Title: Introduction safeguarding adults conference
1Introduction safeguarding adults conference
- Yasmin Chaudhry Chief Executive
2 Safeguarding and how is it relevant to the
NHS3 key messages about safeguarding adults?
integral to the NHS quality agenda? quality
care and active patient participation and
informed choice? share accountability within
3Why is safeguarding adults relevant to the
NHS?The NHS is accountable to patients for
their safety and well being through delivering
high quality care. ? NHS constitution?
Quality - providing care that is effective and
safe giving a positive patient
experience? Uphold patients and their rights
and protect them from harm or abuse
4Where are we now? ? Concerns from the No
Secrets consultation and other
investigations. ? Boards need to engage with
safeguarding and develop an open and
transparent culture.
5Where are we now? Continued.
- There are two fundamental requirements for
effective safe guarding in the delivery of NHS
care ? to prevent safeguarding incidents
arising through the provision of high
quality care ? to ensure effective responses
where harm or abuse occurs or is
suspected through multi agency adults
procedures and policies.
6How are we in the NHS going to deliver on
safeguarding adults?NHS Boards and
commissioners must ? set within their
strategic objectives ? use integral
governance systems and processes to prevent
abuse and have effective responses when
harm does occur ? actively engage with
community partners and their local
safeguarding boards
7How are we in the NHS going to deliver on
safeguarding adults?? there must be board
level accountability and clinical and
managerial leadership across the workforce and
within commissioning consortia ? ensure
learning happens and is disseminate throughout
and shared with partners.
8Today is about considering how we make these
expectations a reality.