Title: Public Economics
1Chapter 21 Economic Growth
- Essential reading
- Hindriks, J and G.D. Myles Intermediate Public
Economics. (Cambridge MIT Press, 2005) Chapter
21. - Further reading
- Barro, R.J. (1990) Government spending in a
simple model of endogenous growth, Journal of
Political Economy, 98, S103 S125. - Barro, R.J. (1991) Economic growth in a cross
section of countries, Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 106, 407 444. - Barro, R.J. and Sala-I-Martin, X. (1995) Economic
Growth (New York McGraw-Hill), - Lucas, R.E. (1990) Supply-side economics an
analytical review, Oxford Economic Papers, 42,
293 316. - Slemrod, J. (1995) What do cross-country studies
teach about government involvement, prosperity,
and economic growth, Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity, 373 - 431.
- Solow, R.M. (1970) Growth Theory An Exposition
(Oxford Oxford University Press). - Stokey, N.L. and Rebelo, S. (1995) Growth
effects of flat-rate taxes, Journal of Political
Economy, 103, 519 550. - Challenging reading
- Aghion, P. and Howitt, P. (1998) Endogenous
Growth Theory (Cambridge MIT Press), - Chamley, C. (1981) The welfare cost of capital
income taxation in a growing economy, Journal of
Political Economy, 89, 468 496. - Chamley, C. (1986) Optimal taxation of capital
income in general equilibrium with infinite
lives, Econometrica, 54, 607 622. - De La Croix, D. and Michel, P. (2002) A Theory of
Economic Growth (Cambridge Cambridge University
- Dowrick, S. (1993) Government consumption its
effects on productivity growth and investment in
N. Gemmel (ed.) The Growth of the Public Sector.
Theories and Evidence (Aldershot Edward Elgar). - Easterly, W. (1993) How much do distortions
affect growth?, Journal of Monetary Economics,
32, 187 212. - Easterly, W. and Rebelo, S. (1993) Fiscal policy
and economic growth, Journal of Monetary
Economics, 32, 417 458. - Engen, E.M. and Skinner, J. (1996) Taxation and
economic growth, NBER Working Paper No. 5826. - Jones, L.E., Manuelli, R.E. and Rossi, P.E.
(1993) Optimal taxation in models of endogenous
growth, Journal of Political Economy, 101, 485
517. - Judd, K. (1985) Redistributive taxation in a
simple perfect foresight model, Journal of
Public Economics, 28, 59 83.
- King, R.G. and Rebelo, S. (1990) Public policy
and endogenous growth developing neoclassical
implications, Journal of Political Economy, 98,
S126 S150. - Levine, R. and Renelt, D. (1992) A sensitivity
analysis of cross-country growth models,
American Economic Review, 82, 942 963. - Mendoza, E., Milesi-Ferretti, G.M and Asea, P.
(1997) On the ineffectiveness of tax policy in
altering long-run growth Harberger's
superneutrality conjecture, Journal of Public
Economics, 66, 99 126. - Pecorino, P. (1993) Tax structure and growth in
a model with human capital, Journal of Public
Economics, 52, 251 271. - Plosser, C. (1993) The search for growth, in
Federal Reserve of Kansas City symposium series,
Policies for Long Run Growth, 57 86, (Kansas
- Economic growth is the basis of increased
prosperity - Growth comes from capital accumulation and
innovation - Taxation can affect incentives but can also
finance productive public expenditure - The level of taxes has risen in most countries
- This raises questions about the effect of
taxation on growth
7Exogenous Growth
- Exogenous growth theory developed in the 1950s
and 1960s - The theory assumes technical progress occurs
exogenously - It does not try to explain technical progress
- In the Solow growth model capital and labor are
combined with constant returns to scale and there
is a single consumer - Growth occurs through capital accumulation
8Exogenous Growth
- Assume a production function Yt F(Kt, Lt) where
Kt and Lt are capital and labor inputs at time t - Let the saving rate be fixed at s, 0 lt s lt 1
- Investment at time t is It sF(Kt, Lt)
- With depreciation rate d capital stock at t 1
is Kt1 It 1 dKt - sF(Kt, Lt) 1
dKt - This capital accumulation equation determines the
evolution of capital through time
9Exogenous Growth
- Constant returns imply
- Yt LtF(Kt/Lt, 1) Ltf(kt), kt Kt/Lt
- In terms of the capital-labor ratio the capital
accumulation condition becomes - 1 nkt1 sf(kt) 1
dkt - A steady state is achieved when the capital-labor
ratio is constant - The steady state capital-labor ratio k is defined
by - sf(k) - n dk
0 - This is interpreted as the long-run equilibrium
10Exogenous Growth
- Fig. 21.1 plots the evolution of kt assuming that
f(kt) kta - This gives the capital accumulation equation
- kt1 (skta 1dkt)/(1 n)
- Using k0 1, n 0.05, d 0.05, s 0.2 and a
0.5 the figure plots kt for 50 years - The steady-state level is k 4
Figure 21.1 Dynamics of the capital stock
11Exogenous Growth
- The determination of the steady state is shown in
Fig. 21.2 - The steady state is at the intersection of (n
d)k and sf(k) - Consumption is the difference between f(k) and
sf(k) - In the steady state consumption per capita Ct/Lt
is constant - This places a limit on the growth of living
Figure 21.2 The steady state
12Exogenous Growth
- Policy can affect the outcome by changing the
saving rate, s, or shifting the production
function, f(k) - But a one-off change cannot affect the long-run
growth rate - A sustained increase in growth can only come
through continuous upward movement in f(k) - This can occur through technical progress
- But the cause of the progress requires
13Exogenous Growth
- For each saving rate there is an equilibrium k
- Consumption is given by c(s) f(k(s)) n
dk(s) - c(s) is maximized by s which solves
- f'(k(s )) n d
- The level of capital k k(s) is the Golden
Rule capital-labor ratio - This is shown in Fig. 21.3
Figure 21.3 The Golden Rule
14Exogenous Growth
- To see the effect of the saving rate assume y
ka, a lt 1 - The steady state then satisfies ska n dk so
- k (s/(n d))1/(1-a)
- Consumption is plotted as a function of s in Fig.
