Title: Museums making the difference to communities
1Museums making the difference to communities
2The new performance agenda a challenge to
- Focus on outcomes
- Having evidence of museums impact
- Tuning what museums do to local priorities
against the National Indicator Set - Negotiating the place of museums in local
strategic and delivery structures - Forging partnerships beyond the local authority
museum sector
3- The value of culture cannot be expressed only
with statistics. Audience numbers give us a poor
picture of how culture enriches us - John Holden, Capturing Cultural Value. How
culture has become a tool of government policy,
Demos 2004
4- A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution
in the service of society and its development
which exhibits the tangible and intangible
heritage of humanity and its environment for the
purposes of education, study and enjoyment. - ICOM Statutes, 2007
5New performance framework an opportunity
- Demonstrate, against priorities of National
Indicator Set, where museums add value to
communities as museums - Build and shape a better evidence base
- Have a greater impact
- New partnerships
6Museums making a difference
Supporting delivery of the curriculum
Strengthening community cohesion
Building identity and civic pride
Support the local economy through tourism
Opportunities for adults to learn and improve
Helping people feel included in their local
Provide positive activities for young people
7Telling the story
- Sector knows its value and it tells stories
need to put these two things together - The British Museums purpose is to be a world
museum telling the story of human cultural
achievement. - Watford Museum telling the story of Watford,
past and present
8Making a difference Historic Dockyard Chatham
- Initiative to encourage volunteering, seen as way
Dockyard engages with community - Major contributor to volunteering opportunities
in Medway Council and Kent areas - Direct link to NI 6 Participation in regular
9How to demonstrate impact - Outcomes Framework
for Museums, Libraries and Archives
- Indication of where the sectors offer is
strongest against the priorities in the National
Indicator Set - Evidence of impact
- Best practice
10Fit for purpose? Improvement support
- Delivery of A Passion for Excellence with our
partners - MLA improvement support online www.mla.gov.uk/poli
cy/improvement - Performance management
- Peer Review
- How to identify improvement needs
- How to access improvement support
11Museums making a difference
- New environment will be challenging
- Major opportunities to ensure our sector
maximises it impact on communities - We need to think about the sector in the round,
not just local authority partners - We have a good track record and we should have
the confidence to argue our place
12- Paul Bristow
- Senior Policy Adviser (Local Government and
Communities) - paul.bristow_at_mla.gov.uk
- 020 7273 8286