Tutorial 7 Creating Animations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tutorial 7 Creating Animations


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tutorial 7 Creating Animations

Tutorial 7Creating Animations
  • Learn about animation
  • Create a timeline
  • Add AP divs and graphics to a timeline
  • Move and resize animation bars
  • Add keyframes to an animation bar
  • Adjust AP div visibility
  • Preview a timeline in Dreamweaver and in a browser

  • Adjust the AP div stacking order
  • Move and resize an AP div
  • Delete an animation bar
  • Start a timeline with a button
  • Add behaviors to the Behaviors channel
  • Create multiple timelines

Understanding Animation
  • Adding animated elements to a Web site can create
    interest and interactivity.
  • Animation is a series of graphics or images that
    appear to move over time.
  • Adding too much animation to a page can distract
    users from the main message or information.

Understanding Animation
  • You should not include more than one animated
    element in a page unless you have a compelling
    reason for doing so.
  • You should not include more than three or four
    animations in a site.

Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • The Timelines panel enables you to create
    animation using dynamic HTML code and AP divs.
  • To open the Timelines panel, click Window on the
    menu bar, and then click Timelines.
  • Timeline frames are the units of temporal
    measurement used in animation.

Exploring the Timelines Panel
Exploring the Timelines Panel
Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • The playback head (the red bar) indicates which
    frame of the animation is visible in the Document
  • Playback rate is the speed of an animation.
  • The default setting for the playback rate is 15
    frames per second (Fps).
  • The Behaviors channel is where you insert any
    behaviors that will be called from a frame in the

Exploring the Timelines Panel
  • Animation channels are the rows in which objects
    are animated.
  • The Timelines panel toolbar includes the
    following buttons
  • Timelines
  • Rewind
  • Back
  • Current frame number
  • Playback
  • Autoplay
  • Loop

Creating a Timeline
  • The first step in creating an animation is to
    create a timeline for the AP div you want to
  • You create a timeline for an AP div by dragging
    the AP div to the Timelines panel.
  • The image or text that you want to animate must
    be in an AP div before you can add it to the
    Timelines panel.

Creating a Timeline
  • When you drag an AP div to the Timelines panel,
    an animation bar and keyframes are added for the
    AP div.
  • An animation bar is the purple line that appears
    in the channel to which the AP div is added.
  • A keyframe is a frame in a timeline where an
    event occurs.
  • Every timeline has at least two keyframesone at
    the first frame and one at the last frame.

Creating a Timeline
Creating a Timeline
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
  • You can move an animation bar to another
    animation channel or to another location within
    the same animation channel.
  • You move an animation bar to another animation
    channel by selecting the animation bar and
    dragging it to the new channel.
  • To select an animation bar, click the animation
    bar anywhere between the keyframes, but not on
    the keyframes.

Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
  • You can select and move more than one animation
    bar at a time by using the Shift key.
  • To move an animation bar to a new location within
    an animation channel, select the animation bar
    and then drag the animation bar to the frame you
  • The horizontal position within the channel
    determines when that animation bar plays within
    the timeline.

Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
Moving and Resizing Animation Bars
Resizing an Animation Bar
  • You can resize an animation bar by selecting the
    keyframe at either end of the bar and dragging
    the keyframe to a new position within the
    animation channel.
  • Lengthening the animation bar increases the
    duration of the animation by adding more frames.
  • Shortening the animation bar decreases the
    duration of the animation by reducing the number
    of frames.

Resizing an Animation Bar
Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
  • Keyframes are where you input instructions for an
  • You need a keyframe in each frame of the timeline
    where something happens, for example
  • If you are moving an AP div, you need a keyframe
    each time the movement changes direction, stops,
    or starts.
  • If you are changing the visibility of an AP div,
    you need a keyframe each time the AP div changes

Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
  • To add keyframes to an animation bar
  • Select the animation bar to which you want to add
    a keyframe.
  • Click in the frame to which you want to add the
  • Right-click the selected frame, and then click
    Add Keyframe.
  • When you add a keyframe to an animation bar, the
    AP div name disappears.

Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
Adding Keyframes to an Animation Bar
Creating an Animation
  • You create animation by doing one of three types
    of things
  • You can change AP div position.
  • You can change the source of an image.
  • You can automatically call behaviors without
    using Flash, ActiveX, Java, or any other plug-in

Creating an Animation
  • Timeline actions, used to change AP div
    properties over time, are
  • Show or hide an AP div
  • Change the z-index or stacking order
  • Move an AP div
  • Resize an AP div
  • You can also change the image source with the

Adjusting AP Div Visibility in the Timelines Panel
  • To change AP div visibility
  • Select the desired keyframe.
  • In the AP Elements panel, click the visibility
    column until the appropriate icon appears.
  • The three visibility attributes are visible,
    hidden, and default.
  • The change in visibility is not gradual it
    occurs immediately.

