Title: SA0951a Enhanced Entity-Relationship Modelling (EERM) and Mapping
1SA0951aEnhanced Entity-Relationship
- Reading
- e.g. Connolly/Begg (4th ed) Chapter 12
Enhanced ERM Mapping Step 6 - Rob et al Chapter 6.1 (Advanced data modelling),
Chapter 11.2 "Step 6".
2Some limitations of ERMs
- ERMs are fine for traditional applications
- But what about complex databases?
- Enhanced ERM (EERM) supports additional concepts
- Specialisation/generalisation
- Uses the UML notation
- Ties into Object Oriented design
- This extension uses
- Superclasses
- Subclasses
- Attribute inheritance
- Constraints
- Participation
- Disjoint
4 Super/Subclasses
- Generalisation is the Superclass concept
- An entity with one or more distinct subgroupings
- Specialisation is the Subclass concept
- An entity of a distinct subgrouping
5 Continued ..
- Staff has a superclass/subclass relationship
- With 2 subclasses
- The relationship is ONE-TO-ONE
- The super/subclass structure
- Avoids modelling different attributes in the same
entity - Avoids therefore nulls
- Models common attributes in the superclass
- Models unshared attributes in the subclasses
6A word on Attribute Inheritance
Which attributes are Inherited by
Entity1.3.2? A) A,B,C,I,J B) I,J C)
Entity1 A B C
Entity1.1 D E F
Entity1.2 G H
Entity1.3 I J
Entity1.3.1 K
Entity1.3.2 L
7Real Example
Staff id name Age
Full-Time salary holidays
Part-Time hourlyRate contractType
8Poor Example 1
Staff id name age
Full-Time salary sex
Part-Time hourlyRate sex
WHY is this a poor example? A salary should be
in the Staff entity B sex should be in the
Staff entity C name and age should be in both
sub-classes D There shouldnt be two sub-classes
9Poor Example 2
Staff id name age
Full-Time salary holidays
Car registration colour
What is the problem here?
10 Constraints
- Participation
- A subclass member is always also a member of the
superclass - Mandatory participation (of a superclass member
in a subclass member) - A superclass member must be a member of a
subclass - Optional participation (of a superclass member in
a subclass member) - A superclass member need not be a member of any
subclass - Disjoint OR
- When a superclass member is a member of only one
subclass - Non-disjoint AND
- A superclass member may a member of more than one
subclass (also called overlapping)
11Constraints continued
- Disjoint represented by an OR
- Non-disjoint (overlapping) represented by AND
- Disjoint constraint only used for a hierarchy
with more than one subclass - So 4 possibilities for constraints shown on EERM
- Mandatory, OR
- Must belong to exactly one subclass
- Mandatory, AND
- Must belong to one or more subclasses
- Optional, OR
- May belong to one subclass or none
- Optional, AND
- May belong to any number of subclasses
12 Simple Example
Staff id name Age
Mandatory, OR
Full-Time Salary holidays
Part-Time hourlyRate contractType
Every member of staff must be either full time
or part time
13 If the logic changed to ..
Staff id name Age
Optional, OR
Full-Time Salary holidays
Part-Time hourlyRate contractType
Which statement is correct? A a member of staff
may be full and part time B a member of staff has
to be at least part-time C a member of staff must
be neither full nor part-time D a member of staff
may be either full or part time
14 Example
Which of these is true? A) A reader could be
both Student and Staff B) A student could be
taught and research C) Every reader is a member
of Staff D) A student is always a research
15 Example ctd
Which of these is true? A) ResearchStudent is a
subclass of Staff B) Staff is a superclass of
ResearchStudent C) Staff may supervise
TaughtStudent D) A ResearchStudent must be
supervised by up to 3 Staff
16 Example explanation
- A reader may be student, staff, or both, but need
not be either - Each Student must be either a taught or a
research student - Each research student has one to three supervisors
17Example Library EERM
We have already mapped most of this so how do
we map the super- and subclasses?
