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* * * PBS & Sports Visitor visa Heather Aust Solicitor Employment & Immigration specialist What we will cover A recap of the five Tiers Focus on Tier 2 (Sportsperson ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PBS

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PBS Sports Visitor visa
Heather Aust Solicitor Employment Immigration
What we will cover
  • A recap of the five Tiers
  • Focus on Tier 2 (Sportsperson)
  • Focus on Tier 5 (Temporary worker - creative and
  • Other potential options inc Sports visitor
  • Case study

Points based system tiers
  • Tier 1 - Highly Skilled, Entrepreneurs, Graduate
    Entrepreneurs, Investors, Exceptional Talent,
    Post Study Work
  • Tier 2 Skilled workers with a job offer
    (General), Intra Company Transfers (ICTs),
    Ministers of religion, Sports people
  • Tier 3 Low Skilled Workers needed to fill
    temporary labour shortages (on hold)
  • Tier 4 Students (general), Prospective students
  • Tier 5 Youth Mobility and Temporary Workers
    (creative and sporting, charity workers,
    religious workers, government authorised
    exchanges, international agreement)

How does it work?
  • Migrants need to meet criteria for relevant Tier
  • Online self assessment to see if necessary points
    have been attained
  • Self assessment form is basis of the application
  • Applicants need to provide independently
    verifiable documentation
  • Sponsorship is key for Tiers 2, 4 and 5

Tier 2 (sportsperson)
  • For elite sportspeople and coaches who are
    internationally established at the highest level,
    and will make a significant contribution to the
    development of their sport.
  • The application will need to be endorsed by the
    sport's governing body.

Governing body
  • A governing body is one that is recognised by one
    of the home country sports councils, e.g. the
    Football Association. The UKBA publish a list of
    approved governing bodies.
  • If your sport does not have a governing body
    recognised by a sports council, you contact the
    UKBA who will consult the Department for Culture,
    Media and Sport, Sport and Recreation Alliance
    and/or other sports councils to find out if there
    is an appropriate body that could act as the
    governing body recognised by UKBA.
  • In giving its approval, the governing body
    confirms that the club is a genuine club (or
    equivalent), and there is a legitimate need to
    bring migrants to the UK as sportspeople.

Recognition as a governing body
  • Sports governing bodies must agree to follow the
    UKBAs code of practice
  • before they will recognise them.
  • The system of endorsement requires the recognised
    governing body to
  • actively participate in ensuring the Points Based
    System is not abused.
  • The recognised governing body must be accountable
    for its actions and
  • decisions to sponsors, stakeholders and the
  • The recognised governing body should be as open
    and transparent as
  • possible in their role.
  • Where a sport has a governing body in each home
    country, the UKBA will
  • recognise either one governing body from each
    home country, or where
  • the home countries have agreed, one lead body to
    represent them all.

Role of governing bodies
  • Under the sportspersons categories of Tier 2 and
    Tier 5, it is the
  • responsibility of the recognised governing body
  • agree, publish, maintain and implement
    requirements under which they will issue
    endorsements for sponsor licences and initial,
    change of employment and extension applications
    for migrants.
  • consider and issue a governing body endorsement
    to an organisation (for example a club) who
    wishes to obtain a licence to become a sponsor
    licensed by the UK Border Agency under the
    sportspersons categories of Tier 2 or Tier 5.
  • consider and issue an endorsement to endorse the
    issue of a certificate of sponsorship by a
    sponsor for each individual migrant either
    wishing to enter the UK or extend their stay
    under the sportspersons categories of Tier 2 or
    Tier 5.

Tier 2 sponsor
  • Needs a licence issued by UKBA
  • Normally UKBA expect the sponsor to be in a
    direct employer/employee relationship with the
  • Expect sponsor to be person paying the migrant
    and the person with control over the migrant
  • Need to make sure HR systems and migrant
    compliance up to scratch

Certificate of Sponsorship
  • Your sponsor can assign a Certificate of
    Sponsorship (CoS) to an individual if
  • they are qualified to do the job
  • they plan to base themselves in the UK for the
    duration of their permission and
  • they will comply with the conditions of their
    permission to stay and leave the UK when that
    permission expires
  • The CoS must also contain an endorsement number
  • from the governing body for the sport.

Certificate of sponsorship
  • Sponsor must apply for a Certificate of
  • (CoS) on the Sponsor Management System (SMS)
  • If granted, the allocation of CoS will be updated
    on the
  • SMS
  • The CoS is a unique reference number which is
  • assigned to the individual within a 3 month time
  • The CoS is then used by the individual to make
  • their application for entry clearance within
  • 3 months

Sponsor guarantees
  • In assigning a CoS, the sponsor will have
    guaranteed that the employee
  • is seeking entry to the United Kingdom to work
  • perform in the relevant sector
  • is not intending to establish a business in the
  • Kingdom
  • poses no threat to the resident labour force
  • will comply with the conditions of their
    permission to
  • stay and leave the United Kingdom when it expires.

Entry clearance
  • Individual must score a minimum of
  • 50 points for a valid Certificate of Sponsorship
  • 10 points for English language skills and
  • 10 points for Maintenance (sponsor can certify
  • Even if they score the required 70 points
    application is not guaranteed to be successful
  • Individual will need to enrol biometrics

Length of leave under Tier 2
  • Successful Tier 2 (Sportsperson) applications
    will be granted leave up to 3 years with the
    possibility of extending for a further 3 years
  • No extension beyond 6 years
  • Not able to re-apply to return to the UK under
    Tier 2 until 12 months after previous leave under
    Tier 2 has expired
  • If they leave their job the sponsor must inform
    UKBA and they will curtail leave

Conditions of stay
  • If an individual has permission to stay in
    the UK, the only work they are allowed to do is
  • the job described in the CoS, working for their
    sponsor and
  • an extra job in the same sector and at the same
    level, provided no more than 20 hours per week
    (must be outside working hours on CoS) and
  • unpaid voluntary work.

