Title: Dr. Djoko Agus Purwanto, Apt. MSi
1Development Strategy for Faculty of Pharmacy
towards Excellent Quality Institution
- Dr. Djoko Agus Purwanto, Apt. MSi
Menjadi Fakultas Farmasi di Indonesia yang
inovatif, terkemuka di tingkat nasional dan
internasional, pelopor dalam pengembangan ilmu di
bidang sains-teknologi kefarmasian dan farmasi
klinis-komunitas serta menghasilkan lulusan
dengan kompetensi unggul dalam pharmaceutical
care, berdasar moral agama.
Menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik dan profesi yang inovatif dan terakreditasi baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, dalam bidang sains-teknologi kefarmasian dan farmasi klinis-komunitas, berdasarkan moral agama.
Mengembangkan sains-teknologi kefarmasian dan farmasi klinis-komunitas melalui penelitian dasar dan terapan, demi meningkatkan nilai tambah sumber daya alam Indonesia.
Melaksanakan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang kefarmasian sebagai tanggungjawab sosial, demi pemberdayaan, peningkatan kesehatan dan kualitas hidup
Melaksanakan kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat di tingkat nasional dan internasional secara efektif, efisien dan berkesinambungan untuk pengembangan dan keberlangsungan pendidikan.
3Excellent Quality Target
Excellent Quality
Continuous Improvement
Total Involvement
Customer Focus
Process Improvement
Leadership Communication Staff
Development Supportive Structure Measurement Rewar
d Recognition
- Sustainable improvement of educational quality in
Faculty of Pharmacy totally and continuously.
Berdasarkan Keinginan, kebutuhan dan harapan
pendidikan (internal eksternal)
Dibutuhkan analisis data yang tepat
5Development Strategy
High Moral Organization Culture
Focused on customer Satisfaction oriented
Quality Driven Leadership
Development of Intellectual potential
Continuous Improvement
Total Involvement and Empowerment
Data based management
6Focus on customer satisfaction
- Improving of ISO 9001-2008 implementation in FF
Unair - Development of quality and quantity of published
books/lecture note - Improvement of educational process and evaluation
- Redesign of curriculum according to new
government policy and professional paradigm
7Quality Driven Leadership
- Empowerment of BPF (Badan Pertimbangan Fakultas)
to give the best consideration on institutional
regulation - Leader of institution give the great commitment
on quality improvement - Involving of all Department in institutional
8Continuous Improvement
- Development of System of Improvement in education
process, management, research and public services - Make institutional roadmap toward excellent target
9Data Based Management
- Development of Information System on student
management, staff and institutional data base
adjusted with AIMS (Airlangga Integrated
Management System) - Consider the decision by Self Evaluation
10Total Involvement and Empowerment
- Distribution of duties according to their TUPOKSI
- Involving all staff on institution activity
- Development of effective communication with all
11Development of Intellectual Potential
- Sending the staff on higher educational degree
domestic or overseas - Sending the staff to improve their competence
- Development of research quantity an quality
- Facilitate the staff needs in order to improve
their performance
12High Moral Organization Culture
- Increasing of staff religion activity
- Development of Public Services to improve the
welfare of their life - Keep Faculty of Pharmacy clean and beautiful
- Improve the implementation of soft skill
13Improvement Target Focus
- Redesign Curriculum
- Each staff has 1 research every year
- Increasing of Research Publication (National
International Journal) - Produced minimum 5 published books/lecture notes.
- Minimum 2 collaboration research with overseas
university - Development of E-learning
- Increasing of GPA
- Decreasing of PTPP on ISO 9001-2008
implementation - Increasing of student and staff satisfaction
(evaluation of staff and management performance) - Produced minimum 7 published books/lecture notes.
- Minimum 3 collaboration research with overseas
- Increasing number of International Student
- Establishment of E-learning
- Increasing of Public Services
- Minimum 3 collaboration research with overseas
university - Program Evaluation
14Improvement Target Focus
- Improving on Total Quality Management System
- Empowerment of Economic Community
15Towards World Class University
- Research Quality
- Graduate Employability
- Teaching Quality
- Infrastructure
- Internationalisation
- Specialist strength
16Rekam Jejak 1 Manajemen
- Ketua Prodi S2 Ilmu Farmasi, FF Unair (2002-2007)
- Ketua Dept. Kimia Farmasi, FF Unair (2008-2010)
- Sekretaris Komisi I, Senat Akademik Unair
(2009-2010) - Koordinator Pusat Sistem Pendidikan LP3 Unair
(2006-2008) - Koordinator Sertifikasi Dosen, LP3 Unair
(2008-2010) - Ketua Program Hibah Kompetitif TPSDP P4UA
(2003-2007) - Wakil Ketua Panitia Akreditasi FF Unair (2004)
(nilai 386 dari maksimum 400, Tertinggi kedua
setelah FT Sipil UGM) - Wakil Ketua Pharmaceutical Education Research and
Staff Development (PERSDU) FF Unair (2010) - Sekertaris Tim Redesain Kurikulum FF Unair 2000
(2006) - dll.
17Rekam Jejak 2 Tridharma PT
- Dosen Kimia Farmasi (1987-sekarang)
- Nara sumber AA/PEKERTI untuk dosen AAL
(2008-sekarang) - Research Collaboration
- 1. UGM, granted by URGE (2000-2002)
- 2. Kobe Womens University, granted by HUMAP
(2003) - 3. Kobe Womens University, granted by PHK B
(2006) - 4. Kobe Womens University, granted by HUMAP
(2007) - 5. Showa Womens University, granted by SWU
(2010) - Best Practice, Open University of Malaysia
(OUM)(2007) - dll
- Lulusan Terbaik Ketiga dan IPK Tertinggi pada
pagelaran Program Magister Pasca sarjana
Universitas Airlangga, 8 April 1994.
19Tekad Kami
- Mewujudkan Fakultas Farmasi yang Unggul di
tingkat Nasional maupun International - Berguna bagi Bangsa dan Negara
Excellence with Morality
20The end of all objectives
Ridhlo Allah SWT
21Terima Kasih