CREATIONISM: Getting Back to the Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CREATIONISM: Getting Back to the Basics


Title: CREATIONISM: Getting Back to thE Basics Author: Anthony Williams Created Date: 12/12/2006 2:58:51 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CREATIONISM: Getting Back to the Basics

CREATIONISMGetting Back to the Basics
  • In the beginning,
  • God created the Heavens and the Earth
  • Genesis 11

What is Creationism?
  • The belief that humanity, life, the Earth, or the
    universe as a whole was specially created by a
    supreme being (often referred to specifically as
    God) or by other forms of supernatural

How the World BeganCondensed Version ?
  • For those of you who dont know the story, here
    is a brief synopsis of what most Creationists
    believe, according to the book of Genesis.

On the first day
  • God called the light day. He called the
    darkness night. There was evening, and there
    was morning.

On the second day
  • God said, Let there be a huge space between the
    waters. God called the huge space sky.

On the third day
  • God said, Let dry ground appear. Then God
    said, Let the land grow plants. And let there
    be trees on the land.

On the fourth day
  • God said, Let there be lights in the huge space
    of sky. God made two great lights. He made the
    larger light to rule over the day and the smaller
    light to rule over the night.

On the fifth day
  • God said, Let the waters be filled with living
    things. Let the birds fly in the sky.

On the sixth day
  • God said, Let the land produce living
    creatures. Then God said, Let us make man in
    our likeness.

And finally on the seventh day
  • God saw everything He had made. And it was very
    good. There was evening, and there was morning
    and on the seventh day God rested.

Creationism continued...
  • Creationism covers a spectrum of beliefs which
    have been categorized in broad types. Despite
    popular belief, most creationists are those who
    object to specific parts of science for religious
    reasons, though many (if not most) people who
    believe in a divine act of creation do not
    categorically reject those parts of science.

Creationism vs. Evolutions Frequently Asked
What About the Dinosaurs?
  • Simply put, they lived concurrent with man down
    through the thousands of years of our existence,
    and they appear to have gone mostly extinct prior
    to our modern era.  Remember that the word
    "dinosaur" is only about 160 years old.  Legends
    of dangerous reptilian creatures (a.k.a. dragons)
    have been passed down to us from our ancestors
    across Europe, from China and the rest of Asia,
    all over the Americas (North, South Central),
    and they're remembered in Africa too. The
    evidence is that there have been these large
    dangerous reptilian creatures.  We have bones,
    recorded history and footprints we have strong

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What About Noahs Ark?
  • Noah's mission was to preserve each kind of
    animal.  You don't need to find the biggest of
    each kind.  And you don't need each sub-divided
    species either.  Did you know that most modern
    dog breeds are less than 100 years old?  2
    healthy young mutts could preserve the genome of
    the entire "dog kind" of animals.  The Bible uses
    the word "kind" for the different types of life
    forms.  Horses and zebras can (and have)
    physically mated producing viable offspring so
    have tigers and lions, indicating that they
    (according to creation theory) probably
    respectively diverged from the same original
    stock.  Dogs and wolves (though considered quite
    different by humans today) probably originated
    from their same "kind" too.  There are a few
    large animals (when fully grown) of course
    giraffes, elephants, and T-rexes among them.  But
    the average animal size is about sheep size, i.e.
    the 3-story Ark was plenty large enough to handle
    the variety of animal kinds plus lots of food for
    them.  Speciation could descend again from
    original healthy "mutt" stock to start with. 
    Thinking scientifically about this, it shows
    incredible variable design.

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And Radioactive Dating?
  • Rocks do not come with dates stamped on them, nor
    has anyone witnessed them aging over millions of
    years.  Radiometric dating is one-third fact and
    two-thirds assumption, and it is irreproducible. 
    Lava flows occurring in recorded historic times
    have dated radiometrically at millions of years
    old. This does not give us confidence in the
    current guesstimates of the earth's allegedly
    long age.

What About Hominid Evolution?
  • Humans alive today vary in cranial capacity from
    about 700 cc to 2200 cc, with no relation of
    brain size to intelligence.  (The average is
    about 1300 to 1350 cc) If we look at computers,
    one could argue that circuits that are closer
    together are more efficient and faster, ... so a
    smaller brain size may not necessarily be a
    disadvantage.  When evolutionists line up old
    skulls from smaller to larger they make false
    assumptions linking brain size to intelligence.
    Plus the radioactive dating methods are
    questionable,so they have no idea how old each
    skull is in the first place.

Hominid Evolution continued
  • What happens to the bones of a person who doesn't
    get enough calcium in their diet?  Or if they
    were lacking copper, for example, it would
    detrimentally affect brain development.  If, in
    past times, many peoples only ate local foods ...
    and the local soil in different places had a lack
    of selenium, or magnesium, or iron, then this
    would affect each person and animal in the
    respective area over generations. When we come
    along now and look at the hominid fossils left
    behind let's consider all of the logical
    scientific possibilities (including potentially
    inbred defects),    The fossil record shows that
    each kind has always varied within each kind.

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Evidence in Favor of Creationism and Evolution
  • Creationists and evolutionists, all have the
    same evidencethe same facts. Think about it we
    all have the same earth, the same fossil layers,
    the same animals and plants, the same starsthe
    facts are all the same.
  • The difference is in the way we all interpret
    the facts. And why do we interpret facts
    differently? Because we start with different
    presuppositions. These are things that are
    assumed to be true, without being able to prove
    them. These then become the basis for other
    conclusions. This becomes especially relevant
    when dealing with past events.

In 2000, a poll conducted estimated that
  • 20 of Americans believe public schools should
    teach evolution only.
  • 17 believe that only evolution should be taught
    in science classes.
  • 29 believe that Creationism should be discussed
    as a belief NOT scientific theory.
  • 13 believe that Creationism and evolution should
    be taught as scientific theories.
  • 16 believe that only Creationism should be

What Do You Believe???
So in Conclusion
  • Maybe scientists, though smart in some ways,
    could be generally weak in other areas, like
    spiritual perception. Possibly somewhat like a
    "nerd" who's brilliant with computers, but who
    has trouble dealing with others. Really good at
    details and complex formulas, but possibly
    missing the big picture.  You wouldn't want a
    brilliant lawyer to perform open heart surgery on
    you (even though he or she is smart). So don't
    think that science can prove everything beyond a
    shadow of a doubt. If we knew EXACTLY what
    happenedcould we handle it? I seriously doubt

  • Hazen, Robert M. Genesis The Scientific
    Quest for Lifes Origin. Washington, D.C
    Joseph Henry, 2005.
  • Zimmerman, Paul A. Darwin, Evolution
    and Creation. Missouri Concordia,
  • Creationism- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    11/30/2006. http//
    ?titleCreationis mprintableyes
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