Wave Nature of Light - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wave Nature of Light


Wave Nature of Light ... DeBroglie purposed that if light can behave as particles (photons) then electrons can act as waves (wave-particle duality). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wave Nature of Light

Wave Nature of Light
  • Light travels through space as a wave.
  • There are 2 primary characteristics of waves that
    interest us
  • Wavelength (?) the distance between two
    consecutive crests or troughs.
  • most often in nm
  • Frequency (v or f) the number of wave cycles
    that pass a given point in a unit of time
    (usually per second). Once cycle per second 1

c ? ? c the speed of light, 3.00 x 108
m/s ? in meters ? reciprocal seconds
Wave Characteristics
Example 6.1
  • The red light associated with the aurora borealis
    is emitted by excited (high energy) oxygen atoms
    at 630.0 nm. What is the frequency of the light.
  • Ans 4.759 x 1014 Hz

Particle Nature of Light
  • Photons a stream of particles that give off
    energy in the form of light.
  • E photon h? ? E atom (1 mole)
  • ? E h? hc/?
  • h plancks constant, 6.626 x 10-34 J s
  • c speed of light, 3.00 x 108 m/s

Electromagnetic Spectrum
Example 6.2
  • Referring back to example 1 calculate
  • The energy in joules, of a photon emitted by an
    excited oxygen atom.
  • Ans 3.153 x 1019 J/mole
  • The energy, in kJ, in a mole of such photons.
  • Ans 1.899 x 102 kJ/photons

Atomic Spectra
  • Atomic spectra give discrete lines given off at
    specific wavelengths.
  • The fact that photons making up atomic spectra
    have only certain discrete wavelengths implies
    that they can have only certain discrete energies
    because these photons are produced when an
    electron moves from one energy level to the next.

These series appear in different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Line Emission Spectra
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  • There are three points to be made with the Bohr
  • Bohr designated zero energy as the point at
    which the proton and electron are completely
  • Ordinarily the hydrogen electron is in its lowest
    energy state, referred to as the ground state
    (n1). When an electron absorbs enough energy, it
    moves to a higher, excited state. For hydrogen,
    the first excited state is n2, then n3.
  • When an excited electron drops back to its lower
    energy state it gives off energy as a photon of

The Rydberg Equation
  • Bohr derived the following equation in applying
    his model to the hydrogen atom
  • v RH 1 1__
  • h (nlo)2 (nhi)2
  • RH Rydbergs constant 2.18 x 10-18 J
  • Balmer series when an electron jumps down to n2
    from n3,4,5..
  • Lyman series when an electron jumps down to n1
    from n2,3,4,.

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Example 6.3
  • Calculate the wavelength, in nm, fo the line in
    the Balmer series that results from the
    transition when the electron is in n4.
  • Ans 486.0 nm

  • Bohrs model was flawed. We cannot assume that
    electrons move about in specified orbitals.
  • DeBroglie purposed that if light can behave as
    particles (photons) then electrons can act as
    waves (wave-particle duality).
  • This led to wave mechanics and the quantum
    mechanical model of the atom. This differs from
    the Bohr model, mainly, in that
  • The kinetic energy of an electron is inversely
    related to the volume of the region to which it
    is confined.
  • It is impossible to specify the precise position
    of an electron in an atom at a given instant.

DeBroglie Table of Wavelengths
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Electron Configuration
  • Energy Levels (1-7) looking at the periodic
    table you can tell how many energy levels an atom
    has by looking at the period the electron is in.
  • Sublevels (s,p,d,f) looking at the periodic
    table you can tell sublevels based on the 4
    blocks the periodic table is broken up into.
  • Orbitals (3-D orientations)
  • s_, p _ _ _, d _ _ _ _ _, f _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Examples of Electron Configuration
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Orbital Occupancy for first 10 elements.
Predicting Electron Configuration
  • Some rules to follow when predicting electron
  • Start at lowest energy level possible (hydrogen).
  • Follow atomic numbers when filling.
  • Use arrows to represent electrons up arrows
    fill first.

Rules to know by name.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle
  • no 2 electrons in an atom may have the same set
    of quantum numbers.
  • Hunds Rule
  • When several orbitals of equal energy are
    available, as in a given sublevel, electrons
    enter singly with parallel spins (up arrows
  • Aufbau Principle
  • The principle postulates a hypothetical process
    in which an atom is "built up" by progressively
    adding electrons. As they are added, they assume
    their most stable conditions with respect to the
    nucleus and those electrons already there (lowest
    energy level first).

Electron Arrangement in Ions
  • Transition metal cations to the right of the
    scandium group do not form ions with noble-gas
    configurations (like most main group elements),
    they would have to lose four or more electrons to
    do so. In transition metals the outer s-electrons
    are usually lost first to form positive ions.
  • For example Mn
  • Mn2
  • In ions like Fe, electrons will be lost from 4s
    first then the 3d. This is usually referred to as
    the first in, first out rule.

