Studying Fidelity of Implementation (FOI): How FOI influenced SCALE-uP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Studying Fidelity of Implementation (FOI): How FOI influenced SCALE-uP


Title: Examining the effects of a highly rated science curriculum on diverse student populations: Planning grant results Author: Sharon Lynch Last modified by – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Studying Fidelity of Implementation (FOI): How FOI influenced SCALE-uP

Studying Fidelity of Implementation (FOI) How
FOI influenced SCALE-uPs Theory of Action for
Middle School Science Curriculum Materials
  • SCALE-uP Scaling up Curriculum for
    Achievement Learning and Equity Project, a
    partnership between George Washington University
  • and Montgomery County Public Schools
  • Sharon Lynch, PI
  • Co-PIs Curtis Pyke, Joel Kuipers, Michael
    Szesze Bonnie Hansen-Grafton
  • http//
  • Prepared for Researchers Without Borders Webinar,
    May 26, 2010

FOI Research Group
  • Carol ODonnell
  • Suzanne Merchlinski MCPS evaluation staff
  • Bonnie Hansen-Grafton
  • Joelle Lastica
  • Vasuki Rethinam
  • Bill Watson
  • Rob Ochsendorf
  • Liz Hatchuel
  • Annie Hansen
  • With special thanks to MCPS middle school science
    teachers who participated in this study

  • Indebted to the Interagency Educational Research
    Initiative (IERI) administered by the NSF, for
    research funding for SCALE-uP (7 year research
  • I am currently working at NSF as a Program
    Director in EHR/DRL ( return to my position as a
    professor at GWU in September).
  • However, the ideas and opinions discussed here
    are entirely my own and in no way represent the
    those of NSF.

SCALE-uP/FOI WebinarCautionary Tale w/ Happy
  • Background of SCALE-uP and initial Theory of
  • Year 0 Pilot Study Curriculum modifications are
    tricky business!
  • Year 1 Comparison groups are (incredibly) handy
    in developing FOI instruments and understanding
    the study context
  • Year 2 3 Comparison group and FOI evidence are
    crucial for credible evidence of effectiveness
  • Year 4 Putting it all together How the Theory
    of Action was changed by FOI evidence FOI as
    process and structure constructs for both
    teacher and student

Background for SCALE-uP and Initial Theory of
  • In 1990s, AAAS Project 2061 developed a
    Curriculum Analysis to identify curriculum
    materials likely to help students learn a target
    idea (benchmark/standard).
  • Curriculum Analysis relied on experts judgment
    of written curriculum materials.
  • Two parts
  • --Focused, accurate, coherent content on a
  • --Instructional strategies contained in
    written curriculum materials

Project 2061 Instructional Strategies for
curriculum materials
  1. Convey sense of purpose
  2. Address student ideas and misconceptions
  3. Promote engagement with relevant phenomena
  4. Developing, using scientific ideas
  5. Encourage student thinking
  6. Encourage assessment of progress
  7. Creating positive learning environment
    curiosity, all students

AAAS. Project 2061.
Background for SCALE-uP
  • Project 2061 Curriculum Analysis had located only
    2 acceptable curriculum units in middle school
  • Units had been field-tested with small numbers of
    students (no comparison groups).
  • Note. More mathematics curriculum materials had
    acceptable ratings and were field-tested and
    studied and scaled.

Background for SCALE-uP and Research Questions
  • If science curriculum materials having Project
    2061 attributes were studied in a series of large
    (N 2000) quasi-experiments using carefully
    matched comparison groups
  • Would they be effective?
  • Would they be equitable?
  • Would there be a relationship between fidelity of
    implementation to a unit and student outcomes?
  • Could the materials be scaled-up in this large
    school district?
  • How did they function in classroom

SCALE-uPs Interventions 3 Science Units with
Coherent Focused on Target Ideas
  • State of Michigans Chemistry That Applies (CTA)
    focuses on conservation of matter. 8th graders,
    unit 6 weeks long.
  • GEMS Lawrence Hall of Science Real Reasons for
    the Season (Seasons) focuses on the reasons for
    the Earths seasons. 7th graders, unit, 3
  • ARIES Harvard Smithsonian Motion and Forces (MF)
    focuses on portions of Newtons Laws. 6th
    graders, unit 6 weeks long.

