Title: APA Formatting
1 APA Formatting
2The University of Arizona College of Nursing
Components of a Paper
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Body
- References
- Appendix
3The University of Arizona College of Nursing
Title Page
Include the following 1. Running Head and
Page Number 2. Title 3. Your name 4.
4 5Abstract
- Concise, comprehensive summary of the paper
- 120 words maximum
6In-text Citations
- You MUST cite the source for every sentence
containing non-original, non-common knowledge
information. - Citation should include author name and year of
7In-text Citations Continued
Examples Smith, Jones, and Allen (2001)
compared study time with test scores and
found OR Increased study time has been shown
to be positively correlated with test scores
(Smith, Jones, Allen, 2001).
- Book
- Aamodt, A. M. (1997). A history of the College of
Nursing. Tucson, - AZ University of Arizona.
- Journal Article
- Yeh, M. (1996). The "cult of poetry" in
contemporary - China. Journal of Asian Studies, 55(2), 51-80.
- Journal Article (DOI)
- Wilens, T. E., Biederman, J. (2006). Alcohol,
drugs, and - attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder A
model for the study - of addictions in youth. Journal of
Psychopharmacology, -
- 20, 580-588. doi10.1177/0269881105058776
- Detailed information that would be inappropriate
in body of the paper - Example Pharmacological charts medication,
doses, indications, etc. - Labeled Appendix A, B, C
- Table 1
- Normal Respiratory Rates by Age
- Â
- Age Rate (breaths per minute)
- Preterm 40-60
- Term 30-40
- 5 years 25
- 10 years 20
Note. From Health Education, Assessment and
Well-Child Care by M. A. Brady, 1998 in V. R.
Bowden, S. B. Dickey, and C. S. Greenberg (Eds.),
Children and Their Families The Continuum of
Care, p. 352.
- U of A Library Citation Guide
- http//www.library.arizona.edu/search/reference/ci
tation.html - APA Manual (6th Edition)
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). (2010). Washington, DC
American Psychological Association.
12Additional Recommended Resources
- http//www.nursing.arizona.edu/AcademicStudentSupp
ort.htm - www.apastyle.org
- http//owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
- http//sites.google.com/site/nahrsnursingresources