Title: Object Oreinted PHP | OOPs
1Object Oriented Programming with PHP
- A Presentation byADMEC Multimedia Institute
Web Development Institute (WDI) Delhi
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2PHP Presentations Purpose
- The purpose of this PHP presentation is to
explain Object Oriented PHP in brief. - This PHP presentation can help a PHP programmer
in understanding the terms and terminologies used
in practical object oriented PHP. - Frameworks of PHP like CodeIgniter, CakePHP,
Symphony, Zend etc are MVC based and knowledge of
Object Oriented PHP will help in understanding
all them.
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3Topics to be Covered
- Basics of OOP in PHP
- Object Classes in OOP
- Magic Function in PHP OOP
- Inheritance (Extending a class)
- Visibility (public, private, protected)
- Abstract Classes in PHP
- Static Methods and properties in PHP
- Interfaces in PHP
- Explaining PHP Class Functions
- Describing Autoload in PHP
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4Concept and Basics of PHP
- PHP is a scripting language
- Specially a Procedural Programming
- Not a true OO Programming
- It supports few OO features
- Full OOP Support added as of PHP5
5What is OOP
- It is Object Oriented Programming method of
coding. - Allow developer to group multiple similar tasks
into classes. - The main aim of OOP is to not repeat the similar
code again and again. - With OOP, it is easy to maintain the structure of
application and organizing the data - OOP provide simplicity to the complex
applications code.
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6Why is OOP Useful in PHP?
- Code organization and maintainability
- Add clarity
- Reduce complexity
- Simple rules allow complex interactions
- Emphasizes data over procedure
- Code modularity or refactoring
- Code reusability
- Well-suited for databases
7Do You Need OOP?
- It depends
- My PHP OOP rule of thumb
- For a simple site, OOP adds unnecessary
complexity - For a complex site, OOP adds necessary simplicity
8Classes Objects in PHP
- Concept of classes objects can be explained
with these two images - A class, for example, is like a blueprint for a
house. It defines the shape of the house on
paper, with relationships between the different
parts of the house clearly defined and planned
out, even though the house doesn't exist. - An object, then, is like the actual house built
according to that blueprint. The data stored in
the object is like the wood, wires, and concrete
that compose the house without being assembled
according to the blueprint, it's just a pile of
stuff. However, when it all comes together, it
becomes an organized, useful house.
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9Classes Objects in PHP
- In PHP class is created using class keyword as
shown in the following example - class myOwnClass //variables of the
class var variable1 var variable2 - //Function of class function mergeVaria
ble() return this-gtvariable1 .
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10Classes Objects in PHP
- There is no use of classes without
objects. Object is representative of your class.
If created a class then you must need to create
object of the class to solve your problem using
class. You can create object of your class by
using new keyword. - objClass new myClass()
- Now in above code you are creating object of
class myClass in variable objClass. You can
create multiple object of your same class. Every
object is different from other. - objClass1 new myClass()objClass2 new
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11Magic Functions in PHP OOP
- Magic methods in php are some predefined function
by php compiler which executes on some event.
Magic methods starts with prefix __, for example
__call, __get, __set. - List of Magic Functions in PHP
__construct This magic methods is called when someone create object of your class. Usually this is used for creating constructor in php5.
__destruct This magic method is called when object of your class is unset. This is just opposite of __construct.
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12Magic Functions in PHP OOP
__get This method called when your object attempt to read property or variable of the class which is inaccessible or unavailable.
__set This method called when object of your class attempts to set value of the property which is really inaccessible or unavailable in your class.
__isset This magic methods trigger when isset() function is applied on any property of the class which is inaccessible or unavailable.
__unset __unset is something opposite of isset method. This method triggers when unset() function called on inaccessible or unavailable property of the class.
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13Magic Functions in PHP OOP
__call __call magic method trigger when you are attempting to call method or function of the class which is either inaccessible or unavailable.
__callstatic __callstatic execture when inaccessible or unavailable method is in static context.
__sleep __sleep methods trigger when you are going to serialize your class object.
__wakeup __wakeup executes when you are un serializing any class object.
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14Inheritance in PHP
- Inheritance is a well-established programming
principle, and PHP makes use of this principle in
its object model. This principle will affect the
way many classes and objects relate to one
another. - For example, when you extend a class, the
subclass inherits all of the public and protected
methods from the parent class. Unless a class
overrides those methods, they will retain their
original functionality. - This is useful for defining and abstracting
functionality, and permits the implementation of
additional functionality in similar objects
without the need to reimplement all of the shared
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15Visibility in PHP
- There are 3 type of visibility available in PHP
for controlling your property or method. - Public Public method or variable can be
accessible from anywhere. I mean from inside the
class, out side the class and in child(will
discuss in next chapter) class also. - Private Method or property with private
visibility can only be accessible inside the
class. You can not access private method or
variable from outside of your class. - Protected Method or variable with protected
visibility can only be access in the derived
class. Or in other word in child class. Protected
will be used in the process of inheritance.
