XDO2: A Deductive Object-Oriented Query Language for XML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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XDO2: A Deductive Object-Oriented Query Language for XML


XDO2: A Deductive Object-Oriented Query Language for XML Wei Zhang1, Tok Wang Ling1, Zhuo Chen1, and Gillian Dobbie2 School of Computing National University of Singapore1 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: XDO2: A Deductive Object-Oriented Query Language for XML

XDO2 A Deductive Object-Oriented Query Language
for XML
  • Wei Zhang1, Tok Wang Ling1, Zhuo Chen1, and
    Gillian Dobbie2
  • School of Computing
  • National University of Singapore1
  •   Department of Computer Science
  • University of Auckland
  • New Zealand2

  • Background and Motivation
  • XDO2 Database Example
  • XDO2 Language Features
  • Simple and compact
  • Compact query return format
  • Multi-valued variables and aggregate functions
  • Separating structure and value
  • Not-predicate negation
  • Recursion querying
  • Comparison with Related Work
  • Conclusion and Future Work

Background - XTree
  • XTree 1 is a generalization of and has
    advantages over XPath
  • XTree uses to group same level attributes and
    elements together
  • One XPath expression defines one variable vs one
    XTree expression defines multiple variables
  • XPath cannot define return format. However, XTree
    can define return format
  • Multi-valued variables expressed explicitly in
    XTree using vs no syntactic difference in
  • Element tags (attribute names) separated from
    values in XTree using stru ? value vs use of
    functions to separate structure and value pairs
    in XPath
  • In short, XTree is designed to have a tree
    structure while XPath does not

1 Z. Chen, T.W. Ling, M.C. Liu, and G. Dobbie.
XTree for declarative XML querying. In
Proceedings of DASFAA, pages 100-112, Korea, 2004
  • Our proposed XDO2 is a novel XML query language
    which is based on XTree and has deductive
    features such as deductive rules and negation,
    and some object-oriented features such as
    inheritance and methods
  • Major contributions of XDO2
  • Negation supported using not-predicate instead
    of conventional logical negation as used in
  • Derived attributes/methods implemented as
    (recursive) deductive rules to deduce new
  • (Multiple) Inheritance enables a subclass object
    to inherit the properties from its superclass
  • Multiple variables in one expression, compact
    return format, explicitly expresses multi-valued
    variables, and separates structure from value

XDO2 Database Example Company XML data
  • ltrootgt
  • ltperson pnop1gt
  • ltnamegtJohnlt/namegt
  • ltaddressgt
  • ltstreetgtKing Streetlt/streetgt
  • ltcitygtOttawalt/citygt
  • lt/addressgt
  • ltbirthyeargt1975lt/birthyeargt
  • ltsexgtMalelt/sexgt
  • lt/persongt
  • ltperson pnop2gt
  • ltspouse pnop3 /gt
  • ltnamegtMikelt/namegt
  • ltaddressgt
  • ltstreetgtAlbertlt/streetgt
  • ltcitygtOttawalt/citygt
  • lt/addressgt
  • ltbirthyeargt1954lt/birthyeargt
  • ltsexgtMalelt/sexgt
  • ltnamegtMarylt/namegt
  • ltaddressgt
  • ltstreetgtAlbertlt/streetgt
  • ltcitygtOttawalt/citygt
  • lt/addressgt
  • ltbirthyeargt1958lt/birthyeargt
  • ltsexgtFemalelt/sexgt
  • lt/persongt
  • ltcompany cnoc1gt
  • ltnamegtStarlt/namegt
  • ltemployee enoe1 pnop1gt
  • ltsalarygt6000lt/salarygt
  • lthobbygtTennislt/hobbygt
  • lthobbygtSoccerlt/hobbygt
  • lt/employeegt
  • ltemployee enoe2 pnop2gt
  • ltsalarygt4000lt/salarygt
  • lthobbygtTennislt/hobbygt
  • lt/employeegt

XDO2 Database Example ORA-SS Schema Diagram
Fig 1 ORA-SS schema diagram
XDO2 Database Example - Schema Features
  • Two derived attributes using rules
  • age derived attribute in person class
  • bachelor derived attribute in person class
  • Inheritance
  • Employee class is a subclass of person class and
    inherits all the properties of person class
    (attributes and derived attributes)

XDO2 Database Example Derived Attribute Age
  • Rule R1 defines that the age of a person is 2005
    minus his/her birthyear.
  • (R1) p/age a - /root/person p/birthyear
    b, a 2005 - b.
  • Notation - is to specify if the right hand
    side (body) is true, then the left hand side
    (head) is true.
  • Notation assigns the value of left hand side
    to the right hand side. If the left hand side is
    an object class, then the right hand side binds
    to the object identifier, such as person.
  • Single-valued variables are denoted by
    followed by a string literal.

