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W.-T. Ni


Determining the dark energy equation of state from gravitational-wave (GW) observations of binary inspirals W.-T. Ni Department of Physics National Tsing Hua ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: W.-T. Ni

Determining the dark energy equation of state
from gravitational-wave (GW) observations of
binary inspirals
  • W.-T. Ni
  • Department of Physics
  • National Tsing Hua University, and
  • Shanghai United Center for Astrophysics
  • Shanghai Normal University
  • weitou_at_gmail.com

  • Introduction
  • Binaries
  • Classification of GWs and methods of detection
    (Modern Physics Letters A25, 922, 2010
  • ArXiv 1003.3899)
  • Ground and Space GW detectors
  • Dark energy equation of state
  • Outlook

  • No confirmed experimental evidence for dark
    matter except gravity deficiency (no confirmed
    positive results for ground and space
  • No confirmed evidence for deviation from general
    relativity with cosmological constants
  • Supernovae as distance standards has problems
  • No direct detection of GW (Only inspirals from GW
    radiation for binary pulsars Hulse-Taylor Nobel
    prize 1992)
  • However, we do expect to detect GW on earth in
  • And GW from supermassive binaries in space after
    2020 and experimental determining the dark energy

Determining the Hubble constant from
gravitational wave observationsBernard F.
SchutzNature 323, 310-311 (25 September 1986)
  • Rort here how gravitational wave observations can
    be used to determine the Hubble constant, H0.
  • The nearly monochromatic gravitational waves
    emitted by the decaying orbit of an
    ultracompact, twoneutronstar binary system
    just before the stars coalesce are very likely to
    be detected by the kilometresized
    interferometric gravitational wave antennas now
    being designed14.
  • The signal is easily identified and contains
    enough information to determine the absolute
    distance to the binary, independently of any
    assumptions about the masses of the stars.
  • Ten events out to 100 Mpc may suffice to measure
    the Hubble constant to 3 accuracy.
  • Now SPACE interferometers for Dark Energy

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Nearby sources and Cosmological sources
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LIGO instrumental sensitivity for science runs S1
(2002) to S5 (present) in units of
gravitational-wave strain per Hz1/2 as a function
of frequency
In addition to adLIGO and adVirgo, LCGT
construction started this year
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Complete GW Classificationhttp//astrod.wikispace
s.com/file/view/GW-classification.pdf (Modern
Physics Letters A 25 2010 pp. 922-935
arXiv1003.3899v1 astro-ph.CO)
  • Here performed a more careful analysis
  • by explicitly using the potential Planck CMB
    data as prior information for these other
  • Find that ET will be able to constrain w0 and wa
    with accuracies w0 0.096 and wa 0.296,
  • These results are compared with projected
    accuracies for the JDEM Baryon Acoustic
    Oscillations (BAO) project and the SNAP Type Ia
    supernovae (SNIa) observations.

More massive binaries, lower frequency detectors
Sensitivities of Ground and Space Interferometers
in one diagram
Massive Black Hole Systems Massive BH Mergers
Extreme Mass Ratio Mergers (EMRIs)
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LISA consists of a fleet of 3
spacecraft 20º behind earth in solar orbit
keeping a triangular configuration of nearly
equal sides (5 106 km). Mapping the space-time
outside super-massive black holes by measuring
the capture of compact objects set the LISA
requirement sensitivity between 10-2-10-3 Hz. To
measure the properties of massive black hole
binaries also requires good sensitivity down at
least to 10-4 Hz. (2020)
ASTROD-GW Mission Orbit
  • Considering the requirement for optimizing GW
    detection while keeping the armlength, mission
    orbit design uses nearly equal arms.
  • 3 S/C are near Sun-Earth Lagrange points
    L3?L4?L5,forming a nearly equilateral triangle
    with armlength 260 million km(1.732 AU).
  • 3 S/C ranging interferometrically to each other.

Weak-Light Phase Locking
  • To 2pW A.-C. Liao, W.-T. Ni and J.-T. Shy, On the
    study of weak-light phase-locking for laser
    astrodynamical missions, Publications of the
    Yunnan Observatory 2002, 88-100 (2002) IJMPD
  • To 40 fW G. J. Dick, M., D. Strekalov, K.
    Birnbaum, and N. Yu, IPN Progress Report 42-175

Time-delay interferometry for ASTROD-GW
  • Using Planetary Ephemeris to numerically
    calculate the various solutions of Dhurandhar,
    Vinet and Rajesh Nayak for time-delay
    interferometry of ASTROD-GW to estimate the
    residual laser noise and compare. (G. Wang and
    W.-T. Ni)
  • Second generation solution (Dhrandhar, Vinet and
  • (i) n1, ab, ba abba baab
  • (ii) n2, a2b2, b2a2 abab, baba
    ab2a, ba2b
  • (iii) n3, a3b3, b3a3, a2bab2, b2aba2,
    a2b2ab, b2a2ba,
  • a2b3a, b2a3b, aba2b2, bab2a2,
    ababab, bababa,
  • abab2a, baba2b, ab2a2b, ba2b2a,
    ab2aba, ba2bab,
  • ab3a2, ba3b2, lexicographic
    (binary) order