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16Abstract Classes in PHP
- The abstract classes and methods are used to
create a model of minimum required methods which
must be defined in normal sub-classes derived
from an abstract class (with extends). - An abstract class is created with the abstract
keyword. - An abstract class cannot be instantiated, can
only be inherited by other sub-classes extended
from it. - The abstract methods are declared with the
abstract keyword, and cannot have an
implementation, they simply declare the method's
signature. abstract public function method
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17Abstract Classes in PHP
- In this example is created an abstract class with
a property (name), an abstract method (
greetName() ) and a normal method ( setName() ). - lt?php
- // AbstractClass class
- abstract class AbstractClass
- protected name
- // declare an abstract method
- abstract public function greetName(greet)
- // define a normal method
- public function setName(name)
- this-gtname name // sets the value of
name property -
- ?gt
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18Static Methods Properties in PHP
- Static methods and properties in php is very
useful feature. - Static methods and properties in php can
directly accessible without creating object of
class. - Your php class will be static class if your all
methods and properties of the class is static. - Static Methods and Properties in PHP will be
treated as public if no visibility is defined. - Static properties of class is a property which is
directly accessible from class with the help of
(scope resolution operator). You can declare
static property using static keyword.
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19Interfaces in PHP
- You can define a common structure for your
classes using interfaces. - An Interface is like a template similar to
abstract classwith a difference where it uses
only abstract methods. - In simple words, an interface is like a class
usinginterface keyword and contains only
functiondeclarations(function with no body). - An Interface should be implemented in the class
and all themethods or functions should be
overridden in this class. - It is the place where we can define the
function.When a class use that interface in that
class the total function body part will
describe.after that we can call that function in
other class and we are get result.
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20Interfaces in PHP
- Example of interface
- interface InterfaceName function fun1()
function fun2(a,b) class ClassName
implements InterfaceName fuction fun1()
function implementation.......
fuction fun2(a,b) function
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21Differences between an Abstract Class and an
Interface in PHP
- For abstract class a method must be declared as
abstract. Abstract methods doesnt have any
implementation. - The Abstract methods can declare with Access
modifiers like public, internal, protected. When
implementing in subclass these methods must be
defined with the same (or a less restricted)
visibility. - Abstract class can contain variables and concrete
methods. - A class can Inherit only one Abstract class and
Multiple inheritance is not possible for Abstract
For interface all the methods by default are
abstract methods only. So one cannot declare
variables or concrete methods in
interfaces. All methods declared in an
interface must be public. Interfaces cannot
contain variables and concrete methods except
constants. A class can implement many
interfaces and Multiple interface inheritance is
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22PHP Class Functions in PHP
- PHP has available several class functions to help
you through the OOP mine field. - get_declared_interfaces()
- class_exists()
- get_class()
- get_declared_classes()
- Each of these is shown here beginning with the
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23PHP Class Functions in PHP
- get_declared_interfaces()
- following function provides an array of all the
available declared interfaces. - lt?phpinterface fax public function dial() p
ublic function send() public function recieve()
interface printer public function printBla
ck() public function printColor() public fun
ction printDraft() public function kick()/
our interface implementation /class printe
rFax implements fax, printer public function di
al() public function send() public funct
ion recieve()
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24PHP Class Functions in PHP
- public function printBlack() public functio
n printColor() public function printDraft()
public function kick() -
- / create and printerfax object / obj
ect new printerFax / get the declared inte
rfaces / foreach(get_declared_interfaces() as
keygtinterface) echo key.'
gt '.interface.'ltbr /gt' ?gt
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25Other Functions in PHP
- get_class()
- class_exists()
- get_declared_classes
lt?php/ a pretend class /class fax publi
c function dial() public function send()
public function recieve() / another pret
end class /class printer public function pr
intBlack() public function printColor()
public function printDraft() public function
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26Other Functions in PHP
- / create an instance of the fax class /fo
o new fax/ create an instance of the print
er class /bar new printerecho 'foo is f
rom the ' get_class(foo).' classltbr /gt'echo cla
ss_exists("printer").'ltbr /gt'echo 'Declared clas
ses areltbr /gt 'foreach(get_declared_classes() a
s keygtclassname) echo key.' -gt '.
classname.'ltbr /gt' ?gt
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27Autoload in PHP
- Many developers writing object-oriented
applications create one PHP source file per class
definition. One of the biggest annoyances is
having to write a long list of needed includes at
the beginning of each script (one for each
class). - In PHP 5, this is no longer necessary. You may
define an __autoload() function which is
automatically called in case you are trying to
use a class/interface which hasn't been defined
yet. By calling this function the scripting
engine is given a last chance to load the class
before PHP fails with an error.
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28Autoload in PHP
- lt?php/ include our class definitions /in
hp')/ instantiate a new vehicle class object
/vehicle new vehicle instantiate a n
ew motorcycle class object /bike new motorc
ycle instantiate a new printer class object
/printer new printer instantiate a ne
w fax class object /fax new fax?gt
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29Autoload in PHP
- With __autoload() the above code can be reduce to
following - lt?php/ Autoload class files /function __a
utoload(class) require('classes/' . strtolower
(class) . '.class.php')/ instantiate a ne
w vehicle class object /vehicle new vehicle
/ instantiate a new motorcycle class object
/bike new motorcycle/ instantiate a n
ew printer class object /printer new printe
r/ instantiate a new fax class object /
fax new fax?gt
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30ADMEC Multimedia Institute For more info you can
visit www.admecindia.co.in and
www.web-development-institute.com For course
related enquiry, ring us at 9811-81-81-22,
Created by Parul Sabal Guided by Ravi Bhadauria
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