INTAGLIO Our third master etching," The
Knight" is constructed on a double diagonal
cross formed by the rider and the cliff , which
is the prolongation of the sword. Between the
"strength" of the castle and the loyalty of the
dog, watchful in the presence of the devil (on
the right) and death holding an hourglass (on the
left), the Christian knight rides towards the
necessity of contrition (Durer). "The Knight,
Death the Devil" by Albrecht Durer, engraving,
1513, 8"x10", Brooklyn Museum There are (from
one perspective) two kinds ?snip ?. The first is
somewhat like window ?snip? You walk past, take
note, get the broad picture, ?snip? and walk on.
The second ?snip? you cannot walk past. You just
have to go inside, ?snip? Then you have to
decide? ?snip? as if it is a window full ?snip?
to be gazed at. It draws me in. I have to look
?snip? Pick them up, ?snip? resonate? Your
writing is often full of empty spaces, left there
on purpose. Like nature your 'empty spaces'
abhors a vacuum. I often have to put an idea down
for a while and just walk ?0? only to be drawn
back to pick it up once more, like a delicate
?snip?........forgive me....gt) (anon).
2- Dear Anon-)...It has been my humble personal
experience and rare privilege to know that there
are those who not only will walk in the valley of
death, but do not hide from the storms THERE.
In the presence of another, while in the storm
THERE they do not hide. They do not shelter
behind some large rock. Nor do they simply move
out, to hold the hand of the 'other' who through
some misfortune and/or ignorance has found
him/herself there. Seeing the storm
approaching, they move toward the storm and THERE
they call out into the heart of the storm for
those lost and blinded and damaged by it. BLINDed
themsleves, injured NOW they take into the eye of
the STORM.... and THERE they GUIDE the
STORM."The Christian Knight follows the right
path even with the presence of the devil and
death. He's riding through the darkness of the
valley of the shadow of death to reach the City
of God in the background. The hourglass in the
hand of death symbolizes mortality and the
shortness of human life. The snakes in death's
hair are symbols of death and the devil. The dog
is a symbol of faithfulness in religion and
marriage. The dragon-like lizard is an emblem of
evil and it's going in an opposite direction.
Dead tree stump refers to the original sin of
Adam. We are certain that the knight will reach
his goal because of the power and assurance we
get from the printed image." ...turning the
page --gt "to work with gravity, with heaviness,
the way a sailboat works with the wind" -) (see
recent pdf image from the Guardian, UK.) An
early, but often unconsidered part of Virilio's
practice, Oblique Architecture creates a
situation in which "Every dimension, every
direction of space becomes a modification of the
body" This conception of the built environment,
which resonates so strongly "posthumanist"
discourses, seeks to engage the body with the
environment at every turn. But taken in the
context Virilio's larger concerns with "the
contraction of distances" ...(Paul Virilio,
commentary and quotes)...note, to
contemporaries-Â in other etchings from this
period Durer has compressed the pictorial space
in such a way that all kinds of incongruities
appear to the eye on the picture plane, so and
for example -- in one a stag-deer stands on the
back of the Knight's horse, which of course, in
reality -) is not possible...is it?Angels and
Buckets... fitting (Bohm) for a Post Modern LO?
Who knows?"You (Andrew) once quoted Prigogine
about the need to encounter the completely
amazing or absurd. You seem to do this...this
skitting from timeTime, Beam(ish), Whales,
images, here and there...in your pdf you quote
Prigogine again, and he points to Huxley and
3- "Paul Virilio Yes, but when I talk about
globalization, I am myself a citizen of the
world. It is not about opposing globalization. I
am saying that the globalization of time- to
return to what I was saying a minute ago - is a
catastrophic event. So, to be sure, the problem
is not the globalization of dialogue among
nations. The problem is in the instantaneity and
the ubiquity.Let me give you a simple picture.
The Industrial Revolution encouraged
standardization. And we know the extent to which
this is a loss of the socio-diversity of
cultures, not to mention the loss of handicrafts,
etc. The Informational Revolution, however, is no
longer aiming at the standardization of opinions,
products, and objects but at their
synchronization, which is a tyrannical situation
like we've never seen. Even Orwell did not
foresee this idea of global synchronization, in
other words, the tyranny of real time, and hence
that the conquest of real time would replace the
conquest of the North Pole. It is this level of
temporality at which my attack is aimed, and not
at all... I am repeating myself with Garry Davis
I was one of the citizens of the world when I was
young, and I haven't changed my mind, on the
contrary-but I believe that synchronization is a
tyrannical phenomenon whose impact has not yet
been fully appreciated.This is the danger of the
new technologies. Like all technologies, they
obviously have their benefits. But they conceal
an absolute accident which is the perfect
synchronization of the opinions, and emotions, of
the world."i think i discern (know ) from your
last monochrome work in the Varela interview -)
series made in the midsummer of 2001 an insight
into some new storm, some new war....is this in
any way connected to your visit to see Ms Sacks
at Oxford, who worked with Jospeh Beuys?...Let
me answer you from the same Paul Virilio paper
(that 'anon' sent me) that i only received last
night (13th July 2004) because it links with
other matters that are, well, let's say
backgrounded in the way senge speaks of drama,
theatre and foregrounds, ...those
spotlight-)"Derrick de Kerckhove I wanted to
ask your opinion about the extraordinary
correspondence between the different stages of
the event on 9-11 and the principle elements of
Greek tragedy as they have been developed by
Aristotle and others. What I am about to tell you
is going to sound pedantic, I'm sure, but in the
end it will be worth it since, after all, we have
kept Greek tragedy alive throughout Western
history-it was not for nothing, and maybe it's
useful. First I want to point out how 9-11 is all
about important families in a unified world, just
like in the Greek world represented by the tragic
drama, in which the whole Greek world is
involved. The Greek world of tragic drama is
total reality. Similarly, for us, what is
happening today is clear, Paul perfectly
explained it to us, it is unified world
reality.Who is in this reality? First and
foremost it is the number one man, the big boss.
