Title: Polish Leasing Association
1Leasing Market in Poland I Q 2006
- Polish Leasing Association
- Warsaw, April 2006
2Data collected from the following 31 leasing
- Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy
- BEL Leasing
- BISE Atechnet Leasing
- BNP Paribas Lease Group
- BPH Leasing
- BRE Leasing
- BZ WBK spĆ³lki leasingowe
- Caterpillar Financial Services Poland
- DaimlerChrysler Leasing Polska
- Deutsche Leasing Polska
- Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy
- Fortis Lease Polska
- Handlowy Leasing
- IKB Leasing Polska
- ING Lease (Polska)
- Kredyt Lease
- Masterleaase Polska
- NL Leasing Polska
- Noma 2
- Nordea Finance Polska
- Orix Polska
- Pekao Leasing
- Raiffeisen Leasing Polska
- Renault Credit Polska
- SGB Trans Leasing
- SG Equipment Leasing Polska
- Siemens Finance
- VB Leasing Polska
- VFS Uslugi Finansowe Polska
- Volkswagen Leasing Polska
- Watin Leasing Finance
3Analysis by type of asset - I Q 2006 (equipment)
4Analysis by type of asset in years 1999-2005, I
Q 2006 (equipment)
- Machinery and industrial equipment
- Computers and business machines
- Road transport vehicles
- Railway, aircraft and ships
- Others
5 Share of leasing market (equipment and real
estate) Top ten in I Q 2006 Total net value -
PLN 3,65 mld
6 Share of leasing market (equipment) Top ten
in I Q 2006 Total net value - PLN 3,51 mld
7 Comparison of the value of particular types of
leased equipment after I Q 2005 and I Q 2006
Market I Q 2005 I Q 2006 Change
Road transport vehicles 1875 2325 24
Machinery 850 1008 18,59
IT 90 80 -11,11
Railway, aircraft and ships 195 64 -67,18
Others 15 33 120,00
Equipment 3050 3510 15,08
8 Share of road transport vehicles leasing market
Top ten in I Q 2006 Total net value - PLN
2,32 mld
9 Share of passenger cars leasing market Top
ten in I Q 2006 Total net value - PLN 835 mln
10 Share of machinery and industrial equipment
leasing market Top ten in I Q 2006. Total net
value - PLN 1,01 mln
11 Share of computers and business machines
leasing market - Top ten in I Q 2006 Total net
value - PLN 80 mln