Title: Travel Insurance Coverage
1Travel Insurance Coverage Claims
- Business Travel Accident Insurance Travel
Accident Insurance are insurance coverage
provided to HP travelers who have purchased air
ticket using their American Express Corporate
Card, Business Travel Account or Meeting Card. - Coverage levels are slightly different depending
on which product is used to purchase your air
ticket. Cover is not cumulative and you may not
claim against both covers at the same time. Below
are the summary of covers for cards/accounts
issued in Australia - All claims and correspondence relating to the
cover should be addressed to - Claims Department
- ACE Insurance Limited
- PO Box 4907, Sydney NSW 2001
- If you fail to comply with the term and
conditions of this cover, the insurance
underwriter may be entitled to refuse to pay or
reduce any claim that may be payable. Written
notice of a claim must be given as soon as
possible of any occurrence likely to result in a
claim and in any event within thirty (30) days of
completion of the Covered Trip, Business,
Personal and/ or Return Trip. All information and
evidence required by ACE or its agents shall be
furnished at the expense of the Covered Person or
their personal representative and shall be in
such form and of such nature as ACE may
prescribe. - For further enquiry on the Business Travel
Accident Insurance Travel Accident Insurance,
please kindly contact Amex Telephone Service
Centre at 1300 362 639.
Coverage Description Corporate Card Business Travel Account Meeting Card
Business Travel Accident (BTAI) A150,000 A150,000
"24 hour Accident Protection for Business Trip" Extension A150,000 A150,000
Personal Trip TAI Cover A150,000 A150,000
Card Account Waiver A10,000 N/A
Business Trip Completion Cover A13,150(Airfares Up to A10,000 Accommodation meal expenses up to maximum A3,000 other essential expenses up to maximum A150) N/A