Title: Psy280: Perception
1Psy280 Perception
- Prof. Anderson
- Department of Psychology
- Vision 7
- Motion
2Optional papers QuALMRI
- Question/hypothesis
- Alternative
- Logic
- Method
- Results
- Inferences
- Detailed description on website
3Motion Frames of reference
- What does the term "at rest" mean?
- Can you cite an example of an object at rest?
- Is the room at rest?
- Room has at least three types of motion
- Motion due to earth 24000 miles / 24 hours
1000 miles/hr - Earth circles the sun2 pi 93,000,000 miles /
8760 hours 66700 miles/hr - Sun circles the galaxy (30,000 light year r)
every 1 / 4 billion years 1.76 x 1017 miles /
2.19 x 1012 hr 80400 miles/ hr - Is there anything that is not moving?
- Must be careful about our description of motion
- Moving relative to what reference frame?
4Animism Worshiping the light
- Divides living organisms
- Animals vs plants
- Capacity for voluntary movement
- vs phototropism
- Co-evolution
- Organisms that move
- Evolution of a capacity to sense movement
5Invisible motion Morning glory
- 5 AM to 7PM
- Open in morning
- Pollination by diurnal insect
- Dies in afternoon
- Motion too slow to notice even dramatic change
- Our visual system are tuned to events that move
more quickly - E.g., Animals (fast) not plants (slow)
6Motion and change detection
- Visual motion is sensing change in retinal image
(sort of) - As duration between changes increases perception
of motion decreases - Motion is a perceptual adaptation for detection
of change, otherwise invisible to the eye
Can tell difference across time
Cant tell difference across space
7Motion and the retinal image
- Change in image intensity (luminance) over time
- Dark to light
- Light to dark
Difference image
8Illusory movementApparent motion
- Luminance change
- No physical continuity
- Infer motion where none is present
- Critical temporal/spatial parameters
- Simultaneous flicker
- lt10 ms interval
- Perceive 2 events
- Motion
- 60 ms interval
- Perceive 1 event
9Not just simple luminance change 2nd order motion
- First-order motion
- Change in luminance boundary
- Luminance change doesnt explain all motion
- Second-order motion
- Motion but no luminance boundary
- Not net luminance change
- Object disappears when motion stops
10Second order motionIllusory shapes and motion
- No luminance boundary for low-level motion
detectors to use - Motion perception must rely on other
top-down/higher-order influences - Simple luminance based motion detectors cant
explain all of motion perception
11Simple luminance detectors wont do The aperture
- Narrow view of world through small receptive
fields (RF) - Ambiguity of direction of motion
- Need additional info for accurate motion sensing
- Edges or texture
12The aperture problem
- Looking at motion through the window of one
neuron - RF represents horizontal motion
- Global scene has different motion
- Local computations dont necessarily explain
motion - Need to share information across neurons
Perceived motion
13Motion perception More than the sum of its parts
- The underlying mechanism involves signals at
different retinal locations being integrated to
arrive at global motion signals
14Motion integration at the same retinal location
- First order low-level motion detectors
- Respond to each component of motion (horizontal
and vertical) - Motion integration
- Dont perceive either
- Create common directional signal
- Like force vectors
- Down left moving plaid
15Motion detection as an opponent process
- Like colour vision Red-green, blue-yellow
- Motion
- Up-down
- Left-right
- Spiral in-out
- Enhances motion contrast
16Motion after effect
- Reversing waterfall
- Fatigue your direction sensitive neurons
- See opposite motion where there is none
- Explanation
- No motion
- Direction selective cells produce equal responses
- No longer equally oppose each other
- E.g., Adapt to redgtperceive green
17Spiral motion after effect Disfiguring Brad
- Fatigue neurons representing radial expansion
- Induces radial contraction due to lessened
inhibitory influence - Motion (perception) is a perceptual/neural
process, not necessarily a property of the world
(object movement)!
18Direction repulsion Lateral inhibitory
influences in motion
- Vertical and 45
- degree movement
- Interact to enlarge directional disparity
- Evidence of lateral inhibitory interactions
between motion detectors - Enhancement of directional contrast
- Motion mach bands
19Perceptual organization Structure from motion
- Motion perception not used just to assess
stimulus movement - Can define objects
- Laws of organization
- Common fate
- Things that move together belong to same object
- A camouflaged animal is difficult to see until it
moves - Not just knowledge based
- Can see novel objects
20Structure from motion Kinetic depth
- Can define depth
- What motion cues define depth?