Curriculum Analysis Instructional Strategies
? Excellent, ?Very Good, ?Satisfactory, ?Fair
Instructional Category Chemistry That Applies ARIES Motion Forces GEMS Seasons Macmillan/ McGraw Hill
I. Identifying a Sense of Purpose
Conveying Unit Purpose ? ? NR ?
Conveying lesson/activity purpose ? ? ? ?
Justifying lesson/activity sequence ? ? ? ?
II. Taking Account of Student Ideas
Attending to prerequisite knowledge and skills ? ? ? ?
Alerting teacher to commonly held ideas ? ? NR ?
Assisting teacher in identifying own students ideas ? ? ? ?
Addressing commonly held ideas ? ? ? ?
? Excellent, ?Very Good, ?Satisfactory, ?Fair
Instructional Category Chemistry That Applies ARIES Motion Forces GEMS Seasons Macmillan/ McGraw Hill
III. Engaging Students with Relevant Phenomena
Providing a variety of phenomena ? ? ? ?
Providing vivid experiences ? ? ? ?
IV. Developing and Using Scientific Ideas
Introducing terms meaningfully ? ? ? ?
Representing ideas effectively ? ? ? ?
Demonstrating use of knowledge ? ? ? ?
Providing practice ? ? ? ?
V. Promoting Student Thinking about Phenomena, Experiences, and Knowledge
Encouraging students to explain their ideas ? ? ? ?
Guiding student interpretation and reasoning ? ? ? ?
Encouraging students to think about what theyve learned ? ? ? ?
SCALE-uPs Outcome Measures
  • Curriculum-independent measure for each unit
    focusing on the units target idea.
  • Assessments had good psychometric properties and
    were developed using a Project 2061 assessment
  • Multiple choice and constructed response items
    designed to be maximally accessible to students
    of varied language skills.

Background for SCALE-uP and Initial Theory of
Action, c. 2001
  • Curriculum units highly rated on Curriculum
    Analysis could be effective overall because
  • each focused coherently on one big idea/standard/
  • each had a carefully planned sequence of
    activities, and
  • each contained identified instructional
    strategies leading students to construct
    understanding of one target idea/benchmark/standar
  • Big Question Would they be equitable?
  • Assumption Business as usual comparison
    classrooms would be less focused, rely more on
    textbooks and worksheets, and provide less time
    for guided inquiry and lab work.

Typical Theory of Action
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
Fidelity of implementationMowbray, Holter,
Teague Bybee, 2003
  • Fidelity of implementation is the extent to
    which the delivery of an intervention adheres to
    the original program theory behind its
    development it confirms that the implementation
    of the independent variable in outcome research
    occurred as planned
  • (and involves) the dynamic nature of fidelity
    criteria, appropriate validation and statistical
    analysis methods, the inclusion of structure and
    process criteria in fidelity assessment and the
    role of program theory in deciding on the balance
    between adaptation versus exact replication of
    model programs.

SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2001
Teacher FOI Instructional Strategies
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
SCALE-uP Theory of Actionc. 2001
  • Teachers would need to locate and enact the
    instructional strategies embedded in the
    curriculum unit (identified via the Project 2061
    Curriculum Analysis).
  • Doing this well would be to implement with
  • Hypothesis The better the implementation of the
    units embedded instructional strategies in a
    classroom, the higher the student outcomes.
  • All SCALE-uP needed to do to create a classroom
    observation instrument that captured teachers
    implementation of the strategies.
  • This would become Instructional Strategies
    Classroom Observation Protocol (more on this
  • Simple!

  • On to Fidelity of Implementation (FOI)!

Year 0 (Pilot Study) Results Chemistry That
Applies (CTA) with Modifications Encouraged
  • CTAs results showed effect sizes .52.
  • Results disaggregated for subgroups of students
    showed that no students disadvantaged by CTA.
  • Teachers were asked to modify CTA for diverse
    learners and record modifications.
  • Virtually none did! This raised questions about
    whether to modify CTA in future. Teacher beliefs
    about the unit were mixed.
  • Co-PI Szesze wanted to be sure units were
    unambiguously effective, or not.
  • Decision to implement with fidelity in the
    future studies .
  • Teachers and researchers drew up fidelity
    guidelines together.

Lesson Learned Modifying Curriculum Unit is
Tricky Business!
  • If an intervention does not have solid evidence
    of efficacy/effectiveness, then modifications
    muddy the water CTA and the other units were
    unproven interventions.
  • Therefore, their critical components could not be
    known, but assumed.
  • In retrospect, this was a good decision for
    SCALE-uP capturing modifications while trying to
    establish if a unit worked would not be
    credible in this school district context.