Football transfers
  • Football players sponsored by a club in the UK,
    do not need to make a new application if they
    move on loan to another club in the UK.
  • If the player is permanently transferred to
    another football club in the UK, or they are
    moving on loan from a club overseas to a club in
    the UK, then they must make a new application.
  • They will need a new Certificate of Sponsorship
  • and a new governing body endorsement.

  • At present, you cannot apply for settlement until
    you have been in
  • the UK for a continuous period of 5 years in an
  • immigration category
  • Also, the sponsor must certify in writing that
    they still need the
  • employee in the job
  • Must have sufficient English language ability and
    knowledge of
  • life in the UK
  • New requirements from 6 April 2016 including
  • 35,000 per year (before tax) or
  • the correct rate of pay for your job as stated
    in the Code of Practice (whichever is higher)

Tier 5 (temporary worker creative and sporting)
  • Must be internationally established at the
    highest level in the sport and/or your employment
    will make a significant contribution to the
    development and operation of that particular
    sport in this country coaches must be suitably
    qualified to fulfill the role in question.
  • In order for a Certificate of Sponsorship to be
    assigned for a sportsperson under Tier 5, the
    sponsor will need to have an endorsement from the
    appropriate governing body for your sport.
  • The endorsement will confirm that
  • you are internationally established at the
    highest level and/or
  • your employment will make a significant
    contribution to the development of your sport at
    the highest level in the United Kingdom and
  • the post could not be filled by a suitable
    settled worker.

Tier 2 5 governing bodies
Tier 5 (temporary worker creative and
sporting) - overview
  • the sponsor obtains an endorsement from a
    UKBA-recognised sports governing body
  • the sponsor makes a successful application to
    join the UKBA Register of Sponsors
  • the sponsor makes a successful request for a CoS
  • the sponsor identifies a potential employee for
    sponsorship and makes an initial assessment of
    their eligibility
  • the sponsor ascertains the relevant sports
    governing body's migrant endorsement criteria and
    assess the migrant against these
  • the sponsor requests a migrant endorsement from
    the relevant sports governing body
  • the sponsor makes a detailed assessment of
    whether the eligibility criteria for issuing a
    CoS are met, and, if satisfied, issues a CoS on
    the SMS using the migrants governing body
    endorsement unique reference number, and
  • the sportsperson submits their entry clearance or
    leave to remain applicationthey will need to
    meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules
    when making the application

Entry clearance
  • Individual needs to score 40 points as follows
  • Certificate of Sponsorship 30 points
  • Maintenance requirement 10 points
  • 900 of personal savings which must have been
    held for at least a consecutive 90 day period
    ending no earlier than 31 days before the date of
    application or
  • Employer can certify maintenance
  • Maximum 12 months, extend for a further 12 months

  • A person can apply for leave to remain under
  • Tier 2 (Sportsperson) if they previously had
  • leave under Tier 5 (temporary worker creative
  • and sporting) as a professional footballer
  • Switching into Tier 5 (temporary worker
  • creative and sporting) is permitted in limited
  • circumstances and for Sports Visitors only

Visitor undertaking permitted paid engagement
  • If undertaking a pre-arranged paid engagements
    for a period of up to 1 month at the invitation
    of a UK-based sports organisation
  • Key conditions
  • they must intend to leave the UK at the end of
    the visit
  • they must be able to meet the cost of their
    return or onward journey
  • they must be aged 18 or over
  • they must not be in transit to another country
    outside the Common Travel Area
  • they must not intend to take employment, produce
    goods or provide services in the UK other than as
    permitted under the permitted paid engagement,
  • they must maintain themselves out of their own
    resources without accessing UK public funds or
    taking employment, or will be adequately
    maintained and accommodated by relatives or

Sports visitors
  • The Sports visitor category is intended to enable
    sportspersons who are based abroad to come to the
    UK for short periods for specific events, e.g. to
    take part in a competition, tournament, charity
    match, trials or series of events.
  • This category covers both amateur and
    professional sportspersons. This is distinct from
    those seeking entry under the Tier 5 (Creative
    and Sporting) sub-category

Sports visitors
  • The UK Border Agency's Entry Clearance Guidance
    (ECG) for sports visitors includes an extensive
    list of sports accepted for the purpose of a
    business visit by a sportsperson including
    aikido, American football, angling, windsurfing,
    wrestling and yoga.
  • The list is not exhaustive and an application
    submitted for a sport not mentioned may still be

Sports visitors
  • they may be of amateur or professional status
  • they may be individuals or teams/groups
  • they must be based overseas and not intend to
    base themselves in the UK
  • they may take part in promotion activities,
    broadcasts and television interviews
  • provided they are not paid a fee
  • they may receive cash prizes but otherwise must
    not be paid, apart from receiving
  • 'board and lodging and other reasonable expenses
  • they can take part in one or more of the
    particular events or activities listed within
  • the sports visitor categories of the Immigration
    Rules, and
  • they may take part in trials or auditions
    provided these do not take place in front of
  • an audiencepaying or non-paying.

Sports visitor
  • Specific events
  • Charity events and exhibition matches
  • Training
  • Personal appearances and promotional activities
  • Amateur sportspersons joining amateur teams

Case study
  • Stuart is an outstanding Australian cyclist and
  • due to partake in the Tour de France. He will
    travel from
  • Australia to the opening stage in Yorkshire
    en-route to
  • France for the remaining stages. He plans on
  • in some paid TV interviews before the race starts
  • will be in the UK for a maximum of one month.
  • What options are available to Stuart to enable
  • him to work for Team Sky in the UK?

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