Title: C. City and Village
A. Getting Acquainted
B. Worship
C. City and Village
D. The Great Migration
E. Babylon and Jerusalem
2A. Getting Acquainted
1. What is your name? 2. Where is you current
job? 3. What do you like or dont like about the
3B. Worship
Singing For God so Loved the City Praying Form
groups and schedule worship
4C. City and Village
Get in your groups
Images of the City
Images of the Village
5D. The Great Migration
200 years ago 3 lived in cities 100 years
ago 15 lived in cities Today 55 live in
Moyer God So Loves the City! page 206 in
Adventist Mission, Jon Dybdahl, ed.
6D. The Great Migration
Where do your grandparents live? Where do your
parents live? Where do you live?
7D. The Great Migration
In 1940 the biggest cities were in the Western
world. Today they are in Asia, Mexico and South
America. Name cities in Asia that have few
Moyer God So Loves the City! page 206 in
Adventist Mission, Jon Dybdahl, ed.
8D. The Great Migration
In the 1980s 1 billion people or 20 of the human
population moved from the country to the city.
Roger Greenway ed. Discipling the City, page 41
9D. The Great Migration
321 Cities of 1 Million or more Tokyo
33.8M Mexico City 22.0M New York
21.8M Seoul 21.8M Sao Paulo
19.8M Bombay 18.5M Delhi
18.5M Los Angeles 17.6M
Osaka 16.7M Jakarta
16.5M Moscow 15.4M Calcutta
15.1M Cairo 15.0M Manila
14.3M Karachi 13.4M Hong Kong 13.2M
http//www.citypopulation.de/World.html, accessed
June 7, 2004. Figures compiled 5-22-04
10D. The Great Migration
List 10 ways the city influences the countryside.
11D. The Great Migration
The last 100 years has seen the greatest
migration in history. If people are moving to
the city then the church must move there too.
12D. The Great Migration
2005 General ConferenceHope for Big
Cities North America Montreal Southern Africa
Johannesburg Trans-Europe London Euro-Asia
Moscow Southern Asia Bangkok South
Pacific Sydney East Central Africa Bujumbura,
Addis Adaba, Kinshasa South America Buenos
Aires North Asia Pacific Kaoshiong, Shinjuku,
Suwon Western Africa, Ndjamena Inter-America
Mexico City Euro-Africa Madrid, Rome, Paris,
Berlin, Bucharest, Sophia, others
13E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The Old Testament The word city appears 1092
times Most important for defense Centers of
military strength
14E. Babylon and Jerusalem
Cities in Genesis Genesis 417 Cain built the
first city. Genesis 108-10Nimrod built
Babel. Genesis 14Sodom and Gomorrah
15E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The City in the New Testament City appears 160
times Political more than defense Centers of
missionary activity
16E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The Tower of Babel Technology the brick Gather
in order to control God scatters them
17E. Babylon and Jerusalem
Nimrod builds Babel
Abram builds Altar
Noah builds Altar
After discussing the diagram, how important is it
for a pastor to build an altar of devotion in the
18E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The City of Babylon Conquers Jerusalem in 605
BC Modern Iraq Wicked church of Revelation
19E. Babylon and Jerusalem
Babylon and Jerusalem
Babylon Surrounds
Satan Surrounds
New Jerusalem
Daniel 11-2
Revelation 207-9
20E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The City of JerusalemOT Abraham, Melchizedek,
Mt. Moriah David conquers Jerusalem in 1000
BC The gathering and scattering
21E. Babylon and Jerusalem
The City of JerusalemNT Jesus as the Living
Temple Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 The
New Jerusalem