Title: Plantation Human Development Trust
1Plantation Human Development Trust
(P H D T)
2- Established in 1992 by a cabinet decision to
implement estate worker housing and other social
development activities in the tea, rubber and
coconut plantations.
3Vision Be the most preferred dynamic
Organization promoting a Productive and
self-reliant plantation Community.
4- Mission
- Implement integrated and sustainable
Development Programmes with a holistic approach
in sync with a network of strategic partners. - Improve housing, health care, childcare,
sanitation, education, recreation, mobility,
communication and infrastructure. - Proactively learn and continuously improve
programme components to address future issues
towards poverty alleviation and improving
quality of life.
5Main Features of PHDT
- Registered under the Company Act of Sri Lanka
No.17 of 1982. - Main office situated at Battaramulla
- 7 Regional offices covering 430 estates (230,013
ha) - Working with 25 Regional Plantation Companies
- A tripartite Board of Directors
- Govt. Ministries - 4
- Trade Unions -2
- Regional Plantation Companies 5
- Members representing the Ministries
- Youth Empowerment Socio Economic Development
- Plantation Industries
- Health
- Finance
6PHDT Regions
7Activity Mix
- Decent Housing
- Awareness Social Mobilization
- Basic Health Care
- Drinking Water Sanitation
- Child Care and Development
- Nutrition
- Cultural Needs
- Sports and Recreation
8Self-Help Housing for Estate Worker families
- A 7 perch block of land per family
- A concessionary housing loan,
- repayable in 15 years
- A housing grant
- Basic Infrastructure
- Technical advice and supervision
- No proper infrastructure facilities
- Limited living area for a family
- Poor environment
- Poor sanitation facilities
- Lack of recreational facilities
9New Housing
10Housing Coverage
Region Req.
Galle 15,403
Ratnapura 26,107
Badulla 39,958
Kegalle 13,549
Kandy 31,516
Hatton 48,604
Nuwaraeliya 44,707
Total 219,844
Our aim is a Home for each Family
11Re Roofing
12Water Facilities for Estate Worker families
- Construction of New Water Schemes
- Upgrading of New Water Schemes
- Easy access to clean water
- Tap stands provided
- Formation of water committees
- Consolidation of water schemes
- Inadequate water supplies
- Common water facilities
- Unprotected water sources
- Source away from living quarters
- Improper management of water
13Water Coverage
Region Req.
Galle 15,403
Ratnapura 26,107
Badulla 39,958
Kegalle 13,549
Kandy 31,516
Hatton 48,604
Nuwaraeliya 44,707
Total 219,844
14Sanitation Facilities for Estate Worker families
- Individual latrine per family
- Water provided
- Improved hygienic condition
- Water sealed latrine
- Improved health condition
- Common pit latrines
- Inadequate water facilities
- Poor environment
- Situated in a distant vicinity
- Non utilization of latrines due to above
15Sanitation Coverage
Region Req.
Galle 15,403
Ratnapura 26,107
Badulla 39,958
Kegalle 13,549
Kandy 31,516
Hatton 48,604
Nuwaraeliya 44,707
Total 219,844
16Child Care Facilities
- Improving Child Development Centers to ideal
- standards.
- Nutrition Intervention Growth Monitoring.
- Early Childhood Education
- Home based child care
- Child Development Committees
- Child Protection Committees
- Staff Training
- Rehabilitation of Disabled Children
- Child Domestic Labour Prevention
- No proper infrastructure facilities
- No trained care givers
- Poor environment
- No protection to children
- No child development activities
- Inadequate furniture, equipment health
- educational materials
17Present Status of Child Development Centres
Grading According to the 10 Standards (2008)
18Health Facilities for Estate Workers
- Construction Upgrading of Dispensaries
- Maternity wards
- Upgrading staff Quarters for Estate Health
- Welfare staff
- Health Volunteer Programmes
- Adolescent Programmes
- Awareness programmes on reproductive Health.
- Womens Prgrammes
- Maternal Care
- Promotion of Breast Feeding
- Health Education
- Prevention of Communicable Non Communicable
- Diseases
- Provision of Ambulances
- Motor Cycles for Estate Health Welfare Staff
- High prevalence of communicable and
- non communicable diseases
- High maternal mortality rate
- High infant mortality rate
- lack of antenatal post natal
- services
- Poor patient transport facilities
- Insufficient trained health cadre
- Lack of transport facilities for health
- supervision
19Hot Water Bathing Places
20Home Gardening
21All these achievements gained through awareness
and mobilization.
22Future Requirement of Infrastructure Facilities
23Thank you
24(No Transcript)