Title: The French system of
1The French system of PhD Cotutelle
Contact ambafrance_at_ambafrance.is
2The Cotutelle scheme
A French team
A joint research project
An Icelandic team
Involved in
Joint supervision
Joint supervision
A bright PhD student
Spends time in both countries/teams ? gets
international experience ? becomes a lasting link
between teams/univ/countries
Enrolled in
Enrolled in
Specific agreement for this cotutelle - the two
teams, PhD student project - joint examination
process -gt provide a double degree if successful
A French University
An Icelandic University
3The benefits of cotutelles
For the University/research team ? Strengthening
existing research collaboration and highlight
international cooperation between France and
Iceland. ? Expanding higher education
relationships between Icelandic and French
universities. ? Working with highly skilled and
selected students. ? Accessing new funding
sources specific to Cotutelles . ? Opening to
European Research Area.
4The benefits of cotutelles
For the student ? To discover the ways of doing
research in an other country and getting an
international experience, and to be exposed to
different cultural and scientific environments. ?
To obtain, if successful, a double-badged
doctoral degree, recognised in Iceland and in
France. ? To create personal links, at early
stage of his/her career, and to pursue scientific
research opportunities between the two countries.
5Technical information I
Duration PhD in Cotutelle is a normal PhD
(usually 3 years) with time shared between the 2
countries - Typically at least one year is spent
in each country (in one or several stays).
General frame ? Agreement between the two
universities, with specific mention of the
subject and the student. ? Two directors (one
Icelandic, one French).
Universities Involved ? All French universities,
under national regulations.
6Technical information II
Examination The PhD study should be defended or
submitted only once in accordance to what the two
institutions have agreed upon in the Cotutelle
Convention. A mixed jury is mandatory. Manuscript
and defence are in Icelandic, French or English
(with an abstract in French for the
manuscript). Requirements from both universities
are generally added, with adapted rules about the
use of languages.
Tuition fees ? Within the frame of Cotutelle, the
PhD student is exempted from paying registration
fees at one institution. ? He/she pays fees only
at his/her home institution.
7Eiffel Doctorate Scholarships
- French Ministry of Foreign Affairs PhD (2nd or
3rd year) - support for one year in France, provided a
convention has been signed between partner
institutions. -
- http//www.egide.asso.fr/fr/programmes/eiffeldoct/
- Application opens each winter
- (deadline end of January each year).
The application should be made by the French lab,
and the money will be transferred to the lab or
the French university for the visitor