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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RADS

PCTI/20140826/CoB/PJ/33 Mineral Value
Chains (MVCs) Resource-based Industrialisation? M
inisters IPAP Update Briefing Paul Jourdan DTI,
Tshwane, April 2013
Review of existing work, policies and strategies related to the development of key backward forward linkages for the 4 value-chains
Develop broad policy directions for the beneficiation strategy and concrete proposals for the 4 value-chains
Value chain analysis including industry mapping and analysis, ID of key challenges and opportunities, state levers to address the challenges/opportunities and the prioritisation of policy/strategy proposals
To increase the backward VA (local content) of the minerals sector (from exploration, through mining, concentration, smelting, refining to beneficiation for the supply of critical feedstocks into manufacturing).
Which key sub-sectors/products of SA minerals capital goods sector can be grown/developed to take advantage of key procurements of mining activities, i.e. High-level sectoral mapping
How the Mining Charter ( MPRDA) can be leveraged to increase procurement of SA produced capital equipment
How the offset provisions of the MPRDA can be leveraged to promote access to raw materials (including competitive pricing ) and unlock downstream industrial projects
Development of key concrete action plans for the 4 value chains, including Detailed industry analysis Key opportunities challenges for further downstream beneficiation, including use of "producer power Identification of industrial opportunities and the development of investment projects, taking into account SA infrastructure constraints.
Structure of Each MVC Report
SA situation
International context
Downstream Mapping
Downstream SA Opportunities
Downstream Strategy (Options)
The upstream value added of each mineral value
chain will be consolidated into a single report
as they tend to be common mining, mineral
processing and beneficiation inputs (capital
goods, consumables and services)
DTI/IDC Mineral Value Chains (MVC) Study
  • Project Elements and Time-line for Reports
  • MPRDA Review Report - January 2013
  • MVC Context Report February 2013
  • Ferrous MVCs Report April 2013
  • Coal/gas MVCs (Polymers) Report June 2013
  • Titanium MVCs Report August 2013
  • PGM MVCs Report October 2013
  • Mining Inputs Report November 2013
  • Close-out (composite) report December 2013

IPAP Underlying Principles and Outcomes
  • IPAP predicated on need to bring about
    significant structural change in the economy
    reverse the threat of deindustrialisation and
    strengthen diversified manufacturing base,
    especially in value adding, labour intensive
    strategic sectors.
  • Predicated on state supporting, nurturing and
    defending industrial development. Seeks to assert
    state leadership in a context where state largely
    steers but does not row
  • Identifies a range of complementary interlocking
    policies that require alignment, and in some
    cases subordination to, Industrial Policy, such
    as aspects of macro policy, trade policy, dfi
    finance, skills policy, regional integration,
    technology and innovation etc
  • Predicated on stronger developmental
    conditionalities and reciprocal obligations from
    beneficiaries of state support in areas such as
    competetiveness upgrading employment retention
    and creation, investment etc.

IPAP Opportunities
  • Beneficiation
  • Resource endownment constitutes single biggest
    opportunity for competitive advantage
  • the dti has launched a comprehensive research
    project that will develop a strategy to identify
    commercialisation opportunities in projects for
    forward beneficiation and backward supply chain
    development in key mineral value-chains
  • Key consideration is required alignment with
    amendments to Mineral Petroleum Resources
    Development Act (MPRDA) to secure developmental
  • Infrastructure development
  • Regional industrial integration and new export
  • Local procurement and supplier development

