Water Pumps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water Pumps


Water Pumps Water pumps are devices designed to convert mechanical energy to hydraulic energy. All forms of water pumps may be classified into two basic categories: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Water Pumps

Water Pumps
  • Water pumps are devices designed to convert
    mechanical energy to hydraulic energy. All forms
    of water pumps may be classified into two basic
  • turbo-hydraulic pumps,
  • positive-displacement pumps.

  • Turbo-hydraulic pumps are
  • centrifugal pumps,
  • Propeller pumps,
  • and jet pumps.

  • Analysis of turbo-hydraulic pumps
  • is a problem involving fundamental principles
    of hydraulics.
  • Positive-displacement pumps
  • move fluid strictly by precise machine
    displacements such as a gear system rotating
    within a closed housing (screw pumps) or a piston
    moving in a sealed cylinder (reciprocal pumps).

  • Analysis of positive-displacement pumps involves
    purely mechanical concepts and does not require
    detailed knowledge of hydraulics.
  • This chapter will only treat the first category,
    which constitutes most of the water pumps used in
    modern hydraulic engineering systems.

Centrifugal Pumps
  • Modern centrifugal pumps basically consist of two
  • 1. the rotating element ( commonly called the
  • 2. the housing that encloses the rotating element
    and seals the pressurized liquid inside.
  • The power is supplied by a motor to the shaft of
    the impeller.

  • The rotary motion of the impeller creates a
    centrifugal force that enables the liquid to
    enter the pump at the low-pressure region near
    the center (eye of the impeller and to move
    along the direction of the impeller vanes toward
    the higher-pressure region near the outside of
    the housing surrounding the impeller.
  • The housing is designed with a gradually
    expanding spiral shape so that the entering
    liquid is led toward the discharge pipe with
    minimum loss while the kinetic energy in the
    liquid is converted into pressure energy.

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Cross section of a centrifugal pump
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5.3 Jet (Mixed-Flow) Pumps
  • Jet pumps capitalize on a high-pressure stream of
  • The pressurized fluid ejects from a nozzle at
    high speed into a pipeline transferring its
    energy to the fluid requiring delivery.
  • Jet pumps are usually used in combination with a
    centrifugal pump, which supplies the
    high-pressure stream, and can be used to lift
    liquid in deep wells.
  • They are usually compact in size and light in
  • They are sometimes used in construction for
    dewatering the work site.

  • Because the energy loss during the mixing
    procedure is heavy, the efficiency of the jet
    pump is normally very low (rarely more than 25).
  • A jet pump can also be installed as a booster
    pump in series with a centrifugal pump. The jet
    pump may be built into the casing of the
    centrifugal pump suction line to boost the water
    surface elevation at the inlet of the centrifugal
    pump as shown schematically in Figure 5.7. This
    arrangement avoids any unnecessary installation
    of moving parts in the well casing, which is
    usually buried deep below the ground surface.

Jet (Mixed-Flow) Pumps
5.4 Selection of a Pump
  • The efficiency of a pump depends on
  • the discharge, head, and power requirement of
    the pump.
  • The approximate ranges of application of each
    type of pump are indicated in Figure 5.8.
  • The total head that the pump delivers its
    discharge against includes the elevation head and
    the head losses incurred in the system.
  • The friction loss and other minor losses in the
    pipeline depend on
  • the velocity of water in the pipe (Chapter 3),
  • and the total head loss can be related to the
    discharge rate.

  • For a given pipeline system (including the
    pump), a unique H-Q curve can be plotted, as
    shown in Example 5.3, by computing the head
    losses for several discharges.
  • In selecting a particular pump for a given
    system, the design conditions are specified and a
    pump is selected for the range of applications.
  • The H-Q curve is then matched to the pump
    performance chart (e.g., Fig 5.9 and 5.10)
    provided by the manufacturer.
  • The matching point , M, indicates the actual
    working conditions.
  • Selection process -----? example 5.3

Selection of a Pump
Head, discharge, and power requirement of
different pumps
Pump selection Chart
Characteristic curve
Characteristic curve
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Characteristic curve
5.5 Pumps in Parallel or in Series
  • the efficiency of a pump varies with
  • the discharge rate of the pump and
  • the total head overcome by the pump.
  • The optimum efficiency of a pump can be obtained
    only over a limited range of operation (see
    Figure 5.10).
  • To install a pumping station that can be
    effectively operated over a large range of
    fluctuations in both discharge and pressure, it
    may be advantageous to install several identical
    pumps at the station.

  • When several pumps are connected in parallel in a
    pipeline, the discharge is increased but the
    pressure head remains the same as with a single
  • It should be noted that two identical pumps
    operating in parallel may not double the
    discharge in a pipeline because the total head
    loss in a pipeline is (Hp a Q2).
  • The additional resistance in the pipeline will
    cause a reduction in the total discharge.

  • Curve B in Figure 5. 1 1 schematically shows the
    operation of two identical pumps in parallel. The
    joint discharge of the two pumps is always less
    than twice the discharge of a single pump.
  • Pumps connected in series in a pipeline will
    increase the total output pressure, but the
    discharge will remain approximately the same as
    that of a single pump. A typical performance
    curve for two pumps connected in series is shown
    by curve C in Figure 5.11.