- Parallax
- Differing dot velocity
- Track single dot
- See velocity change
- Infer depth from motion
21Kinetic depth Shadow motion
- Moving shadows are also strong cue for depth
change - Heuristic
- Ambiguous info
- Shadow might reflect light source movement
- Assume light source is constant
- Sun doesnt move that fast
22Experience and motion perception Biological
- Dot walkers
- We each have our own motion signature
- Recognition by motion
- Experience influences motion perception
23Motion from structure
- Not only can motion induce shape perception
- Shape can induce motion perception
- Top-down influences
- FFA/IT gt MT
24Motion from structure
- Not only can motion induce shape perception
- Shape can induce motion perception
- Top-down influences
- FFA/IT gt MT
25How does the brain represent motion?
26V1 Simple motion detectors
- Directionally selective
- E.g., right ward and up
- Small receptive fields
- Local not global motion
- Thus, respond to components of a plaid, not
perceived direction - Higher level info must override V1 simple motion
27Designing a directionally selective V1 neuron
- Temporal component
- Built in delays
- Neuron to neuron communication takes time
- Timing of inhibition is critical
- Results in neuron liking right to left motion
- Not left to right
Delayed inhibition
28The brains motion eye Area MT (V5)
- Middle temporal area (MT)
- Dorsal stream
- 90 of cells are directionally selective
- Organized in directional columns
- Like V1 orientation or IT shape columns
- Stimulation of column increases directional
motion perception - 100 times larger than V1 RFs
- Wide view of world
- Good for composite motion
Human MT
29MT motion processingRandom dot stimuli
- How do we know MT supports motion perception?
- 0, 30, and 100 coherence
- Use to determine monkey/human detection of
directional motion
30Psychophysical and neural motion response profiles
- Neurons response relate to perceptual experience
of motion? - MT neuron firing rate parallels perception
Neuron and observer motion detection
Random dots
31Stimulation of MT and motion
- Neurons response correlated with perceptual
experience of motion - Causally related?
- Stimulation of MT increases propensity to
perceive motion in certain direction
Proportion seen right directed motion
32After MT Increasing complexity/specificity
- Medial superior temporal (MST)
- More specific patterns
- Expansion/
- contraction
- Superior temporal sulcus (STS)
- Biological motion
- Higherarchical organization and sepcificity
coding extends to motion
Neuron 1
Neuron 2
33Keeping the world still
- Given examples of motion w/out retinal change
- E.g., motion after effects
- What about retinal change w/out motion?
- Eyes constantly make small fast movements
- Remember World fades without these movements
- Why doesnt world appear to shake?
- Would get pretty nauseating
- Vision needs to correct for eye movements
- How does it do it?
34Corollary discharge theory
- Integration of retinal stimulation and eye
movements - Use motor signals to stabilize vision
- Head movement
- Eye movement
- How about movement without motor signal?
- (keep one eye closed) Push your open eye. Gently
please! - World moves!
35Corollary discharge theory
- 3 signals
- Motor (MS)
- Image movement (IMS)
- Corollary discharge (CDS)
- Comparator (c)
- Eye (IMS) and motor signals (MS) need to be
compared - CDS is a copy of motor signal
- CDS and IMS cancel each other
- When both are present no signal sent to visual
cortex - gt No perception of motion
Motor cortex
Visual cortex
36Corollary discharge theory
- Anytime CDS and IMS dont co-occur gt perceive
motion - IMS alone gt perceive motion
- Veridical movement
- Eyes still, stimulus moves
- Illusory movement
- Pushing your eye
- Move image on retina
- w/out MS/CDS
- This theory makes interesting predictions
- CDS alone should also result in motion
37CDS Moving after images!
- CDS without IMS
- Doesnt often happen
- No canceling of IMS and CDS
- Should result in motion perception
- After images
- No IMS
- Fatigued photoreceptors result in stationary
stimulus - MS/CDS without IMS
- After images move
38CDS alone results in motion perception
- Track a flying bird
- No IMS, stabilized on retina
- MS/CDS without IMS
- CDS activates motion perception in cortex
- Paralyze eye muscles
- Can send MS but no eye movement
- MS/CDS without IMS
- Stationary events appear to move
39Real movement neurons
- Higher order cortical neurons (e.g. V3)
- Bar moves through RF
- Move bar
- Move eyes
- Retinal stimulation held constant
- Respond most when not moving eyes
Real movement neuron
40The End