Title: Jane Partridge (Headteacher)
1Welcome Jane Partridge (Headteacher) The year
ahead Chris Norwood (Deputy Headteacher) NTC
Sixth Form Lisa Donaldson (Assistant
Headteacher) Learning Community Support Heads
of Learning Community and Progress Managers
2Why is this year important?
- You have spent 418 weeks in school
- You have 18 weeks until your final exams start
- You are likely to have to work for 2400 weeks!
- That is 96,000 hours
- Or 288,000 assemblies worth of time!
- What you do now shapes the opportunities you
have for this time and beyond.
3What difference does 5A-C make?
With a degree 88 in full time employment (2003)
No 5A-C 50 in full time employment (2003)
- Extra for 5A-C (EN/MA) 140,000
- Extra for A levels 310,000
- Extra for a degree 935,000
- You have 18 weeks!
4Successes at NTC
5What happens with each course?
- terminal exam
- terminal exam and coursework
- modular exams and internal assessments
- coursework only
- online tests
- Diploma
- Coursework and examination
- Functional skills tests
6What do we do for your Son?
- Delivering quality lessons
- Resources on Fronter
- Tracking of progress and targeting support
- Raising attainment facilitators
- Holiday sessions
- After school sessions
- Progress Manager interviews
- Form 23
- External agency revision support
- Revision source guidance to be issued
- Mock exams and GAP analysis informing teaching
- Parents Consultation Days
7Key dates and passwords
- Parents consultation day Wed 25th November
- Mock Exams Mon 7th Fri 12th December
- Sixth Form information evening Thu 3rd
December - GCSE module examinations Mon 11th Fri 29th
January - Academic board interviews Mon 18th January
- Year 11 Parents Evening (Subjects) Thu 28th
January - GCSE Science Module exams Mon 1st March
- Year 11 reports sent home Thu 1st April
- Easter Revision School Tue 6th Fri 9th April
- GCSE Exams start Mon 19th April
8What can you do for your son?
- The right environment
- Planning study time is essential
- Keep in contact with the school
- Ensure he has balance diet, exercise and sleep
- Keep a check on what he is doing
- Social time should be reducing
- Revision 4/5hrs per week now
- 8/9hrs per week nearer to exams
- 18 Weeks to gain 5A-C with English and Maths
9Applying for Sixth Form
10What choices do I have?
- Grammar schools
- Other Sixth Forms
- College
- Apprenticeships
11How do I apply?
- Through the Kentchoices4U website
12Key dates
- Monday 9th November website goes Live
- Wednesday 11th November 2009 NW Kent College Open
Day - NTC Sixth Form Open evening Thursday 3rd December
13Why NTC?
- 2009 79 of students achieved 2 A levels, or
equivalents, at C - Value added 1030 (LA average 993)
- Range of courses on offer
- Excellent facilities
- Excellent teachers and relationships
- Successful well established Sixth Form
- Help and advice
14What courses can I take? two routes
- Non- Academy
- Choose from a whole range of courses
- Sports Academy
- Basketball
- Or
- Football
- Or
- Both
- BTEC Sports Science
- Plus one other
15What course are on offer?
- Level 2
- Workskills and IT
- Philosophy
- General studies
- Psychology
- Maths and English re-sits
- Level 3
- Art
- IT
- Diplomas Business and Finance, Engineering,
Travel and Tourism - Science BTEC, Psychology, Human Biology
- Music
- Media
- Performing Arts
- Maths AS level
- English A level
- Geography A level
16What do I need to do now?
- Think about what courses you would like to study
- SPEAK to the teacher who teaches that subject and
find out what it involves - SPEAK to students already on the course
- Look at the Kent choices website
- SPEAK to your parents about the options
17What can you do for your son?
- The right environment
- Planning study time is essential
- Keep in contact with the school
- Ensure he has balance diet, exercise and sleep
- Keep a check on what he is doing
- Social time should be reducing
- Revision 4/5hrs per week now
- 8/9hrs per week nearer to exams
- 18 Weeks to gain 5A-C with English and Maths