solar (via photosynthesis)
- Oxygen? Solar (via photosynthesis)
- Wood for burning? Solar (via photosynthesis)
- Fossil fuels? Solar (via photosynthesis and
geological processes geothermal heating,
pressure) - Hydraulic or wind? Combination of solar and
earth's rotation (Coriolis effect) - Geothermal? Combination of nuclear fission and
gravitation. - Nuclear fission? Fossil supernova explosion
energy. - How do we compare such different sources?
61Energy chain
62Origin of nuclear energy supernova
- Nuclear fusion, powered by gravity, is the fuel
of stars. Fusion is only efficient up to iron
creation (nothing heavier). - Some heavy stars burn to iron, then implode under
the force of gravity. The shock wave is so strong
it creates heavier atoms.
63(No Transcript)
64Comparing energy types
- Primary energy energy initially extracted from
nature - Final energy transported, transformed,
converted, ready to use (electricity, gasoline,
bioethanol) - Useful energy used by final consumer (light,
heat, motion) - These concepts are mainly applicable to fossil
energy systems. - Three main types of primary energy fossil,
solar-based (renewable) and nuclear
65Including biomass
Source Haberl 2001
Also advocates an approach to energy accounting
similar to material flow analysis energy density
of all materials (and wastes) should be included.
- H. T. Odum
- Embodied (and/or Emergent) Energy
- Emergy is the available energy of one kind
previously used up directly and indirectly to
make a product or service. - Solar emergy for ecological systems.
- Refers to a process analysis in which the
material and energy flows are measured with
respect to a reference state - Can be done at a large regional or global level,
if reference state of materials is calculated
relative to their earth averages. - Exergy studied and concept promoted by Robert and
Leslie Ayres (many references).
68Calorific content gross net
- Gross calorific value include heat from exhaust
water (C H both burn with O, creating CO2
H2O) - Net calorific value exclude latent heat of water
vapor. - Difference
- Gross is 5-6 larger than net for solid liquid
fuels - Gross is 10 larger than net for natural gas.
- Worse if fuel is damp (has water trapped inside
- International Energy Agency compiles national
statistics (since 1960s for OECD and 1970s
non-OECD) - Available online at
- http//www.iea.org/Textbase/stats/index.asp
70Energy Services
Source Jochem et al 2000
71Energy system services scale
72What is missing?
Source Tester et al. 2005
73Example Driving a car 1 km
- Smart Average Jeep
- Useful energy displacement 0.5 MJ 0.9
MJ 1.3 MJof car by 1 km - Final Energy Gasoline/diesel 1.7 MJ 2.9
MJ 4.5 MJconsumed by car - Primary Energy Extraction, 2.1 MJ 3.6
MJ 5.6 MJtransformation,transportation - (assuming 32 MJ/liter gasoline, 41 MJ/litre
diesel, engine 1/3 efficient, 25 losses primary
gt final)