21.4 - The saving rate can have a significant effect on
Figure 21.4 Consumption and the saving rate
15Exogenous Growth
- The Chamley-Judd results shows that there should
be no tax on capital income in the long-run - Table 21.1 reports the welfare cost of imposing a
capital tax - The increase in consumption arises from removal
of the tax - The welfare cost is large as a percent of the tax
Initial tax rate () Increase in consumption () Welfare cost ( of tax revenue)
30 3.30 11
50 8.38 26
Source Chamley (1981) Table 21.1 Welfare cost
of taxation
16Endogenous Growth
- Endogenous growth models explain the causes of
growth through individual choices - There are several explanations available
- These include
- The AK model assumes constant returns
- Human capital can be incorporated alongside
physical capital - Technological innovation can introduce new
products - The government can provide a productive public
17Barro Model
- The Barro model includes public expenditure as an
input - The public input is financed by a tax on output
- The utility function of the consumer is
18Barro Model
- Profit-maximization determines the demand for
capital and labor - The model can be solved explicitly
- The growth rate of consumption can be written as
- Taxation has both a positive and a negative
19Barro Model
- With a productive public input there is a role
for taxation - Taxation finances the public input and can
generate growth - Raising the tax rate too high reduces growth
- This identifies the concept of an optimal size of
public sector
Figure 21.5 Tax rate and consumption growth
20Policy Reform
- There is significant research on the form of the
best tax system for economic growth - Much of this has focused on the effect of the
corporate tax - In 2002 the top rate was 40 percent in the US, 30
percent in the UK and 38.4 percent in Germany - These values are above the optimal value of zero
- Simulations have considered the welfare effect of
reforming the tax system
21Policy Reform
- There is a distinction between level and growth
effects - In Fig. 21.6 the move from a to c is a level
effect - The increase along a to e is a growth effect
- Taxation can have level and growth effects
Figure 21.6 Level and growth effects
22Policy Reform
Figure 21.7 Growth effects of tax reform
23Empirical Evidence
- There has been considerable empirical
investigation of the relation between taxation
and growth - The prediction of theory is ambiguous
- Consider the model of a productive public good
- Relation between tax and growth was non-monotonic
- A similar outcome will apply for many models
- This motivate the analysis of empirical evidence
24Empirical Evidence
- A first view of the data is shown in Fig. 21.8
- This plots the US growth rate (lower line) and
tax revenue as a proportion of GDP (upper line) - The trend lines show a steady rise in tax but a
very minor decrease in growth - There is no obvious relation
Source US Department of Commerce Figure 21.8 US
tax and growth rates
25Empirical Evidence
- Fig. 21.9 reports tax and growth data for the UK
- Tax revenues have grown
- The trend line for GDP growth is upward sloping
- The figure provides evidence of a positive
relation - The difficulty in this analysis is constructing
the counterfactual
Source Feinstein (1972), UK Revenue Statistics,
Economic Trends Figure 21.9 UK tax and growth
26Empirical Evidence
- It should be the marginal rate of tax that
matters - Fig. 21.10 illustrates the problem of defining
the marginal rate of tax - There is no single rate with a non-linear tax
- The construction is further complicated by
deductions and incentives - Many definitions of the marginal rate have been
used in empirical work
Figure 21.10 Average and marginal tax rates
27Empirical Evidence
- The figure shows GDP and tax rates for a
cross-section of countries - It shows the negative relation reported by
Plosser - This has been presented as evidence of a general
28Empirical Evidence
- But the downward trend is driven by the outliers
- Three countries that are unusual
- Korea
- Czech Republic
- Slovak Republic
- The negative relation almost disappears when
these are removed
29Empirical Evidence
With Outliers
Without Outliers
30Empirical Evidence
- Data on expenditure and growth for OECD
- No strong relationship is apparent
- Linear trend line shows weak negative
- Polynomial shows observations around a maximum
31Empirical Evidence
- Slemrod (1995) suggests two structural relations
- Taxation causes distortions and lowers GDP
- Growth in GDP raises demand for expenditure
- Estimation has not resolved simultaneity
- If expenditure is chosen to maximize the rate of
growth - For similar countries observations clustered
round the maximum - If countries are different no meaningful
32Empirical Evidence
- Easterly and Rebelo show that the negative
relation virtually disappears when initial GDP is
added to regression - They also consider alternative definitions of the
marginal tax rate and a range of determinants of
growth (school enrolments, assassinations,
revolutions, war casualties) - Conclude there is little evidence of a link
between tax rates and growth
33Empirical Evidence
- Are there any variables correlated with growth in
cross-country data? - Barro (1991)
- Initial GDP (-)
- Education ()
- Government consumption (-)
- Deviation from PPP (-)
- Revolutions (-), Assassinations (-)
- Robustness tests reduced the set of variables to
East Asian dummy, Investment price, Years open,
Primary schooling, Fraction Confucion
34Empirical Evidence
- The evidence that taxation reduces growth is weak
- Personal and corporate income taxes have the
strongest negative effect - No empirical variable can summarise the tax
system - There is an absence of structural modelling
- Causality is unclear