Unemployment in America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unemployment in America


What can you do to make this title more engaging? UNEMPLOYMENT IN AMERICA By Tashika Amy, Felicia Staley, Ian Halfhill, and Hyuk Koan Kwon. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unemployment in America

Unemployment in America
What can you do to make this title slide more
  • By Tashika Amy, Felicia Staley, Ian Halfhill, and
    Hyuk Koan Kwon.

Your job is to analyze media. You may come to
some conclusions which you are stating but you
cant state anything unless you find it in media.
You are the judge!
  • The unemployment rate in the United States was
    10.2 percent in June of 2010. The labor force is
    defined as the number of people employed plus the
    number unemployed but seeking work. The non labor
    force includes those who are not looking for
    work, those who are institutionalized and those
    serving in the military.

Analysis of when the photograph was taken/circumstances/historical context
Identifies the subject(s)/who or what
Analysis how the figures are arranged
Analysis of activity being depicted/significance
Examines of what the people are wearing in context to position, status, occupation, or any other relevant information
Analysis of appeal to emotions or reason
Identifies the intent of the photographer in regard t o images
Types of Unemployment
  • (I) Cyclical Unemployment
  • Cyclical unemployment goes hand in hand with the
    business cycle. Higher the GDP, lower will be the
    cyclical unemployment at the peak of the business
    cycle and the vice versa is true when the economy
    is in the trough of the business cycle. If
    cyclical unemployment rate stretches for an
    extended period, it may cause irreparable damage
    to the labor force in the country.
  • (II) Structural Unemployment
  • It is a well-known fact that everyday new
    products are being launched in the market. As a
    result, the demand for certain goods and services
    also changes. This leads to increase in
    unemployment rate in certain sectors of the
    economy and creates jobs in yet others. Under
    these circumstances, re employment may be
    possible if the worker relocates or migrates to
    other sectors (in demand).
  • (III) Agricultural Activities
  • It has also been observed that if there are
    undulations in the agricultural sector (due to
    factors like low production, drought, famine or
    natural disaster), the effects are felt in
    agribusiness. This may also be regarded as one of
    the factors in unemployment.
  • (IV) Hard Core Unemployment
  • Hard core unemployment usually results when a
    worker is disabled and is not in a position to
    work. The worker may also give up his job after a
    few days due to dissatisfaction with the wage.
    Unemployment at any given point of time may be
    either due to one of the factors mentioned above
    or a combination of several factors (mentioned
    above). It has also been observed that if the
    labor market in the economy does not work in an
    optimum manner, it leads to unemployment. There
    are other factors, which point at the tempo of an
    economic activity in a region.

Analysis of when the photograph was taken/circumstances/historical context
Identifies the subject(s)/who or what
Analysis how the figures are arranged
Analysis of activity being depicted/significance
Examines of what the people are wearing in context to position, status, occupation, or any other relevant information
Analysis of appeal to emotions or reason
Identifies the intent of the photographer in regard t o images
United States Unemployment Rate chart
Identifies the title or subject
Identifies the trends or relationships of data (requires a written summary of the results)
Explanation of accompanying illustration
Identifies the data/reliability due to date of origin
Analysis of data for completeness, i.e. any data missing such as a group?
Source of data analyzed for partiality
Source Bureau of Labor statistics
Highest unemployment rate states in America in
June 2010.
Identifies the title or subject
Identifies the trends or relationships of data (requires a written summary of the results)
Explanation of accompanying illustration
Identifies the data/reliability due to date of origin
Analysis of data for completeness, i.e. any data missing such as a group?
Source of data analyzed for partiality
United state Department of Labor.
Article in the News Media
  • by Heather Best, July 27th , 2010.

