Title: AND
3Maines middle level educators have an excellent
road map to help them on their way to excellence.
Like the high school report, Promising Futures,
of 10 years ago, we believe that Bright Futures
will provide a beacon to clearly light the way so
that every Maine middle level school will become
what we know makes a difference to every young
adolescent developmentally responsive, socially
equitable, and academically rigorous. Ed
Brazee, Co-Chair ML Commission
4A Short History Lesson
1988--Schools in the Middle published
- Organization
- School Climate
- Expansion of curriculum including
experimentation with interdisciplinary units and
project-based learning
Checklist Approach
62000 to Present
Maine Commission on Middle Level Education
report on the current state of middle level
education and to make recommendations to the
Maine Department of Education about needed
improvements in educating Maines 10 to
7What did the Commission say?
Schools for young adolescents should
- provide high quality, equitable, AND effective
middle level programs
- be academically rigorous AND responsive to young
adolescents unique developmental stage of life
- ensure that each child learns and achieves at
high levels AND develops his/her understanding of
the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in
the 21st century.
8What else?
- Plateau of achievement (MEAs)
- Curriculum, instruction assessment often ignore
research findings related to learning
- High expectations for each child
- well documented and supported by research
- remains misunderstood by many people
10- effective transitions
- best predictor of college career readiness
- Academic success relies on developmental needs
being met
11Successful Middle Grades in Maine
- Insist on deep learning
- Help students develop as people
- Share a common vision
- Recognize students learn best when expectations
are high - Involve students actively in their learning
- 12 Core Practices
- Tracking of successful middle schools
- Licensure
- Organizations collaborate
- More funding
- DOE personnel designated as ML
13Core Practices
Learning and Teaching Practices in Maines Middle
Level Schools 1. Students have access to
curriculum that is relevant, challenging,
integrative, and exploratory and is organized and
executed to maximize accessibility for all
students. 2. Teachers use research-based
instructional practices in their classrooms that
are effective in increasing the learning and
achievement of young adolescents.
143. Teachers in all content areas use teaching and
learning practices that are anchored in 21st
century literacies. 4. Students have access to
one-to-one computing technology integrated
throughout the curriculum allowing them to
acquire the critical thinking skills related to
information, media, and technology. 5. All
middle level students experience learning
opportunities that emphasize creativity and
15School Practices to Support Learning and Teaching
in Maines Middle Level Schools 6. School
leaders, using a collaborative and democratic
leadership model, focus on establishing an
environment that supports the learning needs of
young adolescents. 7. Faculty, administration,
and students collaboratively build a safe and
caring climate that nurtures the individual while
creating a sense of community where everyone is
168. Students benefit from organizational
structures within the middle grades that maximize
the sense of community, support meaningful
relationships, and optimize curriculum
delivery. 9. Students have access to a
co-curricular program that encourages all
students to participate, develop skills, be a
member of a team or activity, and simply have
17 10. Teachers' professional development is an
ongoing process that is embedded into the daily
life of the school. 11. Parents are actively
involved in the life of the school and their
childs education. 12. Teachers,
administrators, and staff who are responsible for
the education of young adolescents are
knowledgeable about their developmental needs and
appreciate them for their uniqueness.
summarizing statements for the Core Practice(s)
questions I have about the Core Practice(s)
aspect of the Core Practice(s) I find really