Ocean Science Data Based Lesson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ocean Science Data Based Lesson


Needed Construction Materials For a class of 30 students, ... The false color SST data should be showing through the punched holes. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ocean Science Data Based Lesson

Ocean ScienceData Based Lesson
  • A Guide to Construction of Materials for Ships,
    Ocean and Satellites
  • (S.O.S.)
  • Paper version

This guide is intended to be used in conjunction
with the lesson plan for this lesson
This document is not a lesson plan. It is
intended to provide instruction for creating the
custom paper models the S.O.S. lesson requires.
Once built, the models can be reused. This
lesson is intended for use in informal education
Lesson Goals
  • Introduce students to real time data
  • Provide students with a visual aid when first
    teaching about data.
  • Leave students with skills to interpret real time
    data and false color images.

Needed Construction MaterialsFor a class of 30
students, make six models
  • 6 standard letter-size manila file folders (any
  • Scissors or razor knife
  • Ruler
  • Glue stick (dries clear)
  • Clear tape (packing tape is best)
  • Pencil
  • Stack of scrap paper, cardstock, or cardboard
  • 6 copies of the front page maps (land colored in,
    grid squares blank) on letter size paper
  • 6 copies of the false color data maps (land can
    be blank grid squares colored to show
    temperature data) on letter size paper
  • 6 copies of the blank cover maps (grid blank,
    extra squares shaded) on letter size cardstock or
  • 2-3 extra sheets of the same paper or card stock
    the blank cover maps are printed on

Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Develop a reasonable Sea Surface Temperature
(SST) data set to use with the lesson. You can
use any region you like we chose the East Coast
of the United States. This example is roughly
based off of a composite of mid-September sea
surface temperatures from multiple years. There
are 33 sections of the grid to potentially sample
in this example, which is a coarse resolution of
data. Create a second map with the data grid
blank, but including the necessary land mass(es)
and false color key. Create a third map with
everything but the squares that contain data
shaded out.
The State of New Jersey location of Liberty
Science Center are highlighted on our map to help
students orient themselves.
Maps needed for the paper model
Data map Data colored Land and key can be
Front page map Grid blank, land key colored
Blank cover map Grid blank, squares that cant
be sampled shaded
Size the maps to leave a margin of at least 1.5
of white space on each side. Be sure that all
three maps are the same size, and positioned in
the same place on the page (if you stack the
printouts, the maps should overlap exactly).
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
First, print out your maps and make sure they
overlap exactly. Next, fold the manila folder
exactly in half (you will have to make a new
crease). To make the open edge more even, you
can either fold over the index tab, or cut it
off. Flip over the folder you want to use the
tab or back side for the front of your model.
Indent for the index tab, normally the front of a
folder you want this on the BACK of your
finished model
Here the index tab has been creased.
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Position your front cover map on the folder. You
want the map close to the bottom, so that when
you drop another map into the pocket of the
folder, it will line up with the front
cover. Tape one edge of the map down, or lightly
mark the correct placement of the edges with
pencil. Apply a coat of glue and smooth down
your map. The finished piece will better
withstand repeated use if you tape down all four
sides of the map with clear tape, but its not
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Next you need to cut out the section of your grid
that corresponds to your data. If using a
razor knife, place a thick stack of scrap paper
or a piece of scrap cardboard inside the folder
before cutting. Be sure you only cut through
the map and one layer of folder leave the other
side of the folder intact. If using scissors,
pierce a hole in the center first then cut out to
the edge of the grid area so your outside border
of folder remains intact. Optional cover the
cut edges with thin strips of clear packing tape
to help the cutout withstand repeated use.
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Place the data map inside and line the grid up
with the cutout on the front cover. Glue the map
in place onto the back flap of the folder. Its
a good idea to tape down the top edge of this map
with clear tape, so you can slide other papers
into the folder without catching them on the edge
of the paper.
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Use clear tape to close the bottom and side of
the folder, creating a pocket.
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Slide in the blank cover map and check the fit.
The grid should line up with the cutout, and
cover the colored data. If desired, you can
print this map on thicker paper or cardstock, or
glue the paper onto 8.5x11 cardstock. Create a
pull tab to make it easier to insert and remove
the blank cover map Cut a piece of white paper
or cardstock 8.5 by 2.5 high. Overlap this by
0.5 with the top of the blank cover map, and
glue or tape in place on both sides. Round the
top corners if desired.
Additional maps needed for lesson
1) Student worksheet example
  1. Student worksheet (1 per student)
  2. Representation of what this model data would look
    like if it were real SST data (see following

Create a matching map worksheet for students to
record their data on. Include a key/scale on the
student worksheet. As with the blank cover map,
it is helpful to shade out the squares that
cannot be sampled on the model (the ones that do
not have data underneath them).
Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
2) Interpolated SST example
  • Refer to the lesson plan posted at
  • http//coseenow.net/blog/ships-ocean-and-satellite
  • In section II. Activity, 9.c., students compare
    the teacher created map to their own.
  • Have a complete SST like this available to show
    students to discuss the various assumptions that
    were used to create it. In this example
  • Water bodies of the same temperature are
  • When temperature changes are observed between
    points, the range of temperatures in between is

Use of Paper S.O.S.
You may follow the posted lesson plan for Ships,
Ocean, and Satellites at http//coseenow.net/blog
/ships-ocean-and-satellites-s-o-s/ Where
the lesson plan refers to the custom
boxes, use these models instead.
  • To use with students, you will need
  • Additional copies of the blank cover map (1 per
    group of 4-5 students)
  • Standard stick type ball-point pens with the
    nose and ink assemblies removed (1 per group)
  • Well sharpened pencils
  • Student worksheets (1 per student)
  • Crayons or colored pencils

Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
  • First pass out a blank cover map to each group of
  • Ask them to punch a hole in the center of each of
    the squares their group has chosen to sample.
  • Before passing out the pens, show students how to
    punch holes using the pen and pencil
  • Insert the tip of the pencil through the center
    of a square.
  • From the back side, cover the pencil tip with the
    hollow pen. Press the pen and pencil together
    and twist remove both.
  • If desired, you can then place the paper face
    down on the table and smooth down the ragged
    extra paper using the flat, closed end of the pen.

Ships, Ocean, and Satellites (S.O.S.)
Students should slide their punched map into the
folder assembly behind the blank cover map.
Once the map is in place (tap the bottom of the
folder on the table to settle the map inside),
students should gently use the pull tab to remove
the blank cover. The false color SST data should
be showing through the punched holes. Have
students record their data on their worksheets,
and continue the lesson and discussion as written.
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