XDO2 Database Example Derived Attribute Bachelor
  • Rule R2 defines that a person is a bachelor if he
    is a male and without spouse.
  • (R2) p/bachelor true - /root/person
    p/ sex Male, not(spouse s).
  • Notation is to group the same level
    properties (attributes, derived attributes)
    together which are defined under the same parent
  • Notation not is to negate the existence of
    enclosed term
  • Two Boolean values true and false are reserved

2 T.W. Ling. The prolog not-predicate and
negation as failure rule. New Generation
Computing, 8(1)5-31, 1990
XDO2 Database Example Inheritance
  • The following statement defines that employee
    object class is a subclass of person object
  • employee ISA person by
    employee.pno ISA person.pno
  • Notice the first part of the statement defines
    the class inheritance while the second part of
    the statement defines the object inheritance

XDO2 Database Example Query
  • (Eg1) Find the age and salary of all employees
    who are bachelors, with age less than 30, and
    salary larger than 5000.
  • /db/youngRichBachelor e/age a, payroll
    s ? /root/company/
  • employee e/age a, bachelor true,
    salary s,
  • a lt 30, s gt 5000.
  • Notation ? is to specify the left hand side is
    used to construct the XML result and the right
    hand side is the query and the conditional parts
  • Derived attributes age and bachelor specified in
    rule R1 and rule R2 are used directly in the
  • age and bachelor properties are inherited from
    the person class by employee being a subclass of
    person class

XDO2 Database Example Query Result
  • Using the LHS result construction expression of
    example 1, we can generate the following XML data
  • ltdbgt
  • ltyoungRichBachelor enoe1gt
  • ltagegt29lt/agegt
  • ltpayrollgt6000lt/payrollgt
  • lt/youngRichBachelorgt
  • lt/dbgt
  • Note e which binds to the object identifier of
    employee, is used as the value of the result
    element youngRichBachelor

XDO2 Language Features
  • Simple and compact query expression
  • (Eg2) Find the year and title of each book, and
    its authors last name and first name.

XDO2 expression /bib/book/_at_year y, title
t, author/last l, first f
XPath expressions book in /bib/book, y in
book/_at_year, t in book/title, author in
book/author, last in author/last, first in
  • One XDO2 expression corresponding to 6 XPath
  • Using to group the same level attributes,
    elements, and/or methods together to have a tree
  • book and author are needed in XPath expressions

XDO2 Language Features
  • Compact result format
  • (Eg3) List the titles and publishers of books
    which are published after 2000.

XDO2 query expression /result/recentbook/title
t, publisher p ? /bib/book/_at_year y,
title t, publisher p, y gt 2000.
XQuery expression for book in /bib/book, y in
book/_at_year, t in book/title, p in
book/publisher where y gt 2000 return
ltresultgtltrecentbookgtt plt/recentbookgtlt/result
  • One XDO2 expression is used for query result
    format while XML element tags is mixed with the
    XPath expressions in XQuery

XDO2 Language Features
  • Multi-valued variables and aggregate functions
  • (Eg4) List the titles of the book which has more
    than 1 author.

XDO2 query expression /result/multiAuthorBook/tit
le t ? /bib/book/title t,
author ltagt, ltagt.count() gt 1.
XQuery expression for book in /bib/book, t in
book/title let a in book/author where
count(a) gt1 return ltresultgtltmultiAuthorBoo
  • Multi-valued variables are denoted by lt gt
    (list-valued) or (set-valued)
  • Object-oriented fashion built-in aggregate
    functions instead of function based fashion

XDO2 Language Features
  • Separating structure from value
  • (Eg5) Get sub-element with value John in some
    person element.

XDO2 query expression ele ? /root/person/ele
XQuery expression for b in /root/person/ where
string(b) John return local-name(b)
  • Using stru value to separate the structure from
    the value naturally
  • In XQuery, built-in functions string() and
    local-name() have to be used to get values and
    structures respectively

XDO2 Language Features
  • Not-predicate negation (nested)
  • (Eg6) To retrieve the name of the company where
    every employee has hobby Tennis.

XDO2 query expression /db/allLikeTennisCom n
? /root/company c/name n,
c/not(employee/not(hobby Tennis)).
XQuery expression for c in /root/company where
IN e/hobby SATISFIES string(h)
Tennis return ltdbgtltallLikeTennisComgtstring(c/n
ame) lt/allLikeTennisComgtlt/dbgt
  • XDO2 query expression is much simpler and more
    compact using the not-predicate compared with
    XQuery, which needs keyword EVERY, SOME,

XDO2 Language Features
  • Not-predicate negation (sub-tree)
  • (Eg7) To retrieve the companies which do not have
    an employee who has sex Male and birthyear 1975.

