Title: Person Attributes and Psychological Pathways
1Person Attributes and Psychological Pathways
- Sheldon Cohen
- Carnegie Mellon University
2- From Roberts, Kuncel, Shiner, Caspi Goldberg
- The Comparative Predictive Validity of
Personality Traits, SES and Cognitive Ability for
Important Life Outcomes
Metaanalysis of 31 Studies that link personality
traits to mortality/longevity
3 of Studies with Usable Data
- Conscientiousness 4
- Positive emotions/extraversion 4
- Negative emotions/neuroticism 12
- Hostility/disagreeableness 19
4SES and IQ Effect Sizes
- SES on mortality -.02 (CIs -.02,.-03)
- IQ on mortality .07 (CIs .03,.10)
R sq as measure of effect sizes was estimated
from information of relative risk values and
5Average Effect Sizes (r sq) for Personality and
- Conscientiousness -.09 (CIs -.05,-.12)
- Pos emotions/extra -.06 (CIs -.04,-.08)
- Neg emotions/neur .05 (CIs .02,.08)
- Hostility/disagree .04 (CIs .02,.06)
R sq as measure of effect sizes was estimated
from information of relative risk values and
6Unfair Advantages Personality has Over More
Acute Measures
- Methodological It is there all of the time,
hence you cannot miss optimal periods. - Chronicity It is acting long enough to impact
physiological systems
7What do we mean when we say Personality?Health?
- Typically, a specific personality factor (e.g.,
hostility or optimism) derived from observation
or from theory is associated with health outcomes - Would a broader perspective on personality be
helpful? How does each component of a broad
conception of personality (e.g., Big 5) alter
proposed mediators?
8What Level of Personality Should We Be Studying?
- Specific versus Broad Typology
- How do we choose specific?
- How do we choose broad?
9- Is the recent focus of positive aspect of
personality important? - Positive as apposed to negative affectivity
- Engagement and purpose in contrast to
disengagement and withdrawal
10How could personality influence our health?
- Common genetic contributions
- ?Health behaviors
- Motivation (e.g., conscientiousness)
- Susceptibility to social pressures (e.g.,
extraversion) - ?Behavioral or Psychological
- Specific behaviors such as increased social
interaction, hostility, avoidance of specific
stimuli - Adherence to medical regimens
- Emotions or cognitions that may influence
relevant physiological systems or health
practices - (continued)
11- ? Physiology
- Direct--Usually thru common pathways (SNS
HPA? more proximal causal pathways) - Health behaviors? Physiology (e.g., smoking,
alcohol abuse) - Emotions? Physiology (e.g., smoking, alcohol
12More Time More People More Interactions More -
Emotional Quality and Regulation
Health Practices
Larger Networks More Diverse Networks More
Perceived Social Support Intimate Relationships
13Personality and the Life-Span
- Do traits have differential effects at different
points in the life span?
- What traits that might influence adolescent
health? - What traits that might influence adult health?
14- What are the key psychological
- pathways to consider?
- Mastery/Control
- Purpose/Meaning
- Self-esteem
- Specific or nonspecific Affects
- Affective disorders
15- Do we need to develop new measurement tools?
- Specific traits versus broad typology?
- How do we choose specific, broad?
- Is the recent focus of positive aspect of
personality important? - Are positive attributes just the flip side of
negative ones? - Do traits have differential effects at different
points in the life span? - Traits that might influence adolescent health?
- Traits that might influence adult health?
18- How could personality influence our health?
- Are there important pathways we are not
investigating? - What are the key psychological pathways to
consider? - Are there important pathways we are not