South Africa is well-endowed with mineral
South Africas Mineral Reserves, World Ranking,
2009 Production Nominal Life (assuming no
further reserves) at 2009 Extraction Rates
Mass World Rank Mass World Rank Years
Alumino-silicates Mt 51 0.265 60.2 1 192
Antimony kt 350 16.7 3 3 1.6 3 117
Chromium Ore Mt 5500 72.4 1 6.762 1 813
Coal Mt 30408 7.4 6 250.6 3.6 7 121
Copper Mt 13 2.4 6 0.089 146
Fluorspar Mt 80 17 2 0.18 3.5 5 444
Gold t 6000 12.7 1 197 7.8 5 30
Iron Ore Mt 1500 0.8 13 55.4 3.5 6 27
Iron Ore - incl. BC Mt 25000 10 55.4 3.5 6 451
Lead kt 3000 2.1 6 49 1.2 10 61
Manganese Ore Mt 4000 80 1 4.576 17.1 2 874
Nickel Mt 3.7 5.2 8 0.0346 2.4 12 107
PGMs t 70000 87.7 1 271 58.7 1 258
Phosphate Rock Mt 2500 5.3 4 2.237 1.4 11 1118
Titanium Minerals Mt 71 9.8 2 1.1 19.2 2 65
Titanium- incl. BC Mt 400 65 1 1.1 19.2 2 364
Uranium kt 435 8 4 0.623 1.3 10 698
Vanadium kt 12000 32 2 11.6 25.4 1 1034
Vermiculite Mt 80 40 2 0.1943 35 1 412
Zinc Mt 15 3.3 8 0.029 0.2 25 517
Zirconium Mt 14 25 2 0.395 32 2 35
Source SAMI 2009/2010, DMR 2010 and Wilson
Anhaeusser 1998 The Mineral Resources of South
Africa, CGS Pretoria (for BC- Bushveld Complex)
The in-situ value of South Africas mineral
resources is estimated at an astounding 6.24
trillion (2012). By value they comprise
Mineral Percentage
Precious Metals 60
Ferrous Metals 19
Energy Minerals 15
Base Metals 3
Industrials 2
Precious Stones 1
Total 100
Source EcoPartners 2012, www.ecopartners.co.za
Main Formations Bodies
  • The Witwatersrand Basin Gold (gt90 of current
    production), as well as considerable resources of
    uranium, silver, pyrite osmiridium
  • The Bushveld Complex PGMs with associated
    copper, nickel cobalt. Also, chromium (chromite
    seams) and vanadium titanium bearing magnetite
    (iron ore) seams, as well as industrial minerals,
    such as fluorspar andalusite
  • The Transvaal Supergroup Large resources of
    manganese iron ore
  • The Karoo Basin Considerable bituminous coal
    anthracite resources
  • The Phalaborwa Igneous Complex Copper,
    phosphate, titanium, vermiculite, feldspar
  • Kimberlite pipes Diamonds (also occur in
    secondary alluvial, fluvial and marine deposits)
  • Heavy mineral sands Titanium (ilmenite
    rutile), zircon and magnetite, mainly in coastal
  • Bushmanland Group lead-zinc with copper silver.

Only a few areas are endowed with mineral assets
Most parts of SA have little on no economic
Source www.cgs.gov
Global Context (demand)
Global Minerals Intensity of GDP (steel proxy)
Source Adapted from http//advisoranalyst.com
What is Beneficiation?
  • Narrow definition
  • Value-added above a base state (ore, conc,
  • Broader definition
  • Total domestic value-addition (excluding all
    imported inputs)

Imports local VA
Imports local VA
Imports local VA
Imports local VA
Imports local VA
Imports local VA
Ore exports Bene ?VA
Conc exports Bene ?VA
Alloy exports Bene ?VA
Metal exports Bene ?VA
Int. exports Bene ?VA
Beneficiation is the sum of local VA in the
exported product VA in all inputs plus the VA
in the process. both backward and forward
Manu. exports Bene ?VA
In addition to the beneficiation embodied in the
final exported product (?VA all up/downstream
VA), there is also indirect beneficiation to
the wider economy through building the national
factor infrastructure endowments.
Justin Lin argues that a developing country can
change its industrial and economic structure by
changing its endowment structure consisting of
both its factor endowments (land/natural
resources, labour, and physical human capital)
and its infrastructure endowments both
hard/tangible infrastructure and soft/ intangible
infrastructure (institutions, regulations, social
capital, value systems, etc.).
  • Thus, indirect beneficiation in the wider economy
  • Building the knowledge linkages (human capital
  • Building the spatial linkages (hard

