- Prof. Shaker Rizk
- Ittihad University, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
- Shaker115_at_hotmail.com
- HEIC, 2010
- Beirut, Lebanon
- Over the past decade, Ittihad University (IU) has
adopted Self-assessment (SA) as one of the basic
tools for improving the English Language Teaching
Program (ELTP). - The purpose of utilizing this particular tool has
been to inform faculty and other decision-makers
of the effectiveness of the program, to prove
what the program achieves, and to give support to
those involved in the ELTP.
3Major steps to carry out SA
- identifying measurable student learning
objectives and outcomes, - listing the appropriate methods or approaches
to assess how well students are meeting the
articulated objectives, - listing appropriate measures that can be
administered, analyzed, and interpreted for
evidence of student learning outcomes, - evaluating and sharing results , and
- making necessary changes to the program
4Phases of SA at IU
- Phase one focused on mapping measurable
objectives and outcomes in all ELTP courses, - Phase two focused on program effectiveness and
improvement with particular emphasis on feedback
surveys, and - Phase three is catering for the alignment of
course outcomes with its objectives and the
outcomes of the ELTP.
5Tools Models
- the objective/outcome-based model (comparing the
Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA)
standards with existing procedures), - the decision-making model (focusing on
accountability to reallocate resources or decide
the continuation of the program), and - the responsive model (focusing on learner-based
and market-based concerns).
6What is self- assessment?
- gathering of information to improve institutional
practices. - the systematic collection and analysis of
information to improve student learning. - Successful self-assessment strategies allow HEIs
to fairly and accurately evaluate the real
learning of all their students.
7Steps of Assessment strategies
- identify performance objectives,
- instruct according to these objectives,
- assess these performance objectives.
- plan intervention activities to re-teach
objectives if objectives are not attained. - actively involve students by teaching
self-assessment practices.
8Steps of Assessment strategiescontd
- Do not allow your attitudes towards assessment
and standardized testing affect your students. - involve parents employers in the assessment
process - Make scoring rubrics and assessment tools clear
for students and other assessors - Provide models of excellence
9Steps to carry out SA at IU
- Institutional Research (IR) Office conducts an
orientation meeting with those involved (deans,
program directors, faculty, and administrative
staff) - Deans and Program Directors conduct faculty
meetings and self-study assignments - Faculty discuss progress of self-study, analyze
data, draft self-study, finalize self-study,
write report, and send it to IR Office for
discussion - Send final report to outside reviewers (CAA) for
suggestions and recommendations.
10Steps to carry out SA at IUcontd
- Respond to recommendations of outside reviewers
- Develop an action plan to implement CAA
recommendations - Discuss and finalize action plan with Program
Directors, Deans and Chancellor - Implement action plans after review
- Follow-up on progress on action plans and
Implement revised action plans
11ELTP Assessment Model
12SA Phases and Tools
13SA Phases of the ELTP
Results Analysis Models Purposes Phases
Initial Accreditation SWOT Holistic objective/ outcome-based model curricula comprehensive Evaluation program evaluation against CAA standards and criteria Phase One
Full Academic Accreditation Selecting Evaluators /Assessors (team leaders members) the decision-making model reflecting IU aspirations, accountability addressing quality, validity productivity in teaching and learning, Phase Two
Improved programs, preparation for reaccreditation, initiation on new programs Self study Reports Strategic Planning College/University the responsive model informing decision-makers Phase Three
14Curriculum Assessment Flowcharts
Curriculum Assessment Flowcharts
15Assessment Instruments Evaluating Program
When Administered Administered By Assessment Instruments Target Items Assessed S
Ongoing every semester Department Course File (End-of-course self-evaluation by faculty member) Faculty Members Program Outcomes specific to course 1
June, one year after graduating the first batch, then every 5 years Department Alumni Survey Graduates Program Outcomes 2
June, one year after graduating the first batch, then every 3 years. Counseling Career Development Administration Employers' Survey Employers Program Outcomes 3
End of every semester Department Exit Survey Graduating Students Program 4
Every semester a course is taught Institutional Research (IR) Course Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire Students Teaching 5
Twice a year (January and June) Department Training Program Evaluation by Student Survey Students Training Program 6
16Assessment Tools used for Educational
Administrative Units/Services
When Administered Administered By Assessment Instruments Target Items Assessed S
May, annually Department Academic Advising Survey Students Advising 1
May, annually Institutional Research (IR) Educational Support Services Survey Students Educational Support Services 2
June, annually Institutional Research (IR) Unit Annual Report Units Administrator Administrative Support 3
May, annually Students Affairs in coordination with IR Students Affairs Evaluation Survey students Students' Affairs Services 4
May, annually Counseling Career Development Administration in coordination with IR Counseling and Career Evaluation Survey students Counseling and Career Services 5
June, annually Student Affairs in coordination with IR Student Residence Evaluation Survey Hostel Students Residence/ hostel Services 6
- Self assessment is seen as an ongoing process
that allows IU leadership to examine the quality,
value and importance of its educational delivery
and outcomes, and to establish how it is meeting
the needs of learners and other stakeholders. - SA is a mechanism through which HEIs can evaluate
their own performance, identify strengths and
opportunities for improvement, - SA has helped the ELTP to decide what (outcomes)
it is trying to achieve, and how to know if it
has achieved these or not. - SA has led to a genuine commitment to
organizational change and some conspicuous
18Conclusion contd
- SA has resulted in improving the ELTP and won it
the initial accreditation in 2004, full
accreditation in 2007 and hopefully
reaccreditation in 2012. - It has been successful in assuring the quality of
the ELTP, and showing accountability and
sustainability. - The cyclical approach adopted over the past
decade has shown that the modifications, methods
and techniques, and tools have been compatible
with the needs of each phase. - The changes and restructuring of program
missions, learning outcomes, and assessment tools
have met the very recent requirements for
institutional effectiveness, quality assurance,
and accountability.
- Prof. Shaker Rizk
- April,2010