Title: Marcie Jacklin, B.Sc., MLIS Tourism and Environment Librarian
1Marcie Jacklin, B.Sc., MLISTourism and
Environment Librarian
- mjacklin_at_brocku.caext 3960
3Assignment Part I
4Assignment One Part I and II 10
- Help you master the skills and techniques of
information retrieval - Part I make a list of citations for several
different types of information resources
5Marcies top seven tips for this assignment
6Tip 1 Dont leave this assignment until the last
7Tip 2 Selecting a topic
- You can select any environmental issue that has
a sustainable development or environmental policy
dimension. You may choose a topic that also has
links to tourism.
8Tips for selecting a topic
- TIP Avoid choosing a topic which is too broad
or too narrow - E.g birdwatching 32,500,000 results
9Start looking for a topic with the librarys new
- A web-scale discovery tool
- You can search the contents of multiple library
catalogues and indexes at the same time (like
google but more scholarly sources)
10Note the menu on the left side
11SuperSearch allow you to
- Search by keyword
- Check availability
- Limit by format type (very important for this
assignment) and other criteria - Do an advanced search (very important for
focusing your research) - Sort your results by relevance or year of
12Citation information is available in Supersearch
14Format types in SuperSearch
- Depending on your keywords and the number of
results - Academic (scholar, peer-reviewed) journals
- Magazines
- News
- Books
- eBooks
15Tip 3
- Use SuperSearch to find better keywords and
subject headings
- Birds
- Bird watching or birdwatching or birding
- Niagara Peninsula
- Niagara River
17Subject Headings
- Bird watching - Ontario Niagara Peninsula
- Bird watchers
- Tourism
- Ecotourism
- Sustainable tourism
- (Obsession over-determination)
18Subject headings allow you to find relevant
articles on your topic
- E.g. Hunting without guns
19Tip 4 Selecting the best database(s)
- Depends on your topic
- SuperSearch Leisure, Recreation and Tourism
Abstracts Canadian Newsstand Google Google
Scholar and Google Books
20Research Guides by Program
21Videos coming soon!
22Tip 5
- Refining keywords for larger databases and using
field searches/boolean - Less can be more e.g. use habitat instead of
habitat loss - May need 3 or 4 concepts
- Birds
- Conservation
- international
23Keywords and concepts
- Use as many
- concepts as
- possible to
- reduce the
- number of
- results
- (birds or bird watch or birdwatch) and
ecotour - Birdwatching birdwatcher ecotourism ecotourist
- Then limit by format type and/or year of
25Google Advance Search
26Tip 6 Scholarly peer reviewed academic articles
27Key features
28Key features
- Detailed titles
- Can be multiple authors
- Reports original research
- Detailed charts, diagrams etc
- Bibliography
- Indication of peer-reviewed process
29Example of citation information
- The value of species rarity in biodiversity
recreation A birdwatching example. By Booth,
Josephine E. Gaston, Kevin J. Evans, Karl L.
Armsworth, Paul R. Biological Conservation.
Nov2011, Vol. 144 Issue 11, p2728-2732. 5p. DOI
30Tip 7 Getting HELP
- TAs
- Research a topic in. (for videos)
- Research Help desk
- TREN 1F90 E-classroom Drop-in Clinics TBA (me)
- Me
31Research Help Desk
- Main floor (my availability)
- Thurs Oct 11 5 to 7 pm
- Thurs Oct 18 5 to 7 pm
- Sunday Oct 25 5 to 7 pm
32TREN 1F90 E-classroom Clinics
- Bring your own laptop to work along or borrow one
from circulation - You can come and go but I will try and help
people out as they arrive
33Drop-in schedule
- Tues Oct 2 230 4 pm Classroom B
- Fri Oct 12 1100 1230 pm
- Thurs Oct 25 7 8 pm
- Fri Oct 26 noon- 2 pm