Nontraditional Careers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nontraditional Careers


Title: Non Traditional Careers Author: David and Roberta Merrill Last modified by: Janie Torain Created Date: 1/10/2002 9:30:16 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nontraditional Careers

Nontraditional Careers
Definition of a Nontraditional Career
  • Any occupation in which women or men comprise 25
    percent or less of its total employment.

Why Nontraditional Careers?
  • In 2005, 22.4 percent of all female headed
    households with children under the age of 18
    lived in poverty.
  • For women, the need for better wages is
    imperative given the high poverty data regarding
    women and their families.
  • The need for workers across the nation exceeds
    the supply of trained workers available.

Median Earnings by Gender
Full Time Employees Full Time Employees Full Time Employees
Male Female
1989 27,331 18,769 (68)
1999 36,476 26,324 (72)
2006 38,636 31,000 (81)
Median Weekly Earnings
Chart 1. Median usual weekly earnings of
full-time wage and salary workers in constant
(2006) dollars by gender, 1979-2006 annual
Nontraditional Occupations for Men
Occupation Percent Male Annual Salary
Secretaries 3.1 39,160
Child Care Workers 5.8 18,820
Registered Nurses 8.7 59,730
Kindergarten Teachers 2.3 47,040
Bank Tellers 15.2 22,810
Social Workers 17.4 44,950
Bureau of Labor Statistics 2006
Nontraditional Occupations for Women
Occupation Percent Female Annual Salary
Automobile Mechanics 1.9 38,230
Airplane Pilots/Navigators 5.2 104,380
Construction Trades 3.6 29,930
Engineers 13.2 72,120
Electronic Technicians 20.2 50,840
Dentists 22.5 108,340
Architects 24.4 69,760
Bureau of Labor Statistics 2006
Mens and Womens Wages Compared in 2005
  • Average wages for occupations for full-time
    employed women.
  • 28,805
  • Study by National Womens Law
  • Average wages for occupations for full-time
    employed men.
  • 36,085

Distribution of wage/salary Employment by gender
and major occupational group
Chart 4. Distribution of full-time wage and
salary employment by gender and major occupation
group, 2006 annual averages
Percent distribution of employment by gender
The Facts
  • Both men and women will spend at least 30 to 40
    years in the workforce.
  • Women who pursue male-dominated careers earn 20
    to 30 percent more than those who hold jobs
    traditionally held by women.

The Facts
  • Most women are not able to be full time
  • There is increased job satisfaction when an
    individual does what they like rather than what
    is traditional.

Benefits of Nontraditional Jobs to Women
  • Economic self-sufficiency
  • Higher wages
  • Better benefits
  • Advancement potential
  • Job satisfaction
  • Broader job opportunities

Benefits of Nontraditional Jobs to Men
  • Fulfilling work
  • Opportunity for adventure
  • Broader job opportunities
  • Opportunity for advancement
  • Job satisfaction

Barriers to Females in Nontraditional Jobs
  • Social or cultural expectations
  • Lack of support from family, friends, teachers,
    classmates, or coworkers (harassment or
  • Limited prior experience
  • Education and training (lack of math and science
  • Females usually directed to traditional

Barriers to Males in Nontraditional Occupations
  • Social or cultural expectations
  • Lack of support from family, friend, teachers,
    classmates, and co-workers
  • Education and training (males usually directed
    away from traditional female occupations)
  • Salary (low)
  • Discrimination and harassment on the job

What Does This Mean?
  • Being able to choose an occupation without fear
    of harassment.
  • Having a spouse who can support the family alone
    if circumstances require it.
  • Encourage males and females to take
    nontraditional classes.
  • Encourage female enrollment in math and science.
  • Accept classmates and coworkers because of
    ability and not judge them by gender.

What can be done to increase these possibilities?
  • Partner with community organizations to promote
    nontraditional careers.
  • Teach students about nontraditional career
    options and teach them early in their education
  • Do not stereotype.

What can be done cont.
  • Check publications and visuals for gender bias
    statements and pictures.
  • Provide opportunities and encouragement in the
    communities and schools.
  • Train teachers and counselors about
    nontraditional issues and how to encourage
    students and teachers to become involved in these

What can be donecont.
  • Provide nontraditional role models.
  • Highlight nontraditional programs that are
  • Help students recognize their abilities.

Information for this presentation came
from?Tool Kit Handbook prepared by the
Multistate Academic and Vocational Curriculum
Consortium (MAVCC) ?US Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics?Articles from the
National Alliance for Partnerships in
Equity?Utah State Office of Education, Sherry
Marchant, Career Connections Specialist, Career
and Technical Education sherry.marchant_at_schools.
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