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LEL 1 Syntax 7: Auxiliaries in English and sentence structure Sentence structure revisited Recap: It is possible to analyse simple sentences like Jane saw Mary or The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LEL 1

  • Syntax 7 Auxiliaries in English and sentence

  • Sentences cannot always be equated with VPs.
    Sentences with an auxiliary verb must contain
    more structure.
  • Auxiliary verbs and main verbs in English are in
    different positions in the sentence structure.
  • Embedded clauses must contain even more
  • Main clauses in which the finite verb precedes
    the subject must contain the same amount of
    structure as embedded clauses.

Sentence structure revisited
  • Recap It is possible to analyse simple sentences
    like Jane saw Mary or The man read a book as VPs.
  • In accordance with X-bar theory, V is the head of
    the sentence in that case, the subject is the
    specifier of the VP and the object is the
  • VP ( S)
  • Subj V
  • V Obj

Sentences with an auxiliary verb
  • Can sentences with an auxiliary verb be analysed
    just as VPs as well?
  • Pauline can sing the most difficult songs.
  • The doctor will see the patient tomorrow.
  • The weather may turn bad.
  • Gerald has read that book seven times.
  • They could if the auxiliary and the main verb
    formed one complex verb together, a compound.
  • But that is extremely unlikely.

Why main verb and auxiliary do not form a compound
  • Main verb and auxiliary can be split by other
    syntactic material
  • Can Pauline sing that song properly?
  • The doctor will probably not see the patient
  • A true Verb-Verb compound such as stir-fry can
    never be split in this way
  • Stir will Pauline fry those vegetables.
  • Pauline fried the vegetables stir again.

Why main verb and auxiliary do not form a
compound (contd)
  • In an auxiliary verb main verb sequence, it is
    the left-hand verb (the auxiliary) that can be
    inflected for tense
  • Pauline has to sing those songs.
  • Pauline to have sings those songs.
  • The patient is seen by the doctor.
  • The patient been sees by the doctor.
  • In a Verb-Verb compound, it is the right-hand
    verb that can be inflected for tense
  • Pauline stir-fried the vegetables yesterday.
  • Pauline stirred-fry the vegetables yesterday.
  • She stir-fries too much for my liking.
  • She stirs-fry too much for my liking.

Properties of English modal auxiliaries
  • An analysis for sentences with auxiliaries
    suggests itself when we look more closely at some
    of the properties of English modal auxiliaries in
  • First, modals can only appear in forms carrying
    finite inflection. They do not occur as
    non-tensed forms, such as infinitives, past
    participles or present participles.
  • To can build a house is a great asset.
  • The sun seems to will shine.
  • Paul has never could do such a thing.
  • Johns maying to go to America is surprising.

Properties of English modal auxiliaries (contd)
  • A second property of English modals is that they
    must occupy a position in the sentence that is
    somewhat further to the left than the position
    occupied by main verbs.
  • Iris will paint the door.
  • Iris will not paint the door.
  • Iris not will paint the door
  • Iris paints not the door.
  • Iris does not paint the door.
  • Arthur could quickly open the tin.
  • Arthur opened quickly the tin.
  • Arthur quickly opened the tin

The I-position and the IP
  • On the basis of these properties of modals, let
    us assume that sentences with a finite auxiliary
    contain an extra position to the left of the VP
    the Infl-position, commonly abbreviated to
  • In accordance with the X-bar theory for phrase
    structure, this position is the head of an Infl
    Phrase, commonly abbreviated to IP. The VP is in
    the complement position of this IP.
  • IP
  • spec I
  • I VP
  • spec V
  • V compl

Subject movement
  • If sentences are IPs, and finite auxiliaries are
    in the I-position, then the subject in English
    must be in the specifier position of the IP, as
    it usually precedes the finite auxiliary
  • Iris will not paint the door.
  • Arthur could quickly open the tin.
  • But semantically speaking, the subject appears to
    act as the specifier of the Verb Phrase it
    expresses the element that the Verb Phrase
    predicate says something about.
  • So there is a paradox the subject appears in the
    specifier of the IP, but it is interpreted as the

Subject movement (contd)
  • Paradox the subject appears in the specifier of
    the IP, but it is interpreted as the
  • Why not have our cake and eat it as well? Lets
    claim that there are actually two instances of
    the subject in a sentence, one in spec-IP and one
    in spec-VP. The only difference between the two
    instances is that the first one is pronounced,
    while the second one is not.
  • Another way of describing this situation is to
    say that the subject moves from spec-VP to
    spec-IP, and that such movement leaves a trace
    which is identical to the moved element except
    for being silent.