However, in order to change the factor and
infrastructure endowments, the resource rents
need to be reinvested in building them. Fiscal
The MVC cluster the 5 key beneficiation
5. FORWARD Value-addition (beneficiation) Export
of resource-based articles
1. FISCAL Capture invest of resource rents
(RRT) in long-term economic physical human
infra (inter-generational)
Use depleting assets to change national endowment
4. KNOWLEDGE Linkages (HRD RD) Nursery for
new tech clusters, adaptable to other sectors
2. SPATIAL Puts in critical infra-structure to
realise other economic potential could
stimulate LED
3. BACKWARD Inputs Capital goods, consumables,
services, (also export)
Narrow beneficiation forward linkages Total
product beneficiation back- forward linkages
(?VA), Total economy-wide beneficiation all
the linkages
The MVC cluster (Mineral Linkages)
Spatial Linkages Infrastructure (transport,
power, ICT) and LED
Forward Linkages Intermediate products
gt Manufacturing Logistics other sectors
(agriculture , forestry, fisheries, etc.)
Backward Linkages Inputs Capital
goods Consumables Services
Resource Extraction Mining Concentration,
smelting, refining gt metal/alloy
Fiscal linkages Resource rent capture
deployment long-term human physical
infrastructure development
Knowledge Linkages HRD skills formation RD
tech development Geo-knowledge (survey)
Knowledge linkages are a prerequisite for
developing the crucial back/forward
beneficiation linkages!
MVCs and Mineral Deposit Variability
  • Mineral deposits embody a massive variation in
    resource rents (returns above those necessary to
    attract investment average return on
    investment ROI), much greater than any other
    sector except for hydrocarbons (oil and gas).
  • In SA ROI in mining varies from average (ca 15,
    e.g. marginal gold deposits) to several hundred
    percent (e.g. iron and manganese ore deposits)
    resource rents.
  • Consequently it is difficult to design a minerals
    regime with generic linkage conditions (local
    content, value-addition, skills formation, etc
    milestones) that will efficiently maximise the
    potential development impact of all deposits over
  • In general, a mineral regime will set minimum
    linkage development obligations in order to make
    investment into marginal deposits attractive.
  • The best way to flush out the maximum linkage
    development that any specific mineral deposit
    could support, would be to get a market response
    through the public tender of the property against
    linkage development commitments (a form of
    developmental price discovery).

Hybrid free mining (FIFA) and tender system
Customising mining leases to max MVCs
Define 3 Types of Mineral Terrains
2.Partially Known
3.Known Mineral assets
1.Unknown Mineral assets
Mining Concession/Licence
Hybrid free mining (FIFA) and tender system
Customising mining leases to max MVCs
Define 3 Types of Mineral Terrains
2.Partially Known
3.Known Mineral assets
1.Unknown Mineral assets
However, this hybrid regime requires substantial
amendments to the MPRDA!
Mining Concession/Licence
The resource curse can be avoided! Deepening
the resource sector linkages development of the
resource inputs outputs industries is critical
, but requires the development of a resources
tech capacity!
Finland e.g. Forestry- grew capital goods
(machinery) value-added exports (wood
manufactures, pulp/paper) Thru investment in RD!
Finland managed to shift from a 1970 resources
(pc) trajectory to a 1998 manufactures (mf)
trajectory, through the development of its
resources inputs (machinery) and outputs
(value-addition) sectors (source Palma, G. 2004)
Using a natural comparative advantage to develop
a competitive advantage
Finland The mature forestry industrial cluster
  • Specialized inputs
  • Chemical and biological inputs (for production
    of fibres, fillers, bleaches)
  • Machinery and equipment
  • For harvesting (cutting, stripping, haulage)
  • For processing (for production of chips,
    sawmills, pulverization)
  • For paper manufacture (30 of the world market)
  • Specialized services
  • Consultancy services on forest management
  • Research institutes on biogenetics, chemistry
    and silviculture

reserves and plantations (400-600m3 per capita)b
  • Roundwood
  • Sawnwood
  • Plywood (40 of the world market)
  • Wood products
  • Furniture
  • For construction
  • Wood pulp
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Newsprint
  • Art paper (25 of the world market)
  • Toilet paper
  • Packaging
  • Special products