Adjusting AP Div Visibility in the Timelines Panel
Adjusting AP Div Visibility in the Timelines Panel
Previewing a Timeline
  • You should preview an animation in Dreamweaver as
    you create it.
  • It is also important to preview the animation in
    a browser window.
  • You should also test a finished animation on a
    number of computers after you have posted the

Previewing a Timeline in Dreamweaver
  • There are two ways to preview a timeline in
  • You can drag the playback head across the
    timeline in the Timelines panel.
  • You can click and hold the Playback button on the
    Timelines panel toolbar.

Previewing a Timeline in a Browser
  • To preview a timeline within a browser window,
    you must add a behavior to the Web page that
    instructs the browser to play the timeline.
  • When you check the Autoplay check box,
    Dreamweaver inserts the Autoplay behavior into
    the code of the Web page.
  • The Autoplay behavior tells the browser to play
    the timeline as soon as the page is finished

Previewing a Timeline in a Browser
Previewing a Timeline in a Browser
Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
  • You adjust the z-index number of AP divs to
    change their stacking order.
  • You can change the order in which AP divs are
    stacked during a timeline.
  • The change in stacking order occurs immediately
    when the timeline encounters a keyframe with
    instructions to change the z-index number of an
    AP div.

Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
  • To change the AP div stacking order
  • Select the keyframe in which you want the
    stacking order to change in the animation bar.
  • Type the desired z-index number in the Z column
    in the AP Elements panel, and then press the
    Enter key.

Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
Adjusting AP Div Stacking Order in the Timeline
Moving an AP Div in the Timelines Panel
  • The timeline enables you to move an AP div from
    one position to another position in the page over
    a period of time.
  • You move an AP div by selecting a keyframe and
    changing the position of the AP div.
  • Dreamweaver moves the AP div in such a way that
    the AP div arrives at its new position as the
    playback head reaches the keyframe that has
    instructions to change the AP div position.

Moving an AP Div in the Timelines Panel
Moving an AP Div in the Timelines Panel
Resizing an AP Div Over Time
  • Changing the dimensions of an AP div over a
    period of time is another way to add animation to
    a page.
  • Adding a background color to an AP div enables
    you to see the AP div change dimensions over
  • To see the AP div shrink or grow, the AP divs
    overflow must be set to Hidden.
  • Resizing an AP div does not change the dimensions
    of images in the AP div.

Resizing an AP Div Over Time
Deleting an Animation Bar
  • To delete an animation bar
  • Select the animation bar you want to delete.
  • Press the Delete key.
  • In the AP Elements panel, select the AP div, and
    then press the Delete key.

Starting a Timeline with a Button
  • Buttons are a good way to start a timeline
    because they enable you to tie the animation to a
    user decision.
  • You start a timeline with a button by adding a
    behavior to the button that triggers the timeline
    to begin playing, such as the Play Timeline
  • The button can be a rollover image.

Starting a Timeline with a Button
Starting a Timeline with a Button
Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
  • You can add many of the behaviors from the
    Behaviors panel list within a timeline.
  • Placing behaviors in a timeline enables you to
    make things that are not necessarily triggered by
    user interaction (such as a mouse click) happen
    over time within a Web page.

Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
  • To add behaviors to the Behaviors channel
  • Select the frame to which you want to add the
    behavior in the Behaviors channel in the
    Timelines panel.
  • Select the behavior from the behaviors list in
    the Behaviors panel, and then set any required

Adding Behaviors to the Behaviors Channel
Creating Multiple Timelines
  • You can create more complex interactions in a Web
    page by adding multiple timelines in the same
  • You add additional timelines to a page in the
    same way that you added the first timeline to the
  • You toggle between timelines using the Timelines
    list on the Timelines panel toolbar.

Creating Multiple Timelines
  • With multiple timelines, all of the timelines can
    run at the same time, or you can use behaviors to
    make one timeline start another timeline and so
  • When using multiple timelines in one page, each
    timeline should be fairly simple so that the page
    will be able to run at a reasonable speed.

Creating Multiple Timelines
Creating Multiple Timelines
Creating Multiple Timelines
Updating the Web Site on the Remote Server
  • To update
  • Connect to the remote server using the Connects
    to Remote Host button on the Files panel toolbar
  • Click the View list arrow, and then click Local
  • Select the tourdates.htm file, and then click the
    Put File(s) button
  • Click the Yes button when asked if you want to
    include dependent files

Updating the Web Site on the Remote Server
  • To update (cont.)
  • Disconnect using the Disconnects from Remote Host
  • Click the View list arrow, and then click Local

Tutorial Summary
  • Add AP divs to a timeline
  • Move AP divs
  • Change the duration of AP divs
  • Insert additional keyframes into animation bars
  • Move and resize AP divs

Tutorial Summary
  • Change the visibility and the stacking order of
    AP divs
  • Use a button to start your timeline
  • Add behaviors to the timeline using the Behaviors
  • Add multiple timelines to a Web page
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