Title: 22nd Annual Report on Physician Assistant Educational Programs
122nd Annual Report onPhysician Assistant
Educational Programs
- Albert F. Simon
- Marie S. Link
2Response Rate of Survey
3General Program Characteristics
4Sponsoring Institution and Credential Awarded
- 71 Universities
- 21 Four-Year College
- 74 Masters
- 19 Baccalaureate
- 5 Certificate
- 2 Associate
5Sponsoring Institution
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Programs by Year of First Entering Class
9Credential Offered by Consortia Region
10Length of Curriculum
- Average Length 26.5 months
- Masters 27.3
- Bachelors 25.0
- Certificate 23.0
- Associate 23.0
11Financial Characteristics
12Financial Support
- Mean 990,527 Median 820,000
- Range 186,835 - 5,029,000
- 37 programs with Federal Grants
13Financial Support
Masters Bachelors Certificate Associate
Mean 997,089 893,273 1,199,165 Not Available
Range 209,150 5,029,000 186,835 - 2,842,000 517,673 1,934,318 Not Available
14Program Personnel
15Annual Report Personnel Classification
- Category I Academic coordinator, Educational
Specialist - Category II Clinical coordinator, Clinical
Instructor - Category III Associate Director, Co Director
- Category IV Secretary, Manager
16PA vs. Non-PA
- Number of PA personnel 448 (59.1)
- I 256 (57.1) II 159 (35.5) III 33 (7.4)
- Number of Non-PA personnel 114 (15.0)
- I 63 (55.3) II 11 (9.6) III 40 (35.1)
- Number of Non-PA personnel in Cat IV 196 (25.9)
17General Characteristics of PA Personnel
- Mean Salary
- I 71,381 II 70,534 III 80,590
- Mean Months in position
- I 61.2 (median 48) II 50.1 (median 32) III
94.7 (median 48)
18General Characteristics of Non-PA Personnel
- Mean Salary
- I 69,162 II 56,908 III 48,289 IV
32,612 - Mean Months in position
- I 68.1 II 37.5 III 97.8 IV 63.7
- Median Months in position
- I 40 II 30 III 64.5 IV 36
19Ethnicity and Gender of Personnel
(Categories I - III)
- White 87.0 Male 36.8
- African American 4.5 Female 63.2
- Latino/Hispanic 4.6
- Asian 1.5
- Asian Subpopulation lt1
- Native Hawaiian/Other P.I. lt1
- American Indian/Alaskan lt1
- Other lt1
20Ethnicity and Gender of Personnel
(Category IV)
- White 69.7 Male 9.0
- African American 14.4 Female 91.0
- Latino/Hispanic 10.1
- Asian 2.7
- Asian Subpopulation 2.1
- Native Hawaiian/Other P.I. 0
- American Indian/Alaskan lt1
21Mean Annual Salary by Ethnicity Gender
(Categories I - III)
Male Female
White 74,583 67,234
African American 71,853 68,219
Hispanic 77,874 61,574
Asian NA 63,114
22Classification Tenure Track Status
- faculty classification 86
- in tenure track 25
- tenured 3.7
23Faculty vs. Staff Salaries
(Categories I - III)
- Faculty
- PA 71,960
- Non-PA 72,059
- Staff
- PA 69,066
- Non-PA 42,592
24Highest Degree Held by Program Personnel
(Categories I - III)
- Doctorate 12.3
- Masters 60.7
- Bachelors 13.4
- Associate 0.9
- Not Reported 12.7
25Highest Degree Held by Program Personnel
(Categories I - III)
26Enrolled Students
27Trends of Students Enrolled 1986-2005
28Current Enrollment by Gender
29Trends in Enrollment 1986-2005
30Mean Number of Students Currently Enrolled per
Program - Degree Granted by Program
31Total Full-Time Enrollment by Degree
32Trends in Student Enrollment 1986-2005
33Age of Current Enrollees
- Under 20 1.7
- 20 - 29 73.2
- 30 and over 25.1
- Average age
- Full-time 27.2
- Part-time 33.6
34Enrollment by Age and Region
35Trends in Enrollee Age 1986-2005
36Ethnicity of Enrollees
- White 77.2
- Hispanic/Latino 6.6
- Asian 6.4
- African American 5.9
- Other 1.9
- Asian Subpopulation 0.9
- American Indian/Alaskan 0.9
- Native Hawaiian/Other PI 0.2
37Ethnicity of Full-Time Students Entry-Level
Degree Granted by Program
38 of Programs without Minority enrollment by
ethnic background
- African American 34.8
- Hispanic/Latino 33.7
- Asian 30.4
- Asian Subpopulation 76.1
- Native Hawaiian/Other P.I. 90.2
- American Indian/Alaskan 81.5
- 6 programs have no minorities enrolled
39Trends in Minority Student Enrollment 1986 -
40Academic Profile
- Baccalaureate Degree 76.3
- No academic Degree 12.9
- Masters Degree 5.1
- Associate Degree 4.4
- Doctoral Degree 1.2
41GPA and HCE
- Mean GPA 3.39
- Mean of months of HCE 28.6
42Trends in Health Care Experience of Enrollees
43Recent Graduates(2005)
44Number of Graduates
- 2,758 (80 programs)
- Estimated 4,416 (128 programs)
- Mean per program 34.5
- Female 24.7
- Male 9.8
45Number of Recent Graduates
46Mean Number of Graduates per Region
47Graduates by Ethnicity
- White 79.9
- Hispanic/Latino 5.2
- Asian 5.2
- Black 4.9
- Other 2.0
- Asian Subpopulations 1.7
- American Indian/Alaskan 0.9
- Native Hawaiian/Other P.I. 0.3
48Trends in Minority P.A. Graduates 1986-2005
49Employment Characteristics
- As a PA 67.6
- Not as a PA 0.8
- Unemployed 3.8
- Continued with Education 0.3
- Unknown 27.7
50Employment in Primary Care vs. Non- Primary Care
- Primary Care 35.2
- Non-Primary Care 64.8
51Recent Graduate Employment in Primary Care
52Trends in Starting Salary for New Graduates
53Starting Salaries by Region
- Heartland 68,092
- Southeastern 66,641
- Northeastern 66,612
- Midwestern 65,317
- Western 65,983
- Eastern 59,827
54Mean Starting Salary of Graduates per Program
Entry-level Credential Granted by Program
55A Fond Good-Bye