Title: Moving XY Data (Waypoints) to a Map
1Moving XY Data (Waypoints)to a Map
- Frank Wideman
- Extension Engineer
- Univ. of Missouri Extension
- Perryville, MO
2To get points from a GPS to a Map software
- GPS unit
- Computer Cable
- USAPhotoMaps
- XML file
- Excel
- CSV file (XY data file)
- Import XY data file into to a map
- Called importing an Event Theme in AEJEE
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4Hooking up the GPS unit
- Check your connections
- Not many opportunities to mix up ports
- Just check and match up
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6Garmin eTrex GPS
- Check the notches and grooves
- Pretty durable connection
- Do not force the connection
- Match up the connection
- Other GPS units
- Just pay attention to
- pins,
- notches
- grooves
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8Check computer connection
- Serial older style Garmin use this
- Other
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10Check computer connection
- Check the shape
- Check the alignment
- Guide it into place
11Start USAPhotoMaps
12Connections are ready
- Now you can start your GPS Applications
- Now start USAPhotoMaps
- First start will bring up the help menu
- Read or close Help as is your need
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14Setting up new project
- Click File menu
- Select New Map Location
- Use Map Locations to identify projects since
several projects may be located in the same
territory. - Select Open Map Locations to work on an
existing one.
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16New Map Project/Location
- Default location is Washington, DC
- Name your new project. Replace the name that is
there. - Use one of your Waypoints for Lat Lon
- Click OK button
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18Fill in the blank map tiles
- First screen will be empty
- You must be on-line to download maps.
- Only the downloading of map data requires you to
be on line. - Maps are from Terraserver.
- Aerial photos and topo maps.
- Future projects for the same area will not
require the map download.
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20Fill in the blank map tiles
- Click on File menu and select Download Map
Data and Fill Screen. - Map tiles will fill the screen
- Separate downloads will be needed to get 1-meter
and 8-meter aerial photos also 4-meter and
64-meter topo maps. - Download only what you need.
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22Setting up for the GPS
- The GPS menu allows you to set Comm Port,
Baud rate and Protocol. - Comm 1 is usually the 9 pin serial port that most
GPS units have used until very recently. - Newer GPS units are usually USB.
- For USB connection use No serial GPS.
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24Setting up for the GPS
- Baud rate seldom needs to change.
- The amount of data we are moving is so small that
even slow baud rates are OK. - Standard for serial port is 9600
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26Setting up for the GPS
- Protocol
- Most of the GPS units that we use in our 4-H
programming are eTrex units that use the serial
connection. - Use the Standard Garmin Protocol
- Garmin units with USB connection uses Garmin
USB - All GPS units can be set to use the NMEA
communication protocol
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28Sending receiving data
- In the GPS menu you can send or receive
waypoints, routes, tracks and position.
The Unit must be on for this. - Waypoints are the points/locations of interest.
- Tracks are paths recorded while traveling.
- Routes are a series of waypoints in a desired
order - Position allows for a live connection with the
GPS unit.
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30Sending receiving data
- A message will show if the transfer is
successful. - A message will also show on the GPS screen that
indicates the transfer is complete.
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32Reviewing Waypoints
- The Waypoint menu allows you to show the list
of current waypoints for this project. - Another option will import a new list from other
programs that might create an XML or GPX file.
34Reviewing Waypoints
- The list of waypoints will have the name the GPS
unit gave each point, usually a number. This
program calls it Name. - I usually add the real world name as the
Comment. - You can select one from the list and click the
Go To button. The program will move that point
to the center of the view.
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36New map view
- The map will show the points in the current view
and corresponding labels that you select, GPS
name or Comment. - You may need to download more map tiles.
- You can click and drag any point to correct any
GPS error or inaccuracy. - You can create new points in the program.
38Editing a point
- The Edit button will let you change the text
information for that point, like GPS Name,
Comment and add other descriptive information. - The To GPS button will send the selected
waypoint to a GPS unit. Use this if you do not
want to upload the whole list. - The GPS menu will upload the whole list to the
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40Edit Screen
- You can very easily change the GPS name here,
much easier than in the GPS unit. - We will use it for Data Base ID
- Lots of room for more information. Maybe too
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42Zoom Menu
- Zoom menu will let you get a different view of
your world. - Different map types use different zoom levels.
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44Map types
- The View Menu will let you select the Map
Type - All maps are downloaded from TerraServer.
- Types depends on what is public
- Aerial Photos of USA
- High res color photos of urban areas
- Topo Maps
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46Example topo map
47XML files found in C\Program Files\USAPhotoMaps O
pen with Excel (version 2002 or 2003)
48Files created
- USAPhotoMaps creates an XML file for each
location or project. - XML files found in C\Program Files\USAPhotoMaps
- Open with Excel (version 2002 or 2003)
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50Use Excel to edit project file
- Open Excel and browse for the desired file in
C\Program Files\USAPhotoMaps - Only newer Excel (version 2002 or 2003) will work
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52Select the project file you want
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54Extra step to XML files
- We dont want to handle all the extra formatting
in XML - Select open As read-only workbook.
- Remember that when we finish we would prefer the
file format be a CSV file. - Click OK
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56Here is what the spreadsheet will look like.
57Delete rows columns that are not needed
58Editing the file
- Remove the unwanted columns and rows
- Right click on the column and row markers
- A, B, C, D and 1
- And select Delete from the pop-up menu
59Edit labels (column headers) remove special
characters from labels, add data columns and name
60Editing labels
- Labels might also be called column names.
- Seldom is USAPhotoMaps labels what you want.
- I usually turn \wpt\Name into DataBaseID,
\wpt\cmt into Name, \wpt\lat into lat,
\wpt\lon into lon, etc. - There is a limit on the number of characters that
mapping software will allow in the labels. NO
special characters!
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62Add the other data
- Now we add more columns with the other data we
have collected about our points - Use labels with appropriate meaning.
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64Now save the file
- Save the file after you finish all your additions
and edits, as a CSV file. - CSV is Comma Separated Values.
- Put it where you will keep your other data and
layers for this project. - Save as an Excel file for ArcGIS 9.2
- Older versions and AEJEE use CSV file
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66CSV files have an Excel icon that has a little
a, in it.
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68Now Start ESRI Software
- Add map layers as Shape files or JPG files, photo
layer shape files. - Use the button that has the sign.
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70Shape files
- Your map layers will likely be shape files.
- When you add them, you only see files that end
with .shp or .jpg for aerial photos or topo
files. - Remember that there will be at least 2 more
supporting files with the same name.
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72Add XY data / event theme
- Also called xy or Lat-Lon data file.
- ArcMap Click Tools menu and select Add XY
data - AEJEE
- Click on the View menu and select Add Event
Theme. - This process will create a new shape file from
the data as it is imported in AEJEE.
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74Add XY data / event theme
- The opening folder is the Browse button.
- Browse to the CSV files you saved.
- Select the one you want.
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76Add XY data / event theme
- Unlike the newer versions of Arc GIS, you must
select the fields, columns in the CSV file, that
are the X Y fields. - Remember that the X field is longitude and the Y
field is latitude. - Select the folder you want the shape file stored.
- You can select the symbol for these points.
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78Points shown on screen
79Layers or shape files
- Get them as free down loads from lots of
locations. - ESRI has Census TIGER files
- Many states have clearing house of data files.
- Some local communities have data files
- Check out these sources
http//www.geodata.gov http//www.fgdc.gov/metadat
a/geospatial-metadata-standards http//www.geograp
hynetwork.com http//nationalmap.gov http//www.co
lumbia.edu/acis/eds/outside_data/stategis.html htt