SIDE LINKAGES Related activities Electricity
generation Process automation Marketing Logistics
Environment industries (paper) Mining (sulphuric
a Generates 25 of Finlands exports b
Compared with 25-30m3 per capita in the rest of
the world. (SA has a similar comparative
advantage in minerals)
Source Ramos 1998 p111 (CEPAL Review, 68,
Linkages in the SA PGM industry and the
relationship between firms (Lydall 2011)
Backward beneficiation
Forward Beneficiation
However, in SA the linkage sectors only provide
1 job for every mining job (CoM), cf 13 in
e.g. HC Development Strategy (Norway OG21 tech
gtTech exports
gtGas VA
RD HRD Statoil 75k
Extraction ex-linkages
In 2011 The Research Institute of
the Finnish Economy (ETLA) completed a major
study on the broader economic impact of their
minerals sector and showed a 61 employment
generation (50 abroad) in other upstream and
downstream industries, due to their
well-developed mineral linkages.
Resources provide opportunities for up-, down-
side-stream linkages MVCs
  • Resources inputs sector (up-stream) has a
    comparative advantage in
  • Relatively large local market
  • Development of techs for local conditions
  • National asset permits for concessioning with
    strong linkages conditionality

IPAP Metal Fabrication, Capital and Transport
Equipment Ferrous MVC and backward linkages for
all MVCs
  • Continuous SOC engagement on supplier development
    and localisation has led to embedding
    localisation policies and programmes at Eskom and
    Transnet with high localisation thresholds
  • An Intra-Departmental Task Team Report on Iron
    Ore and Steel adopted by Cabinet, mandating the
    DMR, DTI and EDD to secure a developmental steel
    price amending the Competition Act, measures to
    restrict exports of scrap metals and create
    competition in steel production
  • The National Tooling Initiative created to
    increase and strengthen the human capacity and
    competitiveness of the tooling industry. R200
    million provided by the NSF
  • DTI instrumental in the opening of R1 bn Safal
    Steel metal coating plant
  • National Foundry Technology Network established
    to facilitate the development of the foundry
    industry through appropriate skills training,
    technology transfer and diffusion of
    state-of-the-art technologies
  • DTI facilitated an iron ore interim supply
    agreement in December 2012 between Sishen Iron
    Ore Company and Arcelor Mittal South Africa

Putative strategies to grow the upstream (inputs)
  • Amend the MPRDA to include upstream value
    addition (backward linkages local content) as an
    objective of the Act and strengthen the
    Ministers power to include such conditions in
    the mining concession/license.
  • Make local content commitments a bid variable
    with significant weighting (30?) for all new
    competitive mineral concessions (auctions)
  • Base the B-B BEE purchase requirements in the
    Mining Charter on the BEE proportion of local
    value added in the goods or services supplied,
    rather than the total value of the goods or
    services, to eliminate destructive BEE fronting
    for foreign suppliers and to increase the
    upstream developmental impact
  • DTI, DMR, EDD and DST to jointly comprehensive
    industrial sub-sectoral strategies to grow the
    mineral upstream sectors (capital goods,
    services, consumables) including the use of
    instruments such as import tariffs, investment
    incentives, innovation stimuli, market access,
    access to finance, competitive inputs, tech
    development, etc.
  • Task the nascent SMC and IDC with developing
    appropriate capital goods, with the private
    sector and technology institutions,.
  • Establish Beneficiation SEZs e.g. The mooted
  • Develop Regional Trade Strategies for growing
    inputs markets

