Title: British Tourism Framework Review
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2British Tourism Framework Review
- Improve the collective marketing of England
- Drive up quality of experience place
- Build on our strengths
- Maximise the 2012 opportunity for England
- Champion the cause of tourism
4The Framework makes the case for tourism
- 97bn
- 225,000 jobs
- Entry-level and entrepreneurial jobs
- Tourism cannot be off shored and has impact
right across the country
5The Framework sets out the opportunities
- Strength, variety and richness of offer in
England - 2012 and the Cultural Olympiad
- Decade of Sport
- VisitEngland a new body for tourism
6The Framework sets out challenges
- Financial constraints (doing fewerthings better)
- Perceptions and understanding of tourism
- Inconsistencies in quality
- The cost of doing business in England
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8Our visionTo maximise tourisms contribution to
the economy, employment and quality of life in
9Strategic Framework objectives
- Increase Englands share of Global Visitor
Markets - Offer visitors compelling destinations of
distinction - Champion a successful, thriving tourism industry
- Improve engagement between the visitor and
10Increase Englands share of global visitor markets
- The national and international marketing strategy
(and Olympics marketing strategy) - A business tourism action plan
- A national events programme including the
Cultural Olympiad, the Decade of Sport and the
Queens Diamond Jubilee
11Create compelling destinations of distinction
- Regional tourism framework agreements celebrating
and cementing the activity of the visitor
economy within regions and amongst a range of
regional partners - Best practice in destination management planning
- Assured England (a new approach to Quality
accreditation) - The England Satisfaction Survey
12Champion a successful, thriving tourism industry
- Making the case for Tourism
- National Research and Intelligence Programme
- Resort Action Plan
- Rural Tourism Action Plan
- Sustainability
- The National Skills Strategy
13Greater engagement between the visitor and
- Modernising visitor information
- Tourism and Transport Strategy
- Accessibility
14Taking the challenge forward