Numerical Results (Wang Ni)
a - b a, b
Numerical Results (Wang Ni)
ab, ba abba, baab
Massive Black Hole Systems Massive BH Mergers
Extreme Mass Ratio Mergers (EMRIs)
A candidate sub-parsec supermassive binary
blackhole system (Nature 2009)Todd A. Boroson
Tod R. Lauer
  • quasar SDSS J153636.221 044127.0 separated in
    velocity by 3,500 km/s.
  • A binary system of two black holes, having masses
    of 107.3 and 108.9 solar masses
  • Separated by 0.1 parsec with an orbital period of
    100 years.

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NANOGrav Science OpportunityExploring the
Very-Low-Frequency GW Spectrum (The North
American Nanohertz Observatory for GWs)
  • What is the nature of space and time? local
    spacetime metric is perturbed by the cumulative
    effect of gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by
    numerous massive black hole (MBH) binaries. the
    energy density of GWs?
  • How did structure form in the Universe? whether
    MBHs formed through accretion and/or merger
  • What is the structure of individual MBH binary
  • What contribution do cosmic strings make to the
    GW background ?
  • What currently unknown sources of GW exist in the
  • (Every time a new piece of the electromagnetic
    spectrum has been opened up to observations (e.g.
    radio, X-rays, and ?-rays), new and entirely
    unexpected classes of objects have been

NANOGrav and PTA expectations
BH Coevolution with galaxies
  • S. Sesana, A. Vecchio and C. N. Colacino, Mon.
    Not. R. Astron. Soc. 390, 192-209 (2008).
  • S. Sesana, A. Vecchio and M. Volonteri, Mon. Not.
    R. Astron. Soc. 394, 2255-2265 (2009).

Demorest et al white paper Summary
  • Given sufficient resources, we expect to detect
    GWs through the IPTA within the next five years.
  • We also expect to gain new astrophysical insight
    on the detected sources and, for the first time,
    characterize the universe in this completely new
  • The international effort is well on its way to
    achieving its goals. With sustained effort, and
    sufficient resources, this work is poised to
    offer a new window into the Universe by 2020.

probing the black hole co-evolution with galaxies
ASTROD-GW has the best sensitivity in the 100 nHz
1 mHz band and fills the gap
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Space GW Detectors
  • Space interferometers (LISA,28 ASTROD,29,30
    ASTROD-GW,12,14 Super-ASTROD,31 DECIGO,32 and Big
    Bang Observer33,34) for gravitational-wave
    detection hold the most promise with
    signal-to-noise ratio.
  • LISA28 (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) is
    aimed at detection of low-frequency (10-4 to 1
    Hz) gravitational waves with a strain sensitivity
    of 4 10-21/(Hz) 1/2 at 1 mHz.
  • There are abundant sources for LISA, ASTROD and
    ASTROD-GW galactic binaries (neutron stars,
    white dwarfs, etc.). Extra-galactic targets
    include supermassive black hole binaries,
    supermassive black hole formation, and cosmic
    background gravitational waves.
  • A date of LISA launch is hoped for 2020. More
    discussions will be presented in the next

LISA consists of a fleet of 3
spacecraft 20º behind earth in solar orbit
keeping a triangular configuration of nearly
equal sides (5 106 km). Mapping the space-time
outside super-massive black holes by measuring
the capture of compact objects set the LISA
requirement sensitivity between 10-2-10-3 Hz. To
measure the properties of massive black hole
binaries also requires good sensitivity down at
least to 10-4 Hz. (2020)
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Space GW detectors as dark energy probes
  • Luminosity distance determination to 1 or
  • Measurement of redshift by association
  • From this, obtain luminosity distance vs
  • redshift relation, and therefore
  • equation of state of dark energy

Space GW detectors and Dark energy
  • In the solar system, the equation of motion of a
    celestial body or a spacecraft is given by the
    astrodynamical equation
  • a aN a1PN a2PN aGal-Cosm aGW
  • In the case of scalar field models, the issue
    becomes what is the value of w(?) in the scalar
    field equation of state
  • w(?) p(?) / ?(?),

  • where p is the pressure and ? the density.
  • For cosmological constant, w -1.
  • From cosmological observations, our universe is
    close to being flat. In a flat Friedman
    Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe, the
    luminosity distance is given by
  • dL(z) (1z) ?0?z (H0)-1 ?m(1z')3
    ?DE(1z')3(1w)-(1/2) dz',
  • where w is assumed to be constant.

  • Binaries as distance indicators
  • Detection, LCGT, adLIGO, adVirgo 2017 PTAs
    about 2020
  • ET sensitivities
  • Space detectors for Gravitational Waves
  • BHs coevolution with galaxies PTAs
  • Dark energy equation via binary GW observations
  • Bright future with a lot of works

  • Thank you!
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