Title: Oracle Database 11g Release 1 For DBAs
1Oracle Database 11g Release 1For DBAs
- Thomas Kyte
- http//asktom.oracle.com
2The Beginning...
- Data Model with Structure
- Data Independent of Code
- Set-oriented
- 1977 the work begins
A Relational Model forLarge Shared Databanks
E.F. Codd - 1970
3First RDBMS Version 2 June 1979
- FIRST Commercial SQL RDBMS
- Impressive First SQL
- Joins, Subqueries
- Outer Joins, Connect By
- A Simple Server
- No transactions, Limited Reliability
- Portability from the Start
- Written in Fortran
- But multi-platform PDP11, Dec VAX
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5Oracle7.3 February 1996
- Partitioned Views
- Bitmapped Indexes
- Asynchronous read ahead for table scans
- Standby Database
- Deferred transaction recovery on instance startup
- Updatable Join View
- SQLDBA no longer shipped.
- Index rebuilds
- DBV introduced
- Context Option
- Spatial Data Option
- Tablespaces changes - Coalesce, Temporary
Permanent, - Trigger compilation, debug
- Unlimited extents on STORAGE clause.
- Some init.ora parameters modifiable -
- Histograms
- Oracle Trace
- Advanced Replication Object Groups
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9Encrypted Tablespaces
10Encrypted Tablespaces
- Oracle Database 10g Release 2 introduced column
encryption - Could not range scan
- Primary/foreign key issues
- Tablespace encryption Removes those limitations
- Many encryption algorithms
- 3DES168
- AES128
- AES192
- AES256
Demo encrypt.sql
11Standby Just got better
12Standby Database
- Logical Standby was
- Limited in type support
- But was always open for business
- Physical Standby was
- Easy
- But considered not useful day to day
13Standby Database
- Logical Standby has
- XMLType support
- TDE support
14Active Data Guard Develop Test on Standby DB
Production Database
- Use physical standby databasefor development
testing - Preserves zero data loss in test/dev mode
- Flashback DB to back-outchanges use as standby
Eliminates cost of idle DR system
Standby Database
15Active Data Guard Report Backup from Standby
Production Database
- Offload reporting to standby
- Simultaneously available for recovery
- Offload backups to standby
- Complete database and fast incremental backups
Standby Database
Improves performance on production database
16Real Application Testing
17Real Application Testing Database Replay
- Recreate actual production database workload
- Capture production workload incl. concurrency
- Replay workload in test with production timing
- Analyze fix issues before production
Test (RAC) Environment
Production Environment
Capture DB Workload
OracleDB servers
Replay DBWorkload
18Smaller more secure DMP files
- Ability to use DML error logging like features
- DATA_OPTIONS parameter
- All
- Data_only
- Metadata_only
- None
- Encrypted_columns_only
- Impdp
- None
- Departition
- Merge
Demo dp.sql
20Virtual Columns
21Virtual Columns
- Create Table
- Alter Table Add Column
- Are column expressions
- Expressions involving other columns in table
- Constants
- Deterministic functions
- Ease of use and Optimizer enhancement
Demo vc.sql
22Partitioning just got better
- Composite Completely
- Virtual Column Partitioning
- Partition by Reference
- Interval Partitioning
24Enhanced Partitioning
- Partition on virtual (computed) columns
- New composite partitioning
Range List Hash
Range 9i 8i
Range List Hash
Range 11g 9i 8i
List 11g 11g 11g
25Partitioningby REFERENCE
- RANGE(order_date)
- Primary key order_id
Jan 2006
Feb 2006
- Partitioning key inherited through PK-FK
relationship - Avoids redundant storage, maintenance of
- RANGE(order_date)
- Foreign key order_id
Demo part1.sql
Jan 2006
Feb 2006
- New INTERVAL partitioning
- Automatically creates a new partition when data
outside the existing range is first inserted - E.g., monthly partitions, automatic new partition
first day of the month - Composite partitioning interval, interval-list,
interval-hash, and interval-range - Automates partition management
Sep 1 2007
Demo part2.sql
27Flashback Data Archive
28Flashback Data ArchiveTotal Data Recall
Select from orders AS OF Midnight 31-Dec-2004
- Tamper-proof data archive
- Efficient storage and retrieval of undo
- Keep data for months, years, decades!
- Fast access to even very old data
- View data, versions of rows as of any time
- Control data retention time, purging of data
Archive Tables
User Tablespaces
Flashback Data Archive
Oracle 11g Database
29Finer Grained Dependency Tracking
30Finer Grained Dependency Tracking
- Fewer Invalidations
- Add to a specification so what
- Add/Drop/Modify a column so what
- Holds true with view modifications too
- Change a synonym pointer so what
- Replace a procedure so what
31Cache More Stuff
32Cache More
- Everyone knows the fastest way to do something is
to not do it - Client Side Cache
- Server Results Cache (JIT-MV)
- PL/SQL Function results cache
33Single Memory Setting
34Single Memory Parameter
- Well, Two
- Sizes PGA and SGA
- Not every platform
- Linux, Solaris, Windows, HP-UX, AIX
- As with automatic SGA memory management in 10g
you can set lower bounds for various segments
35New Diagnostics Area
Demo diag.sql
36Invisible Indexes
37Invisible Indexes
- Can create them that way
- Can alter them to be that way
- Why?
- Testing of course
- How will plans change if we add this index
- How will plans change if we remove this index
38Database Resident Connection Pooling
- Anyone out there remember prespawned servers?
- This is similar.
- Pool of dedicated servers that can be reused
- Instead of 50 app servers pooling 50 connections
each (250 dedicated servers) well be able to
have 50 app servers share 50 dedicated servers - PHP right now, others later.
40DDL that waits
41Blocking DDL
- Sometimes, it mattered not how many times you hit
the / key it was never going to happen
Demo wait.sql
42Alter table T read only
43True ONLINE index build
44Disabled Triggers
45Disabled Triggers
create or replace trigger Trg before insert on
My_Table for each row disable begin New.ID
My_Seq.Nextvak end /
- Safer way to install code
- Same thoughts as invisible indexes.
46Data Recovery Advisor
47Data Recovery Advisor
- Analyzes failures based on symptoms
- e.g. Open failed because datafiles missing
- Intelligently determines repair strategies
- Aggregates failures for efficient repair
- e.g. for many bad blocks restore entire file
- Presents only feasible repair options
- Are there backups?
- Is there a standby database?
- Ranked by repair time and data loss
- Can automatically perform repairs
48ltInsert Picture Heregt
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