Title: Adipocytes and Leptin
1Adipocytes and Leptin
Leptin , makes you feel full, satisfied. You stop
2Hey brother! Did You Eat ALL the Cheese ?
3Other Hormones (Short Term)
- Peptide YY (PYY) This Hormone also initiates a
feeling of satiation. Released from ileum and
colon ( Satiation) - Grelin ( Secreted from parietal cells) Has
opposite effect. Tells us we are hungry ( usually
during cephalic phase) too much of this hormone
and we keep eating. Some obese have too much
4What are the other hormones?
- CCK cholecytokinin ( from the small Intestine)
teminates hunger - Insulin- terminates hunger
5What are PROTEINS?
- Proteins are the structural components of bones
and muscles. They also make up important
molecules (most) that make up your cell membranes
and blood, hormones and other instrumental
molecules that work biological systems. - Proteins are made up of smaller units called
amino acids. Twenty amino acids are found in
food. The body makes eleven nine must be
consumed and are essential.
6Structure of an Amino Acid
Amino group, carboxyl group, H-group and and
7Some Amino Acids
8Amino Acids Join Together
9A Polypeptide Chain The Beginning of a Protein
- ESSENTIAL Means you must consume these nutrient
in your diet. - 8 AMINO ACIDS are ESSENTIAL
- Complete Proteins contain all of the essential
amino acids Incomplete Proteins do not. Animal
proteins are complete.
11How Many Essential Amino Acids?
- There are Eight
- This means we can make the other 12 amino
- The UREA is mixed with salts and excess water to
form URINE our main nitrogenous wastes.
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- Carbohydrates supply energy to the brain, nervous
system, and blood as well as provide fuel for
high intensity exercise. If we do not consume
enough carbs we synthesize them from proteins, in
rare occurrences, when both are lacking,the body
breaks down the proteins in vital organs. - Simple carbs include sucrose, fructose, maltose,
lactose, all of which consist of two sugar
molecules. Complex carbs.discussed earlier.
18During Low Blood Sugar
- During, Glucagon is released by Low Blood Sugar
The Hormone the liver. This hormone converts
stored glycogen into glucose and raises blood
sugar. When you eat blood sugar will turn on
insulin and turn off glucagon.
19During High Blood Sugar (after a meal)
- Pancreas is stimulated to release insulin which
stimulates the cells to uptake glucose from
blood. - Insulin also converts Excess glucose to
glycogen(a polymer of glucose and thus a storage
form) in the liver.
20The Ideal Carbohydrate Complex and Unrefined
(Whole Grain)
- Complex Carbohydrate This is a carbohydrate
consisting of long chains (up to hundreds of
sugar units). It takes much longer to digest than
a short chain. - Ultimately ALL carbs are digested to glucose and
released into the bloodstream. Once this occurs
the pancreas releases the hormone insulin, which
allows cells to take up glucose and use it for
energy. The liver and muscle also take up
glucose to provide carbohydrate storage in the
form of glycogen. - The BEST Carbs are HIGH fiber ones. Whole grains
contain the inner layer of the germ a middle
layer of the endosperm, and an outer layer of
bran.much more fiber than processed refined
grains. We cant digest these layers of
cellulose as we do not possess the enzyme (cows
22- Hydrogenation of fats causes the cis formation
to go to trans of polyunsaturated fats. These
fats originally had several double bonds ..oil.
23Simple Calorimeter
- One Kilocalorie (our calorie) the amount of heat
it takes to raise the temperature of one liter of
water 1degree centigrade. - Fat 9/gr
- Protein4/gr
- Carb.4/gr
Calorimeter must be well insulated to be accurate
24Respiration in a Nutshell
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