Example of Fe3 Ion
Electron energy levels in order of increasing
energy (pg 142).
Example 6.6 6.9
  • Find the electron configuration of iodine,
    sulfur, iron, copper, and chromium.
  • Find the electron configuration for Fe2 and Br1-
  • Show the configuration
  • Write the abbreviated notation

  • Paramagnetic If there are unpaired electrons
    present the solid will be attracted into the
  • Diamagnetic If the atoms in the solid contain
    only paired electrons it is slightly repelled by
    the field.

Quantum Numbers
  • The principal quantum number
  • Symbolized by n, basically the energy level the
    electron is in.
  • The orbital quantum number
  • Symbolized by l, basically represents the
    sublevel the electron is in s,p,d, or f.
  • values for l s 0, p l 1, d l 2, f l
  • The letters s,p,d, and f come from the
    adjectives used to describe spectral lines
    sharp, principal, diffuse, fundamental.
  • The magnetic quantum number
  • Symbolized by m l, this determines the direction
    in space of the electron cloud surrounding the
  • All of the orbitals in a sublevel have the same
  • s __ p __ __ __ d __ __ __ __ __ f
    __ __ __ __ __ __ __
  • The spin quantum number
  • Symbolized by ms, this represents the electron
  • ms can equal 1/2 (up arrow) or -1/2 (down arrow)

  • Give the quantum numbers for the outermost
    electron in neon, copper, and barium.

Example 6.4 6.5
  • Consider the following set of quantum numbers,
    which ones could not occur
  • (a) 3,1,0,1/2
  • (b) 1,1,0,-1/2
  • (c) 2,0,0, ½
  • (d) 4,3,2,1/2
  • (e) 2,1,0,0

Periodic Trends
  • The Periodic Law The chemical and physical
    properties of elements are a periodic function of
    atomic number.
  • Specific trends occur because of this
  • Atomic Radius
  • Ion Radius
  • Ionization Energy
  • Electronegativity

Atomic Radius
  • One half the distance of closest approach between
    atoms in an elemental substance. Basically from
    the center of the nucleus of an atom to its
    outermost electrons.
  • Decreases across a period from left to right on
    the periodic table
  • Increases down a group on the periodic table

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Ionic Radius
  • Positive ions are smaller than the metal atoms
    from which they are formed
  • Negative ions are larger than the nonmetal atoms
    from which they are formed

Ionization Energy
  • The energy required to remove an electron from
    its outermost shell.
  • There can be a first, second, third, and so on
    ionization energy.
  • For example, in Magnesium 2 there is a large
    jump in ionization energy from the 2nd to 3rd
    ionization energies. Why?
  • Increases across the periodic table from left to
  • Decreases down the periodic table
  • Noble gases generally have the highest
    ionization energies except when compared to
    fluorine. There are several exceptions to the
    trend (reference the textbook table of IEs).

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Ionization Energies for Be
Electron Affinity Electronegativity
  • Electron Affinity is the actual energy change
    associated with the gaining of an electron.
  • Electronegativity is he ability to attract an
  • Increases across the periodic table from left to
    right fluorine is the most electronegative
  • Decreases down the periodic table
  • There are a few exceptions to this trend you
    must know them.
  • Noble gases essentially (Kr and Xe are an
    exception) have no electronegativities.

MC 1
  • Use these answers for questions 1 - 3.
  • (A) O(B) La(C) Rb(D) Mg(E) N
  • 1. What is the most electronegative element of
    the above?
  • 2. Which element exhibits the greatest number of
    different oxidation states?
  • 3. Which of the elements above has the smallest
    ionic radius for its most commonly found ion?

MC 2
  • Use these answers for questions 1-4
  • (A) Heisenberg uncertainty principle(B) Pauli
    exclusion principle(C) Hund's rule (principle of
    maximum multiplicity)(D) Shielding effect(E)
    Wave nature of matter
  • 1. Can be used to predict that a gaseous carbon
    atom in its ground state is paramagnetic
  • 2. Explains the experimental phenomenon of
    electron diffraction
  • 3. Indicates that an atomic orbital can hold no
    more than two electrons
  • 4. Predicts that it is impossible to determine
    simultaneously the exact position and the exact
    velocity of an electron

MC 3
  • 1s22s22p63s23p3
  • Atoms of an element, X, have the electronic
    configuration shown above. The compound most
    likely formed with magnesium, Mg, is
  • (A) MgX(B) Mg2X(C) MgX2(D) MgX3(E) Mg3X2

MC 4
  • Which of the following represents the ground
    state electron configuration for the Mn3 ion?
    (Atomic number Mn 25)
  • (A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d4(B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
    3p6 3d5 4s2(C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2(D)
    1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d8 4s2(E) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
    3p6 3d3 4s1

MC 5
  • One of the outermost electrons in a strontium
    atom in the ground state can be described by
    which of the following sets of four quantum
  • (A) 5, 2, 0, 1/2(B) 5, 1, 1, 1/2(C) 5, 1, 0,
    1/2(D) 5, 0, 1, 1/2(E) 5, 0, 0, 1/2

