Title: Transient Models See Anderson and Woessner Chapter 7
1Transient ModelsSee Anderson and Woessner
Chapter 7
MODELING that are UNIQUE to TRANSIENT PROBLEMS - UNDERSTAND the need for and significance of
3Transient Models
- Provide insight into the rate of change in a
system - This is of value because we may only be
interested in the temporary application of a
stress to the ground-water system. - For example, the life of a mine may be 50 years
and the response of the system may be slow enough
that we do not even begin to approach steady
state during that time frame.
4Transient Models
- The steady state solution provides the maximum
impact of the stress. - The impacts during the transient period while the
system is approaching steady state can only be
less than those that prevail under steady state
conditions. - Some problems do not have a steady state result.
- For example if a basin is pumped at a rate
greater than the recharge, eventually the basin
will go dry and the pumping cannot continue. A
balanced steady state condition cannot be reached
and so a steady state solution for pumping the
basin at that rate does not exist.
5Grid Design
- Numerical model needs to be divided into pieces
of space and time for which the solution can be
linearized and the properties and results
averaged - Compromise between accuracy, cost, and effort
- Smaller pieces are more accurate, but require
more time and effort
6Grid Design
- Discretize
- Space (plan view and cross section)
- Time
- Difficult Task
- Redesign is a major undertaking
Layers may correspond to horizontal geohydrologic
- ---- Aquifer boundary
- ? Active cell
- ? Inactive cell
- ?rj Width of cell in row direction (j indicates
column number) - ?ci Width of cell in column direction (i
indicates row number) - ?vk Thickness of the cell
- ?rj?ci?vk Volume of cell with coordinates (i,j,k)
8Spatial Dimension
- 2D areal
- 2D profile (special class)
- Quasi 3D (confining layers by leakage)
- Fully 3D
- Aquifer viewpoint 2D areal and quasi 3D
- Flow system viewpoint 2D profile and 3D
9Fully 3D Models
- Simulate confined and unconfined aquifers when
vertical head gradients are important - Represent transient release of water from storage
in confining beds by including confining bed as a
layer with storage properties - Parameter arrays specified for each layer of the
10Layer Considerations Purpose of the Model
- Confining Unit Storage
- No layers
- No storage
- Leakage
- Multiple layers
- Water in storage
- Long travel times for pressure gradient
- Future Transport Modeling
- All of above issues
- Travel time requires multiple layers
No cells for confining unit
Multiple layers for confining unit
11Information for transient simulations
- Storage Properties
- Initial Conditions
- Boundary Conditions
- Discritizing Time
12Storage Properties
- Don't need storage properties in steady state
- Need storage properties when water released/added
storage - Confined aquifers - Specific storage
- Unconfined aquifers - Specific yield
- Note In 2-D or quasi 3-D, you don't consider
the storage of the confining layer. Instead, you
must specify the leakage rate.
13Storage Properties
- Material physical properties that characterize
the capacity of an aquifer to release groundwater
from storage in response to a decline in
hydraulic head - Specific storage (Ss),
- Storativity (S S Ssb),
- Specific yield (Sy), and
- Specific capacity (Sc)
14Storage Properties
- Specific storage (Ss),
- Ss ?(ßp n ßw)
- where
- ? is the specific weight of water (Nm-3 or
ML-2T-2) - n is the porosity of the material (dimensionless
ratio between 0 and 1) - ßp is the compressibility of the bulk aquifer
material, and - ßw is the compressibility of water (m2N-1 or
LM-1T2) - Relates a change in total or water volume per
change in applied stress (effective stress) per
unit volume. The compressibilities (and therefore
also Ss) can be estimated from laboratory
consolidation tests (in an apparatus called a
consolidometer), using the consolidation theory
of soil mechanics (developed by Karl Terzaghi).
15Storage Properties
- Storativity (S)
- S Ssb
- where
- Ss is the specific storage of water
- b is the thickness of the aquifer
- Volume of water released from storage per unit
decline in hydraulic head in the aquifer, per
unit area of the aquifer - Dimensionless
- Water is released from
- Confined Aquifers
- Aquifer compaction
- Expansion of water
- Unconfined Aquifers
- Drainable porosity (specific yield)
- Ranges between 0 and the effective porosity of
the aquifer although for confined aquifers, this
number is usually much less than 0.01.
