Title: Lab 3: Tissue Classification, Skin and Body Membranes
1Lab 3Tissue Classification,Skin and Body
Human Anatomy PhysiologyHuman AP Laboratory
Manual Volume 1 Second Custom Edition for APSU
2Lab 3 Activities
- histology slides epithelial and connective
tissue subtypessimple squamous epithelium,
simple cuboidal epithelium, simple columnar
epithelium, pseudostratified columnar epithelium,
transitional epithelium, stratified squamous
epithelium, areolar connective tissue, adipose
tissue, reticular connective tissue, dense
regular and irregular connective tissue, skeletal
muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, blood,
neuron - skin slides tissue layers (epidermis, dermis
hypodermis), layers of epidermis, epidermal
derivatives (hair, sebaceous sudoriferous
sweat glands) - skin model
- body membranes
3General Characteristics of Epithelial Tissues
- Cellularity densely packed little
extracellular matrix - Forms Layers has Polarity Supported by
underlying Connective Tissue - apical surface
- basal surface
- Innervated but avascular (no direct blood supply)
- Derived from embryonic ectoderm and endoderm
4Classification of Epithelial Tissues by the
Number of Layers
5Classification of Epithelial Tissues by the Shape
of Cells
6Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissue
7Simple Squamous Epithelium
8Simple Cuboidal Epithelial Tissue
9Simple Columnar Epithelial Tissue
10Simple Cuboidal and Simple Columnar Epithelium
11Stratified Epithelial Tissues
- Are assigned their cell shape designation by the
shape of the cells in the apical layer
12Stratified Squamous Epithelial Tissue
13Stratified Squamous Epithelium keratinized
versus non-keratinized
14Stratified Columnar Epithelial Tissue
15Transitional Epithelial Tissue
16Transitional Epithelium - Bladder relaxed
versus stretched
17Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelial
18Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium Trachea
19General Characteristics of Connective Tissues
- Cellularity fewer cells, rarely touching,
surrounded by considerable extracellular matrix - ground substance (gelatinous glycoproteins)
- structural fibers (fibrous proteins, e.g.,
collagen, elastin, reticulin) - Does not form layers supports and fills in
between epithelial tissues - Innervated and Vascular (direct blood supply)
- Cartilage is the exception with no capillary beds
- Derived from embryological mesoderm
20Major Classes of Connective Tissue
21Embryonic Connective Tissue --Mesenchyme
22Areolar Connective Tissue
23Areolar Connective Tissue
24Adipose Connective Tissue
25Adipose Tissue
26Reticular Connective Tissues
27Dense Regular Connective Tissues
28Regular Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue
29Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
30Irregular Dense Fibrous Connective Tissue
31Hyaline Cartilage
32Hyaline Cartilage
33Elastic Cartilage
34Elastic Cartilage
37Bone (Osseous Tissue)
38Bone Tissue (dried)
39Types of Bone
- Compact
- appears very dense
- most of the bone mass in the body
- Spongy
- appears poorly organized
- tiny bone struts trabeculae
40Blood (Vascular Tissue)
41Blood Cells
42Muscle Tissues
- Characteristics of muscle tissues
- High degree of cellularity
- Cells contain contractile proteins
- Well vascularized
- A highly specialized type of connective tissue
43Muscle Tissues Skeletal
44Muscle Tissues Cardiac
45Classification of Muscle Tissues
- two types are striated
- Skeletal muscle
- attached to bones
- multinucleate
- voluntary
- fibers are parallel and cylindrical
- Cardiac muscle
- most of the heart wall
- single nucleus
- involuntary
- branched cylinders connected by intercalated
46Muscle Tissues Smooth
47Classification of Muscle Tissues
- one type is non-striated
- Smooth muscle.
- walls of hollow organs blood vessels, digestive
tract, airways, bladder - involuntary
- single nucleus
- spindle shaped
48Nervous Tissue
49Nervous Tissue
- Highly specialized epithelial cells
- Convert stimuli into electro-chemical signals for
transfer of information - Structure
- cell body (soma) and extensions
- dendrites (highly branched) carry incoming
signal - axon (long, usually single strand) carry
outgoing signal
50Epithelial ( Body Membranes) The
51The Skin
52Epithelial Membranes ( Body Membranes)
Muc0us Membranes
53Epithelial Membranes Serous Membranes
54Embryonic Germ Layers and the Primary Tissue
Types They Produce
55Take Advantage of Available Histology Resources
- http//www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo/frame
s/h_fram13.html - http//www.med.uiuc.edu/histo/small/atlas/slides.h
tm - http//www.pathguy.com/histo/000.htm
56End Lab 3 Presentation
57Figure 4.7A Areolar Connective Tissue A
Prototype Connective Tissue