Pumps in Parallel or Series
  • The efficiency of two (or more) pumps operating
    in parallel or in series is almost the same as
    that of the single pump based upon discharge.
  • The installation can be arranged with a separate
    motor for each pump or with one motor operating
    two (or more) pumps.
  • Multipump installations could be designed to
    perform either in-series or in-parallel
    operations with the same set of pumps. Figure
    5.12 is a typical schematic of such an
  • For series operations, valve A is opened and
    valves B and C are closed for parallel
    operations, valve A is closed and valves B and C
    are open.

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5.6 Cavitation in Water Pumps
  • One of the important considerations in pump
    installation design is the relative elevation
    between the pump and the water surface in the
    supply reservoir.
  • Whenever a pump is positioned above the supply
    reservoir, the water in the suction line is under
    pressure lower than atmospheric. The phenomenon
    of cavitation becomes a potential danger whenever
    the water pressure at any location in the pumping
    system drops substantially below atmospheric
  • To make matters worse, water enters into the
    suction line through a strainer that is designed
    to keep out trash. This additional energy loss at
    the entrance reduces pressure even further.

  • A common site of cavitation is near the tips of
    the impeller vanes where the velocity is very
  • In regions of high velocities much of the
    pressure energy is converted to kinetic energy.
    This is added to the elevation difference between
    the pump and the supply reservoir, hp, and to the
    inevitable energy loss in the pipeline between
    the reservoir and the pump, hL. Those three items
    all contribute to the total suction head, Hs, in
    a pumping installation as shown schematically in
    Figure 5.13.

  • The value of Hs must be kept within a limit so
    that the pressure at every location in the pump
    is always above the vapor pressure of water
    otherwise, the water will be vaporized and
    cavitation will occur.
  • The vaporized water forms small vapor bubbles in
    the flow. These bubbles collapse when they reach
    the region of higher pressure in the pump.
    Violent vibrations may result from the collapse
    of vapor bubbles in water. Successive bubble
    breakup with considerable impact force may cause
    high local stresses on the metal surface of the
    vane blades and the housing. These stresses cause
    surface pitting and will rapidly damage the pump.

  • To prevent cavitation, the pump should be
    installed at an elevation so that the total
    suction head is less than the difference between
    the atmospheric head and the water vapor pressure
    head, or
  • (Patm/g - Pvap/g ) gt Hs

Cavitation in Water Pumps
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5.7 Specific Speed and Pump Similarity
  • The selection of a pump for a particular service
    is based on the required discharge rate and the
    head against which the discharge is delivered.
  • To lift a large quantity of water over a
    relatively small elevation (e.g., removing water
    from an irrigation canal onto a farm field)
    requires a high-capacity, low-stage pump.
  • To pump a relatively small quantity of water
    against great heights (such as supplying water to
    a high-rise building) requires a low-capacity,
    high-stage pump. The designs of these two pumps
    are very different.
  • Generally speaking, impellers of relatively large
    radius and narrow flow passages transfer more
    kinetic energy from the pump into pressure head
    in the flow stream than impellers of smaller
    radius and large flow passages. Pumps designed
    with geometry that allows water to exit the
    impeller in a radial direction impart more
    centrifugal acceleration to the flow than those
    that allow water to exit axially or at an angle.
    Thus, the relative geometry of the impeller and
    the pump housing determine the performance and
    the field application of a specific pump.

  • Dynamic analysis (Chapter 10) shows that
    centrifugal pumps built with identical
    proportions but different sizes have similar
    dynamic performance characteristics that are
    consolidated into one number called a shape
    number. The shape number of a particular pump
    design is a dimensionless number defined as
  • where w is the angular velocity of the impeller
    in radians per second, Q is the discharge of the
    pump in cubic meters per second, g is the
    gravitational acceleration in meters per second
    squared, and Hp is the total dynamic head in
    meters that the pump develops.

  • In engineering practice, however, the
    dimensionless shape number is not commonly used.
    Instead, most commercial pumps are specified by
    the term specific speed. The specific speed of a
    specific pump design (i.e., impeller type and
    geometry) can be defined in two different ways.
    Some manufacturers define the specific speed
  • of a specific pump design as the speed an
    impeller would turn if reduced in size enough to
    deliver a unit discharge at unit head. This way,
    the specific speed may be expressed as Eqn
  • Other manufacturers define the specific speed of
    a specific pump design as the speed an impeller
    would turn if reduced enough in size to produce
    unit power with unit head. This way, the specific
    speed is expressed as Eqn(5.23)

  • Normally, the specific speed is defined at the
    optimum point of operational efficiency.
  • In practice, pumps with high specific speeds are
    generally used for large discharges at
    low-pressure heads,
  • while pumps with low specific speeds are used to
    deliver small discharges at high-pressure heads.
  • Centrifugal pumps with identical geometric
    proportions but different sizes have the same
    specific speed. Specific speed varies with
    impeller type. Its relationship to discharge and
    pump efficiency is shown in Figure 5.14.

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