1Meet the Regulator
Broadband Deployment Rebecca Dorch,
Deputy Chief FCC Office of Engineering and
Technology Cable Open Access
Robert Cannon FCC Office of Plans Policy
Network Reliability P.J. Aduskevicz ATT FCC
Network Reliability Interoperability Council
Wireless Developments Dale Hatfield, Chief FCC
Office of Engineering and Technology
2Standard Disclaimer
The views expressed are my own and do not
necessarily represent those of the FCC, any
Commissioner, or my dog.
3Cable Open Access
- Robert Cannon
- Senior Counsel for Internet Issues
- Federal Communications Commission
- Restraint but monitoring
- Sec. 706 Report to Congress
- ATT Mergers
- AOL / TW (stayed pending FTC Outcome)
- Internet Ventures Petition - leased access
channels - Briefs in federal court
- Ch. Kennard announces FCC proceeding (June 2000)
6FCC Computer Inquiries
- 1966 Dependence of Computer Networks on Telecom
Networks - Computer Networks Highly competitive and
innovative - Telecom Networks Monopoly, bottleneck to
computer networks - Result
- Computer networks (enhance services, ie., ISPs)
Unregulated - Telecom (basic) Open Platform, safeguards to
protect against discrimination and cross
subsidization, required unbundling of transport
from enhancement
7Federal Courts
- 9th Circuit (Portland) Its telecom service
info service (i.e., Computer Inquiries) - 4th Circuit (Henrico) Its cable service
- 11th Circuit (Pole Attachments) Its neither
8The Present
9Notice of Inquiry
- In the Matter of Inquiry Concerning High-Speed
Access to the Internet Over Cable and Other
Facilities - NOI?
- Results?
10Definition Open Access
- The ability of consumers to choose the ISP of
their choice . . . Enabling consumers and their
chosen ISP to reach each other requires that ISPs
not chosen by the cable company have the ability
to purchase, on a nondiscriminatory basis, the
use of last mile communications facilities to
reach consumers who are requesting their
service. - OpenNet
11What Model?
- Cable is affiliated with one ISP and must use
that ISP - Cable is affiliated with no ISPs
- Cable is affiliated with a preferred ISP that
manages network but consumer has choice of
multiple ISPs
12What is it?!?
- Telecom?
- Telecom Service?
- Information Service?
- Advanced Service (Sec. 706)?
- Cable?
- Other?
13Open Access
HTML Telephony Mail Real HTTP
Enhanced / Information Service
ATM Frame Relay PPP Ethernet
Basic Telecom
Cable? Telecom
- If Telecom, Then ?
- Universal Service
- Disability access
- Access Charges
- Interconnection
- Computer II Unbundling requirement
- See USTA Petition that cable pay universal
service fees.
15Policy Considerations
- What are the benefits of a competitive ISP
market? - What market forces are at play?
- What are the technical or operational Issues?
16Policy Considerations
- How do you make this work and not repeat the
telecom wars? - What action should the FCC take?
- Forebearance?
- Deference to market forces?
- Regulation?
- Regulation lite?
- GN Docket No. 00-185
- Deadlines
- Comments due Dec 1
- Replies due Jan 10, 2001
- Anyone can file. FCC must consider your views.
- Electronic Comment Filing System
- http//www.fcc.gov/e-file/ecfs.html
- Relevant Documents www.fcc.gov/broadband/
18Thank you!
- Robert Cannon
- Senior Counsel for Internet Issues
- FCC Office of Plans and Policy
- rcannon_at_fcc.gov
- 202-418-2421