Formative Assessments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Formative Assessments


Formative Assessments How will we know if they learned it? The power of common assessments: Schools with the greatest improvements in student achievement consistently ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Formative Assessments

Formative Assessments
How will we know if they learned it?
  • The power of common assessments
  • Schools with the greatest improvements in
    student achievement consistently used common
    assessments. D Reeves
  • What are common assessments?
  • Not standardized tests, but rather teacher
    created, teacher owned assessments that are
    collaboratively scored and that provide immediate
    feedback to students and teachers.

  • D Reeves

Assessment Terminology
  • Summative
  • Assessment of learning
  • Assessment of unit, quarter, semester, grade
    level, or course study
  • Provides status report on degree of student
    proficiency or mastery relative to targeted
  • Answers question Have students achieved the
    goals defined by a given standard or group of

Common Formative
  • Assessment for Learning given to all students in
    a grade level or course several a times during
    semester, trimester or year.
  • Design as matching pre and post assessments to
    ensure same assessment to same assessment
    comparison of student growth.
  • Diagnostic intended to be used as a guide to
    improve teaching and learning
  • Items collectively designed by participating
  • Items should represent priority standards only
  • Results analyzed in data teams in order to
    differentiate instruction
  • Provides information for instructional planning
    and delivery
  • Similar in design and format to district and
    state assessments

Formative Assessment Research
  • Research suggests that if done well, genuine
    assessments for learning can produce among the
    largest achievement gains ever reported for
    educational interventions. Education Week May 2,
    2007 p.22
  • In other words, formative assessment, effectively
    implemented, can do as much or more to improve
    student achievement than any type of the most
    powerful instructional interventions (such as)
    intensive reading instruction, one on one
    tutoring and the like. L Darling-Hammond and J
    Branford, Preparing Teachers for a Changing
    World, 2005, p277.

Formative Assessment Research
  • In reviewing 250 studies from around the world,
    published between 1987 and 1998, we found that a
    focus by teachers on assessment for learning, as
    opposed to assessment of learning, produced a
    substantial increase in students achievement.
    Black and Wiliam, Assessment and Classroom
    Learning, Assessment in Education Principles,
    Policy, and Practice. 1998, pp 7-73

Formative Assessment Research
  • Reviews of research in this area by Natriello
    (1987) and Crooks ( 1988) were updated by Black
    and Wiliam (1998)who concluded that regular use
    of classroom formative assessment would raise
    student achievement by 0.4 to 0.7 standard
    deviations enough to raise the United States to
    the top five in international rankings.
  • Wiliam, content Then Process Teaching
    Learning communities in the Service of Formative
    Assessment, Unpublished Manuscript, 2007

Criteria for Formative Assessments
  • 1. Identify the four to five power indicators to
    assess, they represent the big idea of your
  • 2. Design a minimum of 4 questions for each power
    indicator for students to demonstrate their
    understanding of the key concepts.
  • Item response
  • Constructed response
  • Extended response
  • 3. Limit the total number of items
  • 4. Design scoring guides and rubrics

(No Transcript)
10 Steps for Designing
Common Formative Assessments
  • Laying the standards foundations Steps 1-6
  • Choose important topic
  • Identify matching priority standards
  • Unwrap matching priority standards
  • Create a graphic organizer (New Bloom)
  • Determine the big ideas
  • Write the essential questions

Creating the assessments steps 7-10
  • 7. Write selected response items
  • 8. Write constructed response items (extended or
  • 9. Write essential question big idea directions
  • 10. Create scoring guides for constructed items

Where to start
  • Determine purpose of the assessment
  • Select assessment types consider what students
    are demonstrating understanding of
  • Write first draft items
  • Create answer keys and scoring guides
  • Review and revise common assessment items

Assessment is Inference Making
  • Teachers use assessment information and results
    to reach instructional decisions
  • The purpose of the formative assessment is to
    evaluate your students understanding of the
    power standards
  • What kind of assessment will provide the best
    evidence as to whether students have met this
    singular purpose.

General Guide for Effective Item Writing
  • Reflect higher order instructional objectives
  • Students should not be able to answer solely from
    memory must apply knowledge not just recall
  • Be clear and brief
  • Include correct standard terminology

Selected response
  • Students select from a provided list
  • Types include multiple choice, true or false,
    matching, fill in blank
  • Criteria
  • Ask a question with only one best answer
  • Eliminate clues leading to correct answer
  • Avoid choices that are obviously wrong

Constructed Response
  • Includes short and extended response
  • Students will demonstrate through writing,
    speaking, or performance their integrated
    understanding of the unwrapped concepts and
  • Link to Blooms levels
  • Level 4 Draw inferences, conclusions,
  • Level 5 - Support inferences, conclusions, with
    text evidence, prior knowledge
  • May ask students to respond in writing to your
    essential questions with their own big ideas.
  • Ask students to explain their thinking using the
    unwrapped concept vocabulary terms
  • Requires a rubric for scoring

Value of Pre-Assessment
  • Pre-assessments decide where to aim early
  • Pre-assessments indicate what sorts of skills,
    knowledge, or attitudes student have or do not
  • Pre-assessments determine enabling sub skills
    necessary for the unit

Design matching Assessments
  • A pretest/post-test design provides a matching
    set of bookend assessments that are either the
    same or alternate forms of the same assessment
  • The improvement between the pre and post
    assessment constitutes credible evidence of

Designing a rubric
  • Do proficient first and than exemplary
  • Proficient - States answer choice provides 3
    reasons for answer choice supports each reason
    with examples from text, writes one or more
  • Exemplary -all of the proficient plus includes
    reasons why one choice is better than another
    includes real life connections in support it was
    the expectation for success was with over and
    above work

  • Progressing
  • Meets two or three
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