18Mapping super- and subclasses
- Treat superclasses like strong entities (step 1)
- Treat subclasses like weak entities (step 2)
- Deal with the relationship in Step 6
- 4 possible ways, guidelines below
- If using several relations, all include same PK
- designer makes final decision
19Step 6 Example 1
- Work from the bottom consider Student and its
subclasses first. - Mandatory, Or suggests one relation for each
combined super/subclass - What results from this?
20Step 6 ctd
- Now deal with Reader superclass
- From previous work, this currently has three
subclasses - Staff, TaughtStudent, ResearchStudent
21Which mapping?
- Which is recommended here?
- Which is totally unsuitable here?
- Which do you prefer?
- Reader(readerNo, firstN, lastN, addr)
- TaughtStudent (readerNo, matNo, email, course)
- ResearchStudent (readerNo, matNo, email, dept)
- Staff(readerNo,email, dept)
- Reader(readerNo, firstN, lastN, addr, matNo,
stuEmail, course, stuDept,
staffEmail, staffDept, tStu?, rStu?, staff?)
- TaughtStudent(readerNo, firstN, lastN, addr,
matNo, email, course) - ResearchStudent(readerNo, firstN, lastN, addr,
matNo, email, dept) - Staff(readerNo, firstN, lastN, address,email,
- Reader(readerNo, firstN, lastN, addr)
- ReaderDetails(readerNo, matNo, stuEmail, course,
stuDept, staffEmail,
staffDept, tStu?, rStu?, staff?)
22Step 6 Example ctd
Now consider Reader with Staff and TaughtStudent,
ResearchStudent subclasses
- Optional, And suggests one relation for the
superclass and one for all subclasses combined - Reader(readerNo, firstName, lastName, address)
- ReaderDetails(readerNo, matricNo, studentEmail,
course, stuDept, staffEmail, staffDept, tStu?,
rStu?, staff?)
Flags indicate subclass membership explicitly
23Step 6 Example ctd
- The two tables suggested are clumsy and will
have lots of nulls. - Discard that option and use method for Optional,
Or instead use one relation for the superclass
and one for each subclass
- Reader(readerNo, firstName, lastName, address)
- TaughtStudent(readerNo, matricNo, email,
course) - ResearchStudent(readerNo, matricNo, email,
department) - Staff(readerNo, email, department)
- This works nicely, also for implementing
Supervises relationship.
24Example Summary
- After mapping is completed, the relational model
consists of 9 relations - Author(ISBN, authorName)
- Book(ISBN, mainTitle, subtitle, publisher, year)
- BookCopy(ISBN, copyID, loanType, purchaseDate,
shelf) - Borrows(CopyID, ISBN, ReaderNo, dateOut,
returnDate) - Reader(readerNo, firstName, lastName, address)
- Staff(readerNo, email, department)
- ResearchStudent(readerNo, matricNo, email,
department) - TaughtStudent(readerNo, matricNo, email, course)
- Supervises(rStudentReaderNo, staffReaderNo)
25 Key Points
- Expands ERM
- Follows UML standard
- Super/subclass structure Attribute inheritance
- One-to-one relationship between super/subclasses
- Subclasses can be hierarchical or shared
- Participation and disjoint constraints used
- Mandatory, Or, Optional, And etc
- Mapping 9 Step procedure includes EERM
extension - In steps 12, treat superclasses as strong
entities, subclasses as weak entities - Use Step 6 for fine tuning - may change relations
- Connolly and Begg Database Solutions
- Chapter 7 for ERM
- Chapter 11 for Enhanced ERM
- Connolly and Begg Database Systems
- Chapter 11 for ERM
- Chapter 12 for Enhanced ERM
- Chapter 16 for mapping
- Rob et al "Database Systems"
- Chapter 5 for ERM
- Chapter 6 for EERM
- Chapter 11.2 for mapping
- Any other database main text book will offer help
but will use a slightly different notation
27Whats coming up?
- After completing (E)ERM modelling .
- We look at Normalisation
- Any database textbook will have a chapter on this
- We shall then go back into Oracle
- And really start learning SQL
- Coming up later
- There will be a class test covering modelling,
mapping and normalisation held either just before
or just after Christmas - You will be allowed to bring one A4 sheet of
notes (double-sided)