- America Past and Present
- Chapter 32
2Reagan in Power
- Roosevelt coalition continues to splinter
- Republican party picks up pieces
3The Reagan Victory
- Carters negatives
- Iranian hostage crisis
- economic ills
- Reagans positives win the election
- warm telegenic personality
- optimistic message
- draws Jewish, working class vote
- Republicans win majority in the Senate
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5Cutting Spending and Taxes
- Reagans premise cut spending to encourage
private investment - Reagan cuts over three years
- federal spending by more than 40 billion
- social services included in cuts
- taxes cut by 25
6Limiting the Role of Government
- Environmental regulations relaxed
- Attempted cuts in Social Security
- Neglect of interest-group opponents
- labor hurt in air traffic control firings
- lack of support for civil rights legislation
- women ignored in judicial appointments
- Reagans reductions in spending and taxes prompt
conflicting expectations - Supply-side economists expect economic growth
- Reagans critics expect massive deficits,
economic stagnation
8Recession and Recovery
- 1981-1982--unemployment hits 10
- 1983--economic recovery
- rise in consumer spending
- prices remain level
- worldwide decline in energy prices
9The Growing Deficit
- Basis for the Reagan prosperity includes
- massive deficit spending
- massive inflows of foreign investment
- 1983--federal budget deficit 200 billion
- Spending caps on defense, services
- 1985--U.S. becomes a debtor nation
10U.S. Budget Deficits, 1980-1997
11The Rich Grow Richer
- Gains of Reaganomics
- inflation reduced to 4
- employment grows after 1982
- growth in service sector jobs
- Losses of Reaganomics
- high-paying manufacturing jobs decline
- increasing social inequality
- wealthy benefit
- poor left in poverty
- middle class hurt
12Share of Aggregate Household Income by Quintiles,
13Reagan Affirmed
- Perception of improving economy
- 1984 election
- Reagan trounces Walter Mondale
- Republicans lose seats in Congress
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15Reagan and the World
- Reagan determined to restore America's
international position - Steep increase in military spending
- Aggressive foreign policy
16Challenging the "Evil Empire"
- Reagan Soviet Union the "focus of evil in the
modern world" - Unfavorable deals on arms reductions
- U.S. response to Russian refusal
- deployment of cruise missiles in Europe
- development of anti-missile system
- Russians build up nuclear arsenal
17Turmoil in the Middle East
- 1982--Israeli invasion of Lebanon
- International response
- U.S., France send troops to maintain order
- PLO evacuates Beirut
- 1984--200 U.S. Marines killed in terrorist
bombing - U.S. evacuation of Lebanon
18Trouble Spots in the Middle East
19Confrontation in Central America
- Intervention against Latin American leftist
insurgents - Covert subversion of Sandinistas
- October, 1983--invasion of Grenada
20Trouble Spots in Central America and the Caribbean
21Trading Arms for Hostages
- Advanced weapons sold to Iran for influence in
freeing American hostages - November, 1986--Iran-Contra scandal
- profit from Iran arms sales to Contras
- funding violates Congressional prohibition
- Reagan escapes impeachment
22Reagan the Peacemaker
- 1985--Mikhail Gorbachev assumes power in Russia
- 1985-88--Reagan-Gorbachev summits
- 1987--destroy intermediate range missiles
- 1988--Afghanistan evacuated
- Foreign policy triumphs restore Reagans
23Social Dilemmas
24The AIDS Epidemic
- 1981--AIDS first detected
- apparent confinement to homosexual men results in
early public inaction - spread to drug users, recipients of blood
transfusions prompts panic - Reagan Administrations response
- fund research
- little funding for education, prevention
- 1987--appointment of AIDS commissioner
25The AIDS Epidemic (2)
- 1996--500,000 infected
- majority homosexuals, drug users
- 15 heterosexual, non-drug abusers
- 1996--AIDS death rate begins dropping
- new drugs
- safer sexual practices
26The War on Drugs
- Mid-1980's--crack cocaine introduced
- addiction spread through all classes
- exploding crime rate
- Reagan attempts interdiction of supply
- Bush, Clinton continue Reagan policy
- At the end of the century there seemed to be no
end to the war on drugs
27Passing the Torch to Bush
- Republicans hope for major political realignment
- Factors reinforcing trend
- 1980s economic boom
- promise of the end of the Cold War
28The Changing Palace Guard
- 1985--Donald Regan chief of staff
- Second-term victories
- tax reform package
- appointment of conservatives
- Changes in the Supreme Court
- Senate blocks Bork appointment to Court
- Bush appointments help turn the Court more to the
29The Election of 1988
- Republican George Bush
- Democrat Michael Dukakis
- Bush television ads attack Dukakis as soft on
crime, unpatriotic - Bush wins White House
- Republicans lose seats in Congress
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31Bushs Domestic Agenda
- Problems of 1989
- savings and loan industry facing collapse
- ballooning federal deficit
- Bushs deficit reduction
- raise taxes
- cut military expenditures
- Economic recession increases deficit
32The End of the Cold War
- June, 1989--Tiananmen Square
- November, 1989--Berlin Wall torn down
- 1991-1992--U.S.S.R. dissolved, Communist Party
outlawed in Russian Republic - Cautious response by Bush
33The End of the Cold War
34Waging Peace
- 1989--U.S. invasion of Panama
- August, 1990--Iraq occupies Kuwait
- January, 1991--Operation Desert Storm
- Outcome of Desert Storm
- February 24--Iraqi force collapses
- Bushs approval hits 90
35Republican Economic Woes
- 1990 budget deal violated Bushs no new taxes
pledge - Also failed to reduce budget deficits
- Economic recession prolonged