Iterative Process of Identifying Critical
Attributes, Measuring Attributes, and Looking for
Relationships between FOI and Outcomes
Identify Critical Attributes of Intervention
FOI measure
Reconsider Critical Attributes
Mowbray, C., Holter, M. C., Teague, G. B.,
Bybee, D. (2003). Fidelity criteria Development,
measurement, and validation. American Journal of
Evaluation, 24(3),315-340.
  • On to Year 1
  • Replication of CTA
  • Building the first FOI Instrument

Yr. 1 Replication of CTA and Develop ISCOP/FOI
  • Given Theory of Action (the more teachers
    implemented Project 2061 instructional strategies
    embedded in curriculum units, the higher student
    outcomes), we began to develop an instrument that
    could capture fidelity to identified Project 2061
    instructional strategies.
  • A generic instrument for all 3 units studied,
    but the units had been carefully vetted and had
    much in common.
  • ISCOP (Instructional Strategies Classroom
    Observation Instrument), the first FOI measure
    was born, and developed over the next 4 years.

(No Transcript)
Effect Sizes CTA (Year 1)
Years 1, 2, 3, 4 Test ISCOP in Treatment and
Comparison Classrooms
  • Was the ISCOP capturing fidelity to instructional
    strategies in a way that discriminated between
    Treatment and Comparison classrooms?
  • ISCOP did not discriminate very well, so it was
    refined and refined and refined.
  • Was ISCOP a bad instrument? Or were Treatment
    and Comparison classrooms similar for
    Instructional Strategies?
  • If Treatment and Comparison classrooms were
    similar in strategies, should the Theory of
    Action be revisited?

Lesson Learned Comparison Classrooms Invaluable
as Counterfactuals
  • ISCOP data suggested that more complexity than
    assumed in the Theory of Action.
  • Measuring FOI relying solely with ISCOP might not
    answer FOI research question if comparison
    classroom data were taken into consideration.
  • Generic measures of instructional strategies/FOI
    process are notoriously hard to developvalid and

  • On to Years 2 and 3 with a new unit, Real Reasons
    for the Seasons
  • (Seasons)

Year 2 and 3 Results Comparison group outscores
Seasons group How to account for this?
  • Seasons studied in 7th grade classrooms (N 2000
    students and 40 classrooms).
  • Year 2 and 3 results Comparison group has higher
    outcome than Seasons on curriculum independent
    measure (ES -.36, -.18, respectively).

Comparison Classrooms Invaluable as
  • Comparison classroom teachers surveyed and
  • Data showed that Comparison classrooms were
  • -Non-traditional
  • -Variety of curriculum materials used,
    including other inquiry units
  • -Focused on the target idea
  • -Equal Duration of Treatment and Comparison
  • -Comparison and Treatment teacher
    characteristics similar.

Seasons Replication in Year 3 Focus on FOI
  • Use ISCOP in Treatment and Comparison classrooms.
  • Develop a new Lesson Flow FOI process measure
    that gauged Teacher, Student-Group or Individual
    Centeredness of classrooms based on hunch that
    Student-Group Centeredness was important to
    student construction of science ideas in groups.
  • Videotaped a Seasons and Comparison classroom.
  • Interviewed and surveyed Seasons and Comparison
    Teachers again.

Lesson Flow Classroom Observation Instrument
Effect Sizes Seasons (Year 3)Overall ES -.18
Year 3 FOI Results
  • Only 3 items on ISCOP showed significant
    differences between Seasons and Comparison
    classrooms, and 2 of 3 were observed more often
    in Comparison classrooms.
  • Lesson Flow Seasons classrooms were more
    teacher-centered than Comparison
  • Teacher-Centeredness
  • Seasons 71 of time
  • Comparison 58 of time
  • Video-data backed this up.
  • Emerging Conjecture Students need time in to
    work and talk in groups to develop their ideas
    and Seasons allowed less time for this.

SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2006
Teacher FOI Instructional Strategies
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
Student FOI Student Group Centeredness
Changing Theory of Action and Approach to FOI c.
  • Focusing FOI entirely on teacher in a guided
    inquiry unit may be simplistic.
  • Student agency implicated in FOI constructs.
  • But Lesson Flow is controlled by the teacher who
    provides students with the time/space to work in
    groups students can choose to do the science
    work, or not.
  • Lesson Flow is not Time On Task.