MC 6
  • The elements in which of the following have most
    nearly the same atomic radius?
  • (A) Be, B, C, N(B) Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe(C) Mg, Ca,
    Sr, Ba(D) C, P, Se, I(E) Cr, Mn, Fe, Co

MC 7
  • Ca, V, Co, Zn, As
  • Gaseous atoms of which of the elements above are
  • (A) Ca and As only(B) Zn and As only(C) Ca, V,
    and Co only(D) V, Co, and As only(E) V, Co, and
    Zn only

  • (a) A major line in the emission spectrum of neon
    corresponds to a frequency of 4.34?1014 s-1.
    Calculate the wavelength, in nanometers, of light
    that corresponds to this line.
  • (b) In the upper atmosphere, ozone molecules
    decompose as they absorb ultraviolet (UV)
    radiation, as shown by the equation below. Ozone
    serves to block harmful ultraviolet radiation
    that comes from the Sun.
  • O3 (g) ? O2 (g) O (g)
  • A molecule of O3 (g) absorbs a photon with a
    frequency of 1.00?1015 s-1.
  • (i) How much energy, in joules, does the O3(g)
    molecule absorb per photon?
  • (ii) The minimum energy needed to break an
    oxygen-oxygen bond in ozone is 387 kJ mol-1. Does
    a photon with a frequency of 1.00?1015 s-1 have
    enough energy to break this bond? Support your
    answer with a calculation.

  • Discuss some differences in physical and chemical
    properties of metals and nonmetals. What
    characteristic of the electronic configurations
    of atoms distinguishes metals from nonmetals? On
    the basis of this characteristic, explain why
    there are many more metals than nonmetals.

  • Use the details of modern atomic theory to
    explain each of the following experimental
  • (a) Within a family such as the alkali metals,
    the ionic radius increases as the atomic number
  • (b) The radius of the chlorine atom is smaller
    than the radius of the chloride ion, Cl-. (Radii
    Cl atom 0.99Å Cl- ion 1.81 Å)
  • (c) The first ionization energy of aluminum is
    lower than the first ionization energy of
    magnesium. (First ionization energies 12Mg 7.6
    ev 13Al 6.0 ev)
  • (d) For magnesium, the difference between the
    second and third ionization energies is much
    larger than the difference between the first and
    second ionization energies. (Ionization energies
    for Mg 1st 7.6 ev 2nd 14 ev 3rd 80 ev)

  • The elements are numbered randomly. Use the
    information in the table to answer the following
  • (a) Which element is most metallic in character?
    Explain your reasoning.
  • (b) Identify element 3. Explain your reasoning.
  • (c) Write the complete electron configuration for
    an atom of element 3.
  • (d) What is the expected oxidation state for the
    most common ion of element 2?
  • (e) What is the chemical symbol for element 2?
  • (f) A neutral atom of which of the four elements
    has the smallest radius?

1st IE kJ mol-1 2nd IE kJ mol-1 3rd IE kJ mol-1
Element 1 1,251 2,300 3,820
Element 2 496 4,560 6,910
Element 3 738 1,450 7,730
Element 4 1,000 2,250 3,360
  • (a) Write the ground state electron configuration
    for an arsenic atom, showing the number of
    electrons in each subshell.
  • (b) Give one permissible set of four quantum
    numbers for each of the outermost electrons in a
    single As atom when it is in its ground state.
  • (c) Is an isolated arsenic atom in the ground
    state paramagnetic or diamagnetic? Explain
  • (d) Explain how the electron configuration of the
    arsenic atom in the ground state is consistent
    with the existence of the following known
    compounds Na3As, AsCl3, and AsF5.

Equations 1 (reaction prediction)
  • (a) Chlorine gas, an oxidizing agent, is bubbled
    into a solution of potassium bromide at 25C.
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) What state(s) of matter will be present at
    the end of the reaction.
  • (b) Solid strontium hydroxide is added to a
    solution of nitric acid.
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) How many moles of strontium hydroxide would
    react completely with 500. mL of 0.40 M nitric
  • (c) A solution of barium chloride is added drop
    by drop to a solution of sodium carbonate,
    causing a precipitate to form.
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) What color if any will the precipitate have?

Equations 2
  • (a) A barium nitrate solution and a potassium
    fluoride solution are combined and a precipitate
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) If equimolar amounts of barium nitrate and
    potassium fluoride are combined, which reactant,
    if any, is the limiting reactant? Explain.
  • (b) A piece of cadmium metal is oxidized by
    adding it to a solution of copper(II) chloride.
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) List two visible changes that would occur
    in the reaction container as the reaction is
  • (c) A hydrolysis reaction occurs when solid
    sodium sulfide is added to distilled water.
  • (i) Balanced equation
  • (ii) Indicate whether the pH of the resulting
    solution is less than 7, equal to 7, or greater
    than 7. Explain.

  • (Silberberg, Martin S.. Chemistry The Molecular
    Nature of Matter and Change, 5th Edition.
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