Tragedies always involve important characters
because these important characters have the power
to act on the rest of the world. And today we are
under their thumb.Now who are these important
families? They are the big oil families. These
influential families have their finger on the new
nerve of war, which is oil. One could prove it in
every conceivable way. So I would like you to say
something here precisely to expose the dynasty,
the affiliation of the father and son in this
story which puts two important characters on the
stage, Osama Ben Laden on the one side and George
W. Bush on the other.Paul Virilio If you don't
mind, first it just so happens that before
working on the text for Ars Electronica's
catalogue, I read over again Nietzsche's Birth of
Tragedy. Really important. There are two books we
should re-read right now Freud's Culture and its
Discontents and Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy. Now
Nietzsche says something really positive about
tragedy which people have underrated. There are
the heroes you mentioned and those we talked
about, Bush senior and junior. But there is also
the ancient chorus. The ancient chorus is the
city. The city is democracy, we are the city.
Somehow the question of the ancient chorus has
not been raised today. The heroes speak, but the
ancient chorus remains silent. Hence the
importance of a Johannesburg of civil peace.
Because let me remind you that terrorism does not
threaten so much the international peace as world
civil peace.What is threatening us at the
moment is not the Third World War, it's the first
global civil war. New York is the equivalent of
Sarajavo in the first European and world war.
"Now last night, just before anon. sent me the
words above i was back in 1996 with At and his
correspondents - a small chorus, then as now...
4- Replying to LO10778 --One feature of Julian's
excellent summary of SFI's (Santa Fe Inst.)
complexity work (integrated with the work of
others) missed an important feature for the
topic of creativity. From the depth of Julian's
cover of the subject, I suspect it was missed
due to length rather than anything else.That is
the feature of the "genes" or "bits" or "threads"
to remain in existence in some largely unused
form and to resurface as part of new threads
which are created. This is one of the features of
Holland's work on recombination.Ideas (or
threads) which appear to be part of an earlier
chain lurk in the background and resurface when
new threads provide new opportunities. The "old"
ideas often occur as new when recombined with
the new thread. In genetic algorithms, this is
generally referred to as rules which are less
effective - sometimes even "wrong" or detrimental
- in earlier threads being used in later ones to
WRONG. That is, the evolution of genetic
algorithms - or of nature - occasionally uses
less effective "rules" or else they might as
well not be saved. It is also clear that this
saving and use of less effective components is
part of the system's continuing evolutionary
pattern. That is, the patterns are not seeking
optimum but seeking viability in many
circumstances - robust survival possibilities.
Holland uses the example of the human sexual
reproduction patterns are not attempting to find
optimum individuals --snip-- and attempting to
make many copies of them. Their genes just go
into the pool and mix with others for other
options being developed.This implies that ideas
do not die out even though, as Julian pointed
out, the pathways of the ones which are
effective deepen or strengthen with use. But,
then they too lose strength or "die out" and
still remain in the background to
resurface."SNIPMichael McMaster 1996...is
there much time left, Andrew?dear anon, there
is NO time -) left, right, wrong or
otherwiseSNIP.(To see Durer's 'Knight' and
his 'faithful dog' please open my PPt file -- the
design over the head of whom is At's original
composite artwork on leadership's complex nature,
i simply tu(r)ned in into its own storm. You may
think you see in it at the edges there repeated
Durer's Knight's Doggy's head, right to his nose
and ears...BUT that would be too astonishing...so
do not believe what you see done...but...then not
believing will you see the storm coming.)PS.
anon. Please extend my sword hand to your
'Christian Knight', it is free-) and by way of
''becoming-being'' Eternal.love,andrew
5Footnotes to previous pages The large detail
(above left) comes from the sculpture of the tomb
of Lorenzo de Medici in Rome, sculpted by
Michelangelo. The animal is indeterminate but
looks familiar to me -) it is carved onto a
money box, on which Lorenzo is resting his arm.
Michelangelo had intended to place the form of a
mouse, the symbol of a gnawing time. He left a
piece of marble free for that mouse, but it was
never carved -) (Condivi)
6Detail of the tomb of Lorenzo de Medici in Rome,
by Michelangelo.