Backward (upstream) Value Addition (Inputs)
Economies of Scale (exports) are critical to
growing mineral inputs
Share of diversified manufacturing exports, by
Source Roberts 2012
Mining Capital Equipment Exports to Africa (mn)
Source Kaplan 2011
Note that this excludes mining based services.
The export of mining-based services is extensive
and growing very rapidly.
Markets Sub-Saharan Africa World GDP Growth
Source IMF, World Economic Outlook (WEO)
Database, October 2012
Regional Trade Strategies are Critical to Growing
the Backward MVCs
(No Transcript)
Downstream Beneficiation Linkages
The Principal Mineral-Based Feedstocks for rapid
Critical feedstocks in the economy- Critical feedstocks in the economy-
Manufacturing Steel/alloys, polymers (from coal, HCs), base metals (Cu, Zn, et al)
Energy (electricity) Coal, natural gas (and CBM, shale gas), radioactive minerals, limestone (emissions)
Infrastructure Steel, copper, cement (from limestone, gypsum, coal)
Agriculture Nitrogen (from coal, gas), phosphate, potassium and conditioners (e.g. limestone, sulphides)
Plus - Plus -
Producer power Finally, where SA has potential producer power, there could be increased downstream (beneficiation) potential e.g. PGMs
SA has ample resources for the cost-effective
production of almost all of these critical
feedstocks for downstream job creation!
Estimates of further downstream beneficiation in
South Africa, (2007 data) Source Adapted from
Migdett 2010 and ANC SIMS 2012
MINERAL Mine production (2007), sales jobs Local beneficiation (sources JM, DMR, SASOL, Rand Refinery, GFMS, PPC, Lafarge, Mittal Steel, Further Beneficiation Jobs (SIMS)
PGMs 304 tons (R78 billion sales, 186 000 employees, etc.) Manufacture export of 16.2 million platinum catalytic converters (15 of world share), 4000-5000 jobs and R22 billion in export value Producer Power 7-14k jobs
Coal 248 mt (R44.2 billion sales, 60 439 workers) Final product 201 929 GWh of electricity (86 of SAs electricity supply), value created R40 billion, 30000 jobs (in Eskom). Final products Synfuels 7.3 mt valued at R29 billion Gas sales 112.9MGJ at R2.7 billion Polymers 1.73 mt at R9.4 billion Solvents 1.72 mt at R13.8 billion Olefins surfectants 2.2mt at R22.6 billion Other (waxes, fertilisers, etc) R13 billion 31 860 jobs, R98 billion in sales, R17 billion in taxes (link to iron ore below) Cost coal to Eskom 10-20k jobs EPP polymers 50-80k jobs
Gold 254 tons (R38 billion in sales, 169 057 employees) 400 tons refined at Rand Refinery (490 jobs), 7.4 tons of jewellery fabricated employing 2800 people , 8.4 tons of coins fabricated employing 100 people 4300 jobs in wholesale retail of gold jewellery. minimal
Iron ore 42.1 mt (R13.4 billion in sales, 13 858 employees) 6.4 mt of local steel production (4.2 mt flats 2.1 mt long products). 4.4 mt local sales 1.4 mt exported with total revenue of R29 billion and 10 000 employees. EPP steel 60-90k jobs
Diamonds 15.25 mc (R10 billion, 20 000 workers) 1.2 mc imported (cost R14.9 billion), 13.9 mc exported (value R13.2 billion), local sales valued at R4.9 billion (value of cut diamonds valued at R6.3 billion), 2000 cutters. minimal
Nickel 37.9kt (valued at R9 billion) Stainless steel production, 650 kt stainless produced worth R12 billion. About 150kt used locally. (jobs?) EPP Ni (included in base metals) 10-20k jobs
Copper 117.1kt (valued at R5.8 billion) Tubing and wire industry (jobs?) EPP Ni (included in base metals) 10-20k jobs
Manganese 6 mt (valued at R3.6 billion) Manganese alloys- 1mt produced. 0.2mt sold locally 0.8mt exported, total sales value R6.5 billion.(jobs2000). Chemical products (jobs?) gtMn alloys 200 series SS 10k jobs
Industrial minerals Total sales value of R7.5 billion Cement industry, 14.2 million tons of local production of cement/- R20 billion industry Fertiliser industry (600kt of fertiliser consumed locally - potash, phosphates, limestone) (jobs) EPP cement 10-20k jobs EPP NPK 10-30k jobs
Chromite 9.7mt (valued at R3 billion) Chrome alloys 3.5mt produced, 0.4mt sold locally, 3mt exported, total sales R17.5 billion (jobs?) Chemicals and refractories gtCr alloys gtFerritic SS gt200 Series SS 5-10k jobs
TOTALS About R213 billion about 450 000 workers Rough sales value created of about R157 billion (conservative) 200-500k jobs (incl. removal of infra constraints)
Ferrous MVCs
Iron, chromium, manganese into steels specialty
SA Steel Production and Location
Source Kumba 2011, The South African iron and
steel value chain, Joburg, March 2011
Plus stainless steel (Columbus 600ktpa) in
Steel flows in South Africa in 2008
Source Kumba 2011, The South African iron and
steel value chain, Joburg, March 2011
SA Steel Demand Sectors
However, the monopoly pricing (IPP) of steel
severely curtails manufacturing jobs
Value received on local sales (IPP)
Hot rolled coil steel prices, US/t
Amount that local customers pay above exports
World export price
Value received on exports (EPP)
  • Transport costs might be as high as 47
  • of the cost of importing flat steel!