16Storage Properties
- Specific yield (Sy)
- Sy Vwd / VT
- where
- Vwd is the volume of water drained, and
- VT is the total rock or material volume
- drainable porosity,
- ratio, less than or equal to the effective
porosity - primarily used for unconfined aquifers,
- since the elastic storage component, Ss, is
relatively small and usually has an insignificant
17Storage Properties
- Specific capacity (Sc)
- Sc Q/ (h0 - h )
- where
- Sc is the specific capacity (L2T-1 m²/day or
USgal/day/ft) - Q is the pumping rate (L3T-1 m³/day or
USgal/day), and - h0 - h is the drawdown (L m or ft)
- quantity that which a water well can produce per
unit of drawdown
18Storage Properties in Simulations
- Specific yield (Sy)
- Specific storage (Ss)
- Elastic
- Inelastic
- First two components Sy and elastic specific
storage are reversible - Inelastic specific storage
- compaction of the fine-grained deposits or
permanent reduction of pore space land
subsidence - inelastic specific storage are much larger than
those of elastic specific storage
19Compaction and head decline
20Inelastic compaction
21Initial Conditions
- Some boundary conditions may be time dependent,
h(x,y,z,t) - (a) Static steady state
- Head is constant in space and time
- (b) Dynamic average steady state
- Head is constant in time
- Head is not constant in space
- (c) Dynamic cyclic
- Head varies in space and time
- Must calibrate to a hydrograph
22Initial Conditions
23Initial Conditions
- Transient analytical solutions
- use relatively simple hydrostatic conditions,
- often yield solutions in terms of drawdown, and
- use superposition to apply the results to
alternative initial conditions if the problem was
linear - If the solution is expressed in terms of head
rather than drawdown, then the initial heads must
be defined. - Numerical modeling is conducted in terms of head
and allows us to define complex initial
24Initial Conditions
- Points to consider
- (1) material properties and boundary conditions
must be consistent with the initial heads - If you start with initial heads that are
contoured from field measurements and you do not
apply a stress to the system, the heads will
adjust to the properties and boundaries, so you
are inadvertently introducing a stress by
defining inconsistent values for starting
conditions. The most common way to deal with this
problem is to calculate a pre-stress steady state
solution for use as initial heads.
25Initial Conditions
- Points to consider
- (2) If the field system being simulated is not
in equilibrium, an earlier equilibrium condition
can be identified and defined as a starting
point. - All subsequent stresses must be simulated from
the time when equilibrium prevailed until time
when the initial conditions are needed is
reached, then the early stresses must continue
along with the new stress of interest if the
early stresses continue in the field.
26Initial Conditions
- Points to consider
- (3) If we cannot use a steady state initial
condition because our problem is dependent on a
short term response during a particular time of
year, you may be able to start with a rather
arbitrary initial condition but simulate the
cycle long enough such that you simulate the same
values at the same times in subsequent cycles
27Initial Conditions
Points to consider (4) If you do not have
sufficient data to establish an acceptable steady
initial condition to commence our cyclic
equilibrium, then you may be able to start with a
rather arbitrary initial condition but simulate
the cycle long enough such that we simulate the
same values at the same times in subsequent
28Initial Conditions
- Points to consider
- (5) It may be that there is enough information
in your transient data to estimate initial
conditions. (6) It is useful to note that the
further, in time, the simulation is from the
initial conditions the less influence those
initial conditions have on the simulated values.
29Boundary Conditions
- A specific boundary condition determines a
dynamic average steady-state calibration which
forms the initial condition for the transient
case - Make sure transient stresses aren't influenced by
boundaries - Checking for change in flow rates across
specified heads - Checking heads along boundary for specified flux
- You can switch between spec. head and spec. flux
to evaluate effects
30Discritizing Time
- TIME STEPS temporal equivalent of grid cells
- Small when stresses change and increase in length
to a constant, convenient size until the stresses
change - STRESS PERIODS groups of time steps during which
stresses do not change - Temporal data compiled at these increments (ie
pumping, recharge, )
31Time Discretization
32Time Discretization Considerations
- Difficult to decide on initial time step size
- MODFLOW requires the time period, number of
steps and a multiplier to gradually increase steps
Multiplier is typically 1.1 to 1.5