Title: Blank Jeopardy
1Geraldo, No Last Name
Lamb to the Slaughter
Charming Billy
Trap of Gold
Lowest Animal
1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pt
2 pt
2 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
3 pt
4 pt
4 pt
4 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
5 pt
2Where Marin meets Geraldo.
3Where is a dance?
4An example of Marins character given by indirect
5What is staying at the hospital for a complete
stranger indirectly shows she is compassionate?
6They in the story.
7Who is everyone else? (the people who judged
Geraldo without knowing him)
8The definition of inference.
9What is something one comes to know by reading
between the lines?
10The language Geraldo speaks.
11What is Spanish?
12The job of Marys husband.
13What is police officer?
14The murder weapon.
15What is a frozen lambs leg?
16How the ending is ironic.
17What is by the police officers eating the weapon
theyre looking for?
18With whom Mary creates an alibi.
19Who is the grocer?
20The point-of-view of the story (readers know her
21What is omniscient?
22The war.
23What is the Vietnam War?
24How Billy dies.
25What is from fear?
26What Paul does uncontrollably.
27What is laugh?
28What the soldiers are doing by the river.
29What is searching for Billys body?
30Where Paul thinks he will no longer be afraid.
31Where is by the sea?
32The conflict in the story.
33What is human vs- nature?
34Where the gold is.
35What is in the vein between the leaning rock gate?
36How the atmosphere of the story is like the
atmosphere of Deal or No Deal.
37What is full of greed?
38The name of the main character.
39What is Wetherton?
40The name of the rock formation where this story
takes place.
41What is an alluvial fan?
42The author.
43Who is Mark Twain?
44What the earls kill too many of.
45What are buffalo?
46Number of legs of the higher animals.
47What are four legs?
48The difference between putting different humans
in a cage and putting different animals is a cage.
49What is the animals get along while the humans
kill one another?
50The type of writing in this story. (Hint uses
an exaggerated, sarcastic tone)
51What is satire?