Source Iscor 2004 in DTI presentation to the
Portfolio Committee of Trade Industry, 24 Aug
IPAP Iron and Steel Value Chain (Ferrous MVCs)
  • Cabinet signed off on proposals of the
    Inter-Departmental Task Team (IDTT) on iron and
    steel. Work in progress includes
  • Finalisation of the Regulations, after public
    consultation, under the provision of the
    International Trade Administration Act and Second
    Hand Goods Act, to limit the unencumbered export
    of scrap metal and to support domestic producers.
    Export of scrap closely associated with highly
    deleterious cable and metal theft and masking of
    illegal export of precious metals. Work led by
  • Amendments to the Competition Act, to limit the
    abuse of dominant market position in key value
    chains especially iron and steel and plastics and
    polymers and to lower the cost of strategic
    inputs into manufacturing. Work led by EDD.
  • Build competition in the iron and steel sector by
    the introduction of at least one more steel
    producer. Work led by the IDC is advanced to
    include a foreign investor new technology and
    strong conditionality's to ensure developmental
    ore prices are passed through as a competitive
    advantage to manufacturing sector

Putative Steel Strategies
  • Use state ownership of mineral rights to apply
    cost-plus ore pricing conditions to local
    customers and on local customers (for their
    domestic on-sales) for select strategic mineral
    feedstocks, particularly iron/steel. This will
    require amendment of the MPRDA.
  • Strengthen the Competition Act to allow for the
    effective imposition of competitive pricing in
    the domestic market Regulate steel prices
    against a basket of international prices.
  • Introduce competition through state facilitation
    of new players-
  • Progress the IDC Masorini/Scaw projects
  • Assess the viability of the NMM and Cascades
  • Reserve resources for tender against the
    establishment of a steel plant to supply the
    domestic market at competitive prices
  • Ban all exports of base ferrous scrap, to lower
    domestic scrap prices
  • Use state infrastructure tariffs (energy,
    transport) to leverage competitive prices,
    through applying a surcharge to companies that
    monopoly price (IPP) in the domestic market.
  • Trade a user-concession (BOT) on the Saldanha
    ore line, with establishing a new steel plant
    (NMM?) and local ore sales at cost-plus with an
    on-obligation to the customer (steel plants).
  • Invest in technology development to configure a
    large scale process to economically exploit the
    appropriate BC magnetite seams to produce
    titanium dioxide and pig iron, which could form
    the basis of a new steel competitor.

Coal/gas Polymers
Most plastics are derived from petrochemical
feedstock (naphtha) which in turn originates from
oil, natural gas and coal. In SA the gas comes
from coal
South African Plastics Converting Sector
Coal/gas Nitrogenous Fertilisers
Fertiliser Raw Materials Producers
Taken over by Meridian/Farmers World. Plant
mothballed Source Grain SA Fertiliser Report,
International and local urea prices IPP pricing
Zerihun Gudeta Alemu 2010
Grain production Costs in SA
Source Corné Louw 2011,
Fertilisers constitute 30-50 of grain/oil seeds
input costs, and the IPP-EPP differential is 30
to 50 Competitive fertiliser prices could
have a significant impact on both job retention
and expansion in the agricultural sector
Total employment in agriculture in South Africa,
Around 1 million jobs have been lost since 1970,
aggravated by monopoly fertiliser pricing!
Source Sandrey, R. et al. (2011),
Putative Coal/Gas MVC Strategies
  • Use state ownership of coal mineral rights to
    apply cost-plus domestic polymer/fertiliser
    pricing conditions on Sasol
  • Regulate polymer/fertiliser prices against a
    basket of international prices (ICISLOR, Platts,
  • Strengthen the Competition Act to allow for the
    effective imposition of competitive pricing in
    the domestic market (amend the Competition Act)
  • Introduce competition through state facilitation
    of new players by the reservation of suitable
    coal/gas resources for tender against new
    capacity at EPP or cost plus into domestic
  • Increase state control of Sasol (currently 26
    owned by the IDC PIC) to gt50, through a
    strategic alliance with the Union pension funds
  • Use state infrastructure tariffs (energy,
    transport) to leverage competitive prices from

