Title: Imran Hussain
1Virtual University Human-Computer Interaction
Lecture 3Introduction to Human-Computer
Interaction - Part III
- Imran Hussain
- Assistant Professor
- University of Management and Technology (UMT)
2Murder - Murder
- 1981
- System Installation Manager receives a call from
Sheriff dept. - Your terminal is dead. Come and get it
- Caller insisted that he should come in person to
collect the Dead Body - Cause of death Two bullets fired from close
3In the Last Lecture
- Understand significance of HCI
- Reasons for negative effects
- Plane Crash Reasons
- Fundamental Truths about Computers
- Feature Shock
4In the Last Lecture
- Understand the nature of humans and computers
- Software Apartheid
5What is the Relationship between Software
Engineers and Apartheid?
- Apartheid
- Racial segregation specifically a policy of
segregation and political and economic
discrimination against non-European groups in the
Republic of South Africa - Software Apartheid
- Institutionalizing obnoxious behavior and obscure
interaction of software-based products - Comparison of Social Activist and Software
Engineers - Institutionalizing apartheid
6Last Lecture - Revelations
- Acceptable levels of quality for software
engineers are far lower than are those for
traditional engineering disciplines - Software-based products not INHERENTLY hard to
use - Wrong process is used to develop them
7In Todays Lecture
- Effect of computer systems on human productivity,
employee loyalty, revenue, and customer loyalty - Computers Information
8Effect of Bad Tools On People
- Have you ever used a hammer whose head is not
properly fitted into the arm? - Or a Screw whose head breaks / goes flat when you
try to open it ? - Lets look at an example from the Airline Industry
IFE - Computers now rule passenger cabin in addition to
cockpit - Prized employees
- Spend most time with customers
9In-Flight Entertainment System (IFE)
Interior of Plane
- Senior Staff was declining more desirable Long
routes - Past- Manual Cash Collection
- In Flight Entertainment with strict Cash
Collection System.
- Loss of Customer Loyalty
- Loss of Employee Loyalty
- Loss of Revenue
12What should be done
- Purposefully design humane and forgiving
software, that is - Inclusive
- Forgiving
- Profession-blind
- Class-blind
- Software-based products affect us all, sometimes
fatally - Software-based products not INHERENTLY hard to
use - Wrong process is used to develop them
13Industry in Denial
- People who rush to believe in the benefits of the
computer In their rush have abdicated their
responsibility to make these products easy to use.
14Industry in Denial
- Computerized Devises are Everywhere
- Highly sophisticated
- Powerful
- Dauntingly Difficult to use
- Confusing to Use
15Industry in Denial Contrasting Views
- Techies
- Satisfied
- Belief in Technology
- Power of Products
- People
- Difficult to use
- Diminishes and Degrades people who must use it as
in IFE case
- Our lives are becoming more and more dependent on
the whims, fancies, disasters and decisions of
hi-tech industry
17Video Clip
18Rage! Rage! Rage!
Road RageTrolley RageAir RageWork RagePC Rage
19Techno Rage The New Rage in Town
- Looks like this guy was suffering from
Computers Tourette - In Tourettes Syndrome people uncontrollably
swear and get into rage - Was this clip real?
- Advertising campaign for surveillance computers
from Loronix Information Systems in Colorado
originally launched back in 1995
20Life Imitates Art
- 1 in every 4 computers has been physically
attacked by its owner - Novatech (British PC
Manufacturer) - Almost ? of people have physically attacked a
computer National Opinion Poll/Symantec - 67 experienced frustration, exasperation and
anger National Opinion Poll/Symantec - 70 swore at their machines National Opinion
21PC Rage
- Over half of all working days lost to sickness in
the UK are related to workplace stress - Priory
22Hopefully as technology improves and computers
become ever more user-friendly, these attacks
will become less frequent
23Engineers Belief
- Engineers believe that since they made it, can
use it, everyone can use it - If WE can use it, YOU can use it. If you cant,
YOU must be STUPID - Users are stupid anonymous
- Users are dummies anonymous
24But wait, computers werent made FOR engineers
- I though it was made for normal human beings?!??!!
25Success Criteria in the New Economy
- Business success is all about managing
relationships - Companies doing business on the Web are focusing
on how to retain and extend relationships with
26Success Criteria in the New Economy
- Success depends upon the ability of a business to
effectively and efficiently meet customer needs
and goals
27Success Criteria in the New Economy
28Common Problems in the New Economy
- Scenario A web site that is
- Aesthetically beautiful
- Technically perfect
- Wonderful content
- But users cant find information!
- Users can only find information 42 of the time
- Jared Spool
- 62 of web shoppers give up looking for the item
they want to buy online - Zona Research
- 50 of the potential sales from a site are lost
because people cannot find the item they are
looking for - Forrester Research
32The Result
- 40 of the users who do not return to a site do
so because their first visit resulted in a
negative experience - Forrester Research
33Software Maintenance Costs
- 80 of software lifecycle costs occur after the
product is released, in the maintenance phase -
of that work, 80 is due to unmet or unforeseen
user requirements only 20 is due to bugs or
reliability problems. - - IEEE Software
34Project Cost Estimation
- Around 63 of software projects exceed their cost
estimates. The top four reasons for this are - Frequent requests for changes from users
- Overlooked tasks
- Users' lack of understanding of their own
requirements - Insufficient user-analyst communication and
understanding - - Communications of the ACM
35Return on Investment (ROI)
Scenario A Scenario B
Revenue Potential 100m 100m
User Experience Good Bad
Sales Lost 0 50
Revenue Lost 0m 50m
Actual Revenue 100m 50m
m - millions
36The End of Business As Usual
- Business success is directly related to the
customer experience - BOO.com, a 204m startup fails
- BBC News
- Poor commercial web sites will kill 80 of
Fortune 500 companies within a decade - - Jakob Nielsen
37The Death Knell
- Products with a bad user experience deserve to
- DIE !
38Computer Information
39Sydney Olympics
- Bruce Lindsay Maguire vs Sydney Organising
Committee for the Olympics Games (SOCOG) - Allegation SOCOG in breach the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992 by failing to make
accessible to him key parts of its web site - vast majority of organisations with a web site
must ensure that their web site is (within
certain limits) accessible by disabled persons
40Computers are Everywhere
- Computer invasion has started
- Traditional notion of computers
- Computers are everywhere
- Computers will annoy, infuriate, and even kill
41Riddles for the Information Age
- Computer Alarm Clock
- Computer Camera
- Computer Car
- Computer Warship
- Computer Airplane
42Summary of Introduction Part II
- Understand significance of HCI
- Reasons for negative effects
- Plane Crash Reasons
- Fundamental Truths about Computers
- Feature Shock
43Summary of Introduction Part II
- Reality Check
- Understand the nature of humans and computers
- Software Apartheid
44Summary of Introduction Part II
- Acceptable levels of quality for software
engineers are far lower than are those for
traditional engineering disciplines - Software-based products not INHERENTLY hard to
use - Wrong process is used to develop them
45What We Learnt Today
- Effect of computer systems on human productivity,
employee loyalty, customer loyalty and revenue - Hopefully this has opened your eyes, mind,
changed the way you think
46Human-Computer Interaction
47HCI A Formal Definition
- Human-Computer Interaction is a discipline
concerned with the design, evaluation and
implementation of interactive computing systems
for human use and with the study of major
phenomena surrounding them - -ACM/IEEE
48Next Lecture
- Basic concepts and terms in HCI
- Some introduced today