Title: Tip of the week
1Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
1. A few drops of sap eventually began to trickle
into the bucket.
2Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
2. Edward, dejected and withdrawn, nearly gave up
his search for a job.
3Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
3. Fishing crews place turtle excluder devices in
fishing nets to protect endangered marine turtles.
4Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
4. The economy may recover more quickly than
expected if home values climb.
5Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
5. A pair of black ducks flew over the pond just
as the sun came up.
6Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
6. John and I, anticipating a peaceful evening,
sat down at the campfire to brew a cup of coffee.
7Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
7. Sayuri becomes a successful geisha after
growing up desperately poor in Japan.
8Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
8. The Dust Bowl farmers, looking wearily into
the cameras of US government photographers,
represented the harshest effects of the Great
9Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
9. The exhibits for insects and spiders sit
across the hall from the fossils exhibit.
10Tip of the weekProvide some variety
- Vary your sentence openings.
- Use a variety of sentence structures.
- Try inverting sentences occasionally.
10. Mr. Guo habitually dresses in loose clothing
and canvas shoes for his wushu workout.