Title: Describe a Procedure, or Give Instructions
1Describe a Procedure, or Give Instructions
- Features
- Intro
- Body
- Conclusion
- Different from Process Dont use Passive!
- Only 150 words
- Only 3 paragraphs (unless you divide the body)
- Requires special language
- Imperative
- Clauses
- Modals
- Advice
- Sequencing
4Language 1
- Use Imperative (Orders/Commands)
- Put the card in the machine
- Check that there is no glass in the tyre
- Open the top carefully
- Use Clauses
- Once you have finished, turn off the computer
- Use goggles when you are welding
- Before you go to the embassy, check that your
passport has empty pages.
5Language 2
- Use Modals (Can, Could, Should, May)
- You should take care
- You can also use a sharp knife
- Recommend Advise
- I think you should
- Its a good idea to
6Language 3
- Use sequencing words and phrases.
- First, second
- Next, after that
- The next step is ing.
- The next step is to (infinitive).
- X is the next step
- Three sentences
- General/Today/Definition
- Simple/Complicated?
- In this essay, I will
How to use an ATM machine Everyday, millions of
bank customers use ATM machines to withdraw money
or pay bills. People like the machines because
using them is simple and convenient. In this
essay I will describe how to use an ATM machine
- Divide this into paragraphs if necessary
- Two sentences at least
- Summarize the main idea
- Dont have new information
- Recommend or Give Advice
- If you follow these steps,
- As I have shown,
- Doing X is not so difficult,
- I hope you will
As I have shown, using an ATM machine is not
difficult, and it will save you a great deal of
time. Just remember to look after your ATM card
and to remember your number, and you will have no
10Describe a Procedure, or Give Instructions