Identifies the writer who sponsors the website
Ability to identify on what basis the writer is an authority or advocate.
Identifies the main argument or claim and ability to state the claim in your own words
Identifies the type of claim which the argument represents
Identifies one or two unstated assumptions underlying the argument
Ability to ascertain bias regarding political leanings
Ability to validate the relevance of the argument to support the claim by paraphrasing two or three of the main supporting points
Identifies the type of evidence which is represented
Ability to decide whether the argument is convincing or, at least, worth considering
Ability to support or not support the argument and give reasons as to why or why not
Discusses other information which might be offered to refute or accept the argument given
United States Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.5 but
Fear of a Double Dip Looms Claim Economists
The United States unemployment rate dropped from
9.7 in May to 9.5 in June which is a good sign
for the economy but there are some economists
that feel the possibility of a double dip is
higher than earlier predicted.  This morning,
Yale economics professor, Robert Shiller stated
that the probability of a double dip is greater
than 50 and he expects to see a double dip in
the near future. Only July 26th, CNBC spoke with
Nouriel Roubini and he feels that even if we
dont see a double dip quickly there is still the
possibility of a recession down the road. He also
feels that there is no reason to believe that
there will be massive job creation. The national
unemployment rate falling to 9.5 is great but
unfortunately this number is displaying what
happened in June 2010.  What happens in July and
thereafter is much more important for those who
have expired their unemployment benefits and
continue to struggle to find a job.  Many
Americans who struggle with this continue to
voice their opinion at tell their stories.
Identifies the subject or various elements of the cartoon
Identifies the purpose of the cartoon
Analysis of solution proposed by the cartoon
Identifies the point of view
Analysis of message behind what is obvious
Reasons for unemployment
  • Unemployment is caused by many factors in a
    modern market economy
  • Rapid technological change
  • Business cycle or recessions
  • Seasonal factors (in some industries particularly
    such as changes in tastes and climatic conditions
    which affects demand for certain products and
  • Individual perceptions and willingness to work
    and search for jobs
  • Their values and attitudes towards some jobs and
    about employers
  • Accessibility for retraining and acquisition of
    work skills

Where is the example to portray these points?
Media!!! What is the source for these points?
Ditto on all the above!
  • The US market for instance is a highly unstable
    market in today's times. In fact, our current
    market trend is quite low. Although it is
    possible that we have higher economic growth
    compared to any other country and during our peak
    negative cycle, there is no doubt about it- we
    are in a recession right now. Millions of
    Americans are suffering such problems like job
    cuts, decreases in stock withholds and more.
    Although this is quite detrimental, this is
    actually a very common phenomena and occurs
    naturally in any global business setup and will
    regain its stability within a short span of time.
    In this article, we will evaluate the effect of
    unemployment on commerce and business so that we
    have a better understanding of these matters.
  • Our recent recession has globally affected
    unemployment and will continue to do so at
    astronomical rates. Many economists predict that
    the effect of unemployment has changed the
    inflation rate and the price of the commodities
    and has led to a very unstable market. once the
    job cuts in business and commerce took place the
    manufacturing of raw materials which needed to
    perform a certain output level gets decreased.
    Many companies have been forced to undergo such
    hardships like maintaining the global value of
    its companies. This has caused a tremendous
    effect on unemployment, commerce and business too.

  • The employed feel less secure
  • Workers are less willing to leave unsatisfactory
  • Divisions in society increase
  • The prospect of equality of opportunity
    decreases. Some local areas can develop a culture
    of despair

What is this???
Unemployment Solutions
Financial Recovery
Improved education
Increase in jobs

  • The unemployment rate in America has increased in
    the past seven years and recently reached its
    peak, but what is being done about it. In each
    picture is a solution for the Unemployment crisis
    that America faces today.

The Facts
You havent proven anything unless you have your
  • The solution to unemployment is pivotal, but the
    fact that it rest upon more than one solution the
    main one being financial increase. The fact is
    that economic growth increases job growth.
  • Decrease in wages would make it affordable for
    employers to hire more, but because of inflation
    employees would not be able to survive.
  • Many of the unemployed are unemployed due to lack
    of education and training. With the increasing
    amount of high school graduates plummeting which
    decrease chances of being hired.

When did you access this information?
  • http//ezinearticles.com/?The-Effects-of-Unemploym
  • http//bizcovering.com/business-and-society/causes
  • http//www.economywatch.com/unemployment/causes.ht
  • http//
  • http//family.jrank.org/pages/1727/Unemployment-So
    lutions-Unemployment-Problem.html"gtUnemployment -
    Solutions To The Unemployment Problemlt/agt
  • http//family.jrank.org/pages/1727/Unemployment-So
  • http//www.intelligent-systems.com.ar/intsyst/unem
  • Pictures
  • http//www.istockphoto.com/index.php
  • http//ieducationblogs.com/
  • http//topnews.us/
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