XDO2 query expression /db/company c ?
/root/company c/not(employee/ sex
Male, birthyear 1975).
XQuery expression for c in /root/company where
NOT (SOME e IN c/employee SATISFIES (e/sex
Male AND e/birthyear 1975)) return
  • Using the not-predicate on a subtree structure,
    XDO2 expression is more compact while XQuery

2 T.W. Ling. The prolog not-predicate and
negation as failure rule. New Generation
Computing, 8(1)5-31, 1990
XDO2 Language Features
  • Recursion querying
  • (Eg8) Suppose there is a sub-element child
    directly under the person element. The following
    deductive rules define descendants of person.
  • p/descendant c - /root/person p/child
  • p/descendant d - /root/person p/child
    c, c/descendant d.
  • To retrieve all the descendants of a person with
    pno p1.
  • /db/person_p1/descendant d ? /root/person
    p1/descendant d.
  • for each descendant of person with pno value
    p1, single-valued variable d will bind to the
    descendants identifier and output the result.
    The recursive rules are recursively used to infer
    all the persons descendants.

Comparison with Related Work
XDO2 XQuery XTreeQuery F-logic 9 XML_RL 8
Underlying data XML tree XML tree XML tree Object XML tree
Path expression XTree XPath XTree Path expression XTree-like expression
Deductive rule Yes No No Yes Partial
Recursion Recursive rule Recursive function Recursive query Recursive rule Recursive query
Negation Not-predicate Logical negation Logical negation Logical negation Logical negation
Quantification No need Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-valued variable Yes No Yes No Yes
Direct structure querying Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Object-oriented features Yes No No Yes No
8 M.C. Liu. A logical foundation for XML. In
CAiSE, pages 568-583, 2002. 9 M. Kifer, G.
Lausen, and J. Wu. Logical foundations of
object-oriented and frame-based languages.
Journal of ACM, 42(4)741-843, 1995.
  • A novel new XML query language XDO2 which is
    based on XTree and has deductive and
    object-oriented features. The relationship
    between XDO2 and XQuery is similar to the
    relationship between Datalog and SQL
  • XDO2 queries are simpler and more compact than
    current XML query languages such as XQuery
    because XDO2 is based on XTree, and supports
    (recursive) deductive rules and the

Conclusion Contd
  • Important features and contributions of XDO2
  • Negation supported using not-predicate instead
    of conventional logical negation as used in
  • Derived attributes/methods implemented as
    (recursive) deductive rules to deduce new
  • (Multiple) Inheritance enables a subclass object
    to inherit the properties from its superclass
  • Multiple variables in one expression, compact
    return format, explicit multi-valued variables,
    and separating structure from value are supported
    naturally due to XTree

Future Work
  • How to evaluate the XDO2 queries efficiently?
  • Especially those queries involving recursive
    deductive rules and not-predicate.
  • Approaches for XDO2 queries evaluation?
  • Datalog like bottom-up approach
  • Prolog like top-down approach
  • Combining both

  • 1 Z.Chen, T.W. Ling, M.C. Liu, and G.Dobbie.
    XTree for declarative XML querying. In
    Proceedings of DASFAA, pages 100-112, Korea,
  • 2 T.W. Ling. The prolog not-predicate and
    negation as failure rule. New Generation
    Computing, 8(1)5-31, 1990.
  • 3 T.W. Ling and M.L. Lee and G. Dobbie.
    Semistructured Database Design. Springer, 2005.
  • 4 T.W. Ling and W.B.T. Lee. DO2 A deductive
    object-oriented database system. In proceedings
    of the 9th International Conference on Database
    and Expert System Applications, pages 50-59,
  • 5 M.C. Liu and T.W. Ling. Towards declarative
    XML querying. In Proceedings of WISE, pages
    127-138, Singapore, 2002.
  • 6 M.C. Liu, G. Dobbie, and T.W. Ling. A logical
    foundation for deductive object-oriented
    databases. ACM Transactions Database Systems,
    27(1)117-151, 2002.
  • 7 M. Kifer, G. Lausen, and J. Wu. Logical
    foundations of object-oriented and frame-based
    languages. Journal of ACM, 42(4)741-843, 1995.
  • 8 M.C. Liu. A logical foundation for XML. In
    CAiSE, pages 568-583, 2002.
  • 9 M. Kifer, G. Lausen, and J. Wu. Logical
    foundations of object-oriented and frame-based
    languages. Journal of ACM, 42(4)741-843, 1995.
  • 10M.C. Liu and T.W. Ling. Towards declarative
    XML quering. In Proceedings of WISE, pages
    127-138, Singapore, 2002.

The End
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