Seasons Unit and FOIThe Research Re-visited
  • Seasons was designed to be a supplementary unit.
  • Developers seemed not to understand the
    implications of this when agreement was made to
    study effectiveness/FOI.
  • SCALE-uP researchers did not appreciate the
    differences in philosophy of Seasons with
    research design.
  • Seasons was a bad match for this study.
  • Revisions made to Seasons based upon feedback
    from MCPS teachers.

  • On to Year 4 and Motion and Forces
  • (MF)
  • Note this is the third curriculum unit studied,
  • not to be confused with the first two, and was
    implemented in 6th grade classrooms.

MF Results in Years 2 and 3Underwhelming
  • Year 2 ES .10
  • Year 3 ES -.06
  • FOI had not been emphasized, so there was little
    information to explain lackluster outcomes.
  • However, we learned that students had not been
    issued MF student Journals in Years 2 and 3.
    Was this an important, overlooked FOI issue?

Year 4 Replication of MF Focus on FOI
  • Replicated quasi-experiment in 10 new schools (N
    2000 students).
  • Teachers asked to focus on FOI.
  • Wonderful teachers who understood the study goal
    study the impact of MF.

FOI in Year 4 with MF
  • FOI included
  • ISCOP (Process FOI)
  • Lesson Flow (Process FOI)
  • Adherence to unit (ACOP), a new instrument that
    measured close adherence to MFs structure
    (Structure FOI)
  • Teacher Interviews/Surveys
  • Teacher Logs
  • Student Journal Entries, of responses to
    Journal (Structure FOI)
  • Student survey about self-reporting use of
    instructional strategies (Process FOI)

Overall Results for MF in Year 4
  • Student Level results using traditional ANOVA,
    ES .23
  • Classroom Level results using HLM,
  • ES .56 (Rethinam, Lynch, Pyke, 2008)

Effect Sizes for subgroups of students MF (Year
ISCOP Strategies Means and Correlations with
Outcomes for MF
Instructional Criterion Instructional Criterion Mean (Scale 0 - 3) Mean (Scale 0 - 3) Correlation with Outcomes Correlation with Outcomes
Instructional Criterion Instructional Criterion Treatment Comparison Treatment Comparison
Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose Identifying a Sense of Purpose
Conveying lesson/activity purpose 0.65 0.58 .57 -.28
Justifying lesson/activity purpose .46 .58 .56 -.40
Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas Taking Account of Student Ideas
Assisting teacher in identifying own students ideas 2.40 1.38 -.05 -.52
Engaging Students with Relevant Phenomena Engaging Students with Relevant Phenomena
Providing variety of phenomena 1.71 1.50 .44 -.23
Providing vivid experiences 2.75 2.46 .13 .08
Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas Developing and Using Scientific Ideas
Introducing terms meaningfully 2.48 2.38 .60 -.09
Representing ideas effectively 1.46 1.13 .16 -.01
Promoting Student Thinking about Phenomena, Experiences, Knowledge Promoting Student Thinking about Phenomena, Experiences, Knowledge
Encouraging students to explain their ideas 2.13 2.25 .62 -.20
  • This generic instrument for measuring FOI
    instructional strategies did not obviously
    distinguish between MF and Comparison
  • But some items were correlated with student
    outcomes for MF classrooms.
  • ODonnell dissertation elegantly teased out which
    instructional strategies seemed to matter for
    higher student outcomes.
  • ISCOP needs more work on validity and
    reliability--OR SCALE-uP Theory of Change needs
    refinementProject 2061 Curriculum Analysis needs

Lesson Flow for Instruction for units on Motion
and Force
Lesson Flow
  • MF classrooms provided more time for students to
    work in groups and individually than Comparison
  • Students construct meaning in groups, consistent
    with notion of community of practice and situated

Adhering to MF Lesson Components (ACOP)
  • MF teachers adhered to MF unit gt 80 of time.
  • ACOP did not predict outcomes because the range
    was narrow this was a good thing for this study
    because high fidelity in this measure of
    structure is credible and stronggood face
    validity for FOI, and highly reliablethe unit
    was well-implemented.
  • Teachers adhered to the unit for this study, to
    ascertain impact of MF.
  • Thank you teachers.

Results Teacher FOI Structure
Student Journals
  • MF students completed their journal responses
    80 of time.
  • Rates of journal question completion predicted
    classroom outcomes.