The full IP
  • Thus, the full structure of a sentence like Iris
    will paint the door is as follows, where tIris
    stands for the trace of Iris.
  • IP
  • NP I
  • Iris
  • I VP
  • will
  • tIris V
  • V NP
  • paint the door

Wheres the verb?
  • If finite auxiliaries are in the I-position, not
    the V-position, then what about sentences without
    an auxiliary, where the main verb is finite? Is
    this in the I-position, then?
  • Not in English. In English, main verbs always
    remain in the V-position, even when they are
  • Mary will often read a book in the evening.
    will in I
  • Mary reads often a book in the morning.
    reads in I
  • Mary often reads a book in the morning. reads
    in V

  • In English, in sentences containing the negator
    not the I-position must be filled.
  • The reluctance of main verbs to go into the
    I-position is so strong that, if there is no
    other auxiliary in a negated sentence, a dummy
    auxiliary is used to fill up the I-position.
  • Mary has not read a book this morning. auxiliary
    verb in I
  • Mary reads not a book in the morning. main
    verb in I
  • Mary does not read a book in the morning. dummy
    do in I

V-to-I movement in French
  • French looks like English in having finite
    auxiliaries in the I-position and non-finite main
    verbs in the V-position
  • Jean a souvent donné ses livres à Marie.
  • John has often given his books to Mary
  • John has often given his books to Mary.
  • But in sentences without an auxiliary in French,
    the main verb does go into the I-position
  • Jean donne souvent ses livres à Marie.
  • John gives often his books to Mary
  • John often gives his books to Mary.
  • Jean souvent donne ses livres à Marie.

More than one auxiliary
  • Sentences can contain more than one auxiliary
  • Mary has been working.
  • Jane has been overlooked.
  • Garry will be cycling.
  • I could have cried.
  • This will have to be considered.
  • John should have been working.
  • His resignation might have been accepted.
  • The tramline was to have been completed years ago.

More than one auxiliary (contd)
  • For sentences with more than one auxiliary, we
    will assume that there is VP-recursion below the
    IP, as there is no clear evidence that non-finite
    auxiliaries occur in a distinct clausal position
    such as the I-position.
  • Mary has not been seen for a while.
  • Mary has been not seen for a while.
  • Garry will not be cycling to Birmingham.
  • Garry will be not cycling to Birmingham.

  • Embedded clauses can be introduced by a word that
    links them to the main clause a complementizer.
  • Thomas knew that Betty would never go to Peru.
  • Corinne asked if she could stay in Argentina a
    bit longer.
  • Stella did not know what to make of the film
    since she had not
  • read the book.
  • To accommodate complementizers in a sentences
    structure, we need another head position in front
    of the entire IP the C-position.
  • In accordance with X-bar theory, C is the head of
    a phrase CP that contains a specifier position
    and a complement position. The complement
    position contains the IP.

The full CP
  • CP
  • spec C
  • C IP
  • spec I
  • I VP
  • spec V
  • V compl

Subject-verb inversion
  • In English interrogative sentences (questions),
    the finite verb must appear in front of the
    subject (unless the subject itself is
  • Deborah has finished her work already.
  • Has Deborah finished her work already?
  • Paul will read the newspaper tonight.
  • Will Paul read the newspaper tonight?
  • Two hypotheses possible
  • The subject is lower in interrogatives than in
  • The finite verb is higher in interrogatives than
    in declaratives.

Subject-verb inversion (contd)
  • Hypothesis A The subject is lower in
  • Perhaps the subject stays in spec-VP in
    questions, rather than moving to spec-IP?
  • No the subject still precedes those elements
    that appear in between the I-position and the VP,
    such as often
  • Has John often done that?
  • Has often John done that?

Subject-verb inversion (contd)
  • Hypothesis B the finite verb is higher in
  • In declaratives the finite auxiliary is in I.
    Which higher position is available for the finite
    auxiliary in interrogatives?
  • Answer the finite verb is in C in
  • Bonus of this assumption it explains why there
    is never subject-verb inversion, even in
    interrogative clauses, if a complementizer
    already occupies C.
  • I wonder if Deborah has finished her work
  • I wonder if has Deborah finished her work

Do-support in interrogatives
  • We have seen that
  • The finite verb in interrogative clauses (without
    a complementizer) must go into the C-position.
  • Main verbs in English never leave the V-position.
  • Given this it is no surprise that in
    interrogatives without an auxiliary, dummy do
    appears again, this time to fill up the
  • Frances likes sticky toffee pudding best.
  • Likes Frances sticky toffee best?
  • Does Frances like sticky toffee pudding best?
  • Some other languages allow main verbs to appear
    in C
  • Fietst Karel vaak langs de gracht? Dutch
  • cycles Carl often along the canal
  • Does Carl often cycle along the canal?
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