Platinum and palladium resources in other
countries, compared to South Africa
Source Cawthorn R.G. 1999
Pt 75 Pd 50 Case for producer power to effect
price stability and greater value addition?
Platinum Supply 2001-2012
SA dominates supply, but most PGM intensive
manufacturing is done in OECD countries
Source JM 2012
Platinum Industrial Demand
Source JM 2012
Putative PGM MVC Strategies
  • Assert states right to market PGMs by amending
    the Exchange Control Regulations to require
    authorisation to market PGMs, as per gold.
  • Task the PGM miners with establishing a single
    export channel to stabilise prices and establish
    a stockpile which could be partly held by the
    Reserve Bank (portion of national reserves in the
    form of platinum)
  • Engage Russia Zimbabwe on joining a single
    channel export mechanism.
  • Task the single channel mechanism with developing
    a 5-8 year plan for the value chain to be
    progressively relocated to the producer states.
  • Include value-addition milestones in PGM
  • Dramatically increase state private PGM RD

Titanium MVCs
  • South Africa is the 2nd largest producer of Ti
    feedstocks globally (mainly slag) and has the 2nd
    larges resources (excluding the BC magnetites)
  • Over 90 of Ti is used to make pigments (paper,
    plastics, paint, etc. industries)
  • A small quantity goes into Ti metal (aerospace,
    medical, sports)
  • SA has a tiny share of the downstream industry

Titanium Mineral Concentrates World Mine
Production Reserves 2012
Mine production 2011 2012 Reserves Reserves
Australia 960 940 100000 15.4
Brazil 45 45 43000 6.6
Canada 750 700 31000 4.8
China 660 700 200000 30.8
India 330 550 85000 13.1
Madagascar 280 280 40000 6.2
Mozambique 380 380 16000 2.5
Norway 360 350 37000 5.7
South Africa 1110 1030 63000 9.7
Sri Lanka 31 60 NA NA
Ukraine 300 300 5900 0.9
Vietnam 550 500 1600 0.2
Other countries 40 40 26000 4.0
World (ilmenite) 6100 6200 650000 100.0
Australia 440 480 18000 42.9
Brazil 3 5 1200 2.9
India 24 25 7400 17.6
Mozambique 6 8 480 1.1
Sierra Leone 64 100 3800 9.0
South Africa 122 131 8300 19.8
Ukraine 56 60 2500 6.0
Other countries 18 17 400 1.0
World (rutile) 8730 8830 42000 100.0
World (ilmenite rutile) 6700 7000 700000
However, SA potentially has 70 of global
reserves in the Bushveld magnetites!
Putative Ti tanium MVC s Strategies
  • Use state ownership of mineral rights to apply
    beneficiation milestones on titanium miners
  • Encourage/facilitate Exarro to locate a
    world-scale pigment plant (gt300ktpa) in SA, using
    chloride technology (Tronox)
  • Fund RD into technologies to realise the huge Ti
    potential in the BC magnetites (Fe Ti)
    resources (level 21 70 of world)
  • Continue to support the Ti powder and forming
    technology development initiatives

  • MVCs should encompass all the SA value in the
    final consumed or exported product, i.e. both
    local content and beneficiation
  • Little MVC headway has been made, principally due
    to widespread monopoly pricing (IPP) of mineral
    feedstocks and the decline in upstream industries
    and RD due to exit of the old Mining Houses
  • Nevertheless there appears to be strong case for
    MVCs, particularly the critical feedstocks in
    job-creating sectors manufacturing, energy,
    agriculture and infrastructure, as well as
    minerals where SA has potential producer power,
    and in inputs industries (capital goods)
  • Regional markets (economic integration) could
    facilitate beneficiation (economies of scale),
    particularly in inputs industries (local
  • MVCs could gradually transform SAs comparative
    resources advantage into a competitive advantage,
    especially the local content (capital goods
    services) dimension
  • Wide-ranging instruments could be available to
    the state to facilitate beneficiation, including
    conditions on mining licences, anti-trust
    legislation, incentives, HRD and RD, but many
    will require amendments to current legislation
  • There appears to be substantial potential for
    downstream beneficiation in the ferrous,
    coal/gas, PGM and titanium job-creating
    value-chains (MVCs).

Thank Youpaulj1952_at_gmail.com
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