Unpublished Year 4 HLM Results for MF ISCOP,
ACOP, Lesson Flow, Student Journals
  • HLM analysis found one classroom-level factor
    that predicted student outcomes
  • --Amount of Student-Group- Centeredness
    (Lesson Flow)
  • and one student level factor
  • --Student Journal Completion
  • Thanks to Dr. Jaewa Choi of GWU for this data

SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2010
Teacher Instructional Strategies
Teacher Adherence to Lesson Structure
Structure FOI
Process FOI
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
Structure FOI
Student Adherence to Lessons
Student Group Centered Instruction
Process FOI
Lesson Flow
Student Journal
SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2010
Teacher Instructional Strategies
Teacher Adherence to Lesson Structure
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
Student Adherence to Lessons
Student Group Centered Instruction
Lesson Flow
Student Journal
SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2010
Teacher Instructional Strategies
Teacher Adherence to Lesson Structure
Curriculum Materials
Student Outcomes
Student Adherence to Lessons
Student Group Centered Instruction
Lesson Flow
Student Journal
SCALE-uP Theory of Action c. 2010
Teacher Instructional Strategies
Curriculum Materials
Teacher Adherence to Lesson Structure
Student Outcomes
Student Adherence to Lessons
Student Group Centered Instruction
Lesson Flow
Student Journal
Summary Findings
  • Score Card CTA and MF seemed to be effective
    and equitable in this school system, Seasons did
    not seem to be effective.
  • Theory of Action Changed from looking at one
    relatively generic measure of teacher process
    fidelity to multiple measures of FOI adding
    student FOI and measures of FOI structure, and
    developing a better Theory of Action.
  • Lesson Flow and Student Journal response best
    predicted student outcomes ISCOP analysis
    illuminated most potent instructional strategies
    for MF.

FOI Lessons Learned
  • Studying curriculum adaptations for an
    unproven curriculum is a slippery slope because
    critical ingredients are unknown.
  • Study of FOI in Comparison groups provides
    important counterfactual.
  • This study shows potential for both teacher and
    student FOI, as well as process and structural
  • Study of FOI should reveal more about critical
    components of an intervention if measures of each
    component shows a positive relationship with
    student outcomes.

The End
  • Thanks to Researchers Without Borders for
    sponsoring this Webinar.

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  • Lynch, S., Taymans, J. Watson, W., Ochsendorf,
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  • Michigan Department of Education. (1993).
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  • Mowbray, C., Holter, M. C., Teague, G. B.,
    Bybee, D. (2003). Fidelity criteria Development,
    measurement, and validation. American Journal of
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  • ODonnell, C. L. (2007). Fidelity of
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  • O'Donnell, C.L., Lynch, S., Lastica, J.,
    Merchlinsky, S. (2007, April). Analyzing the
    relationship between Fidelity of Implementation
    (FOI) and student outcomes in a quasi-experiment.
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    American Educational Research Association,
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  • O'Donnell, C.L., Lynch, S., Watson, W.,
    Rethinam, V. (2007, April). Teacher and student
    Fidelity of Implementation (FOI) to process
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    and relationships to classroom achievement. In
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  • O'Donnell, C. (2008). Defining, conceptualizing,
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  • O'Donnell, C., Lynch, S. (2008, March).
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    annual meeting of the American Educational
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  • Rethinam, V., Pyke, C., Lynch, S. (2008). Using
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    science curriculum materials. Evaluation and
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  • Rethinam, V., Pyke, C., Lynch, S. (in
    preparation.). Using Multilevel Analyses to Study
    Individual and Classroom Factors in Science
    Curriculum Effectiveness.
  • Songer, N. B., Gotwals, A. W. (2005, April).
    Fidelity of implementation in three sequential
    curricular units. In S. Lynch (Chair), Fidelity
    of implementation in implementation and scale-up
    research designs Applications from four studies
    of innovative science curriculum materials and
    diverse populations. Symposium conducted at the
    meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American
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  • Stern, L. Ahlgren, A. (2002). Analysis of
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  • Watson, W., Lynch, S., Rethinam, V., ODonnell,
    C. (2006, April). Development of an instrument
    to measure student responsiveness to
    implementation of science curriculum materials.
    Paper given at the annual meeting of the National
    Association for Research in Science Teaching,
    April, 2006 , San Francisco.
  • Further acknowledgments of important
    contributions to this work on fidelity of
    implementation made by Rob Ochsendorf, Aiyita
    Ruiz-Primo, Doug Clement, Okhee Lee, Bruce Ward,
    Carolyn Walton, Theron Blakeslee, Andy Anderson,
    Phyllis Blumenfeld.
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