Title: Understanding Concussion Assessment and Evaluation
1Understanding Concussion Assessment and Evaluation
- Philip Schatz, PhD
- Saint Josephs University, Philadelphia
2Cerebral Concussion
- Mild traumatic brain injury
- Alteration in consciousness due to a blow to the
head or acceleration/deceleration/rotational
force - Does NOT imply or require loss of consciousness.
- Usually temporary changes in mental status
- Temporary changes in somatic functioning
- May produce a wide range of symptoms
- Normal structural neuroimaging CISG, Vienna
(2001) Prague (2004)
3Post Concussion Symptoms
Oh man I was licking the dreamsicle --
Professional wrestler, reflecting on a concussion
Head Games Chris Nowinski
4Post Concussion Symptoms
- Physical
- Pressure in head
- Headache
- Balance troubles
- Visual Disturbance
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Feeling slow
- Sensitivity to light/noise
- Psychological
- Feeling like in a fog
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty remembering
- Irritability
- Sadness
- Nervousness
Athletes within 3 days of injury
- Headache (71)
- Feeling slowed down (58)
- Difficulty concentrating (57)
- Dizziness (55)
- Fogginess (53)
- Fatigue (50)
- Visual Blurring or double vision (49)
- Light sensitivity (47)
- Memory dysfunction (43)
- Balance problems (43)
6Physiological Changes
- Shearing or strain injury of axons
- Diffuse microscopic changes to axons
- Microscopic tearing of small blood vessels
- Metabolic cascade resulting in imbalance between
glucose demands and regional CBF supply
(vulnerable to SIS) Giza Hovda, JAT, 36(3),
7Neurometabolic Changes
8Incidence of Mild TBI
- 75 to 85 of all head injuries
- 1.0 to 1.5 million cases per year in US
- 300,000 from sports (an underestimate?)
- Most cases go unreported
9Incidence of Mild TBI
- Question What sport has the highest incidence
of concussion (if you know, dont say it)
10Previous Findings Epidemiology
SPORT RANGE Equestrian 3 - 91 Boxing 1 -
70 Rugby 2 - 25 Soccer 4 - 22 Football 2 -
20 Bicycling 0 - 13.8 Martial Arts 0 - 11 Auto
Racing 0 - 10.5 Ice Hockey 3 - 7.5
Ruchinskas, et al., 1997, Applied Neuropsych
11Epidemiology Issues (Macciocchi)
- Recognition one occurred may be easier then
measuring concussion severity - Diagnosis for epidemiological purposes may be
more difficult than it seems - Discrepancy between of players reporting and
the who believed they sustained one - Post-season, players reported symptoms but didnt
connect them to concussive injuries - 70 of football and 63 of soccer players
reported post-concussion symptoms
12Epidemiology Methods (Macciocchi)
- Quasi-experimental comparison- athletes examined
pre-season, followed for a period of time - Look at of concussions sustained over that
period - Generalize from cohort to population
- Use date from surveillance systems
- Monitor concussive injuries on a broader scale
- Sometimes are organization-based, such as NCAA
13Epidemiology Terminology (Macciocchi)
- Athletic Exposure (AE)
- Period of time when an athlete could have
sustained an injury, such as practice or game - Confounded by time (a 5-minutes shift is the same
as an entire game) - Injury Rate (IR)
- Number of injuries incurred relative to the total
number of exposures - Often stated as per 1000 AEs
14Epidemiology High School
- 20 or 250,000 per year in football (Gerberich,
et al. 1985) - 25,520 per season (Powell, 1995)
- NATA High School Study
- 57,716 occurrences of mTBI per year
- 5.3 of football injuries
- 4.4 of wrestling injuries
- 3.4 of boys soccer
- 2.6 girls soccer
- 2.3 girls basketball
15Epidemiology NCAA
- College NCAA Injury Surveillance System
- 1.6 to 6.4 of all injuries
- Ice Hockey - 4.5 of all injuries (.56 per 1,000
AE) - Football .43 per 1,000 AE
- Wrestling .49 per 1,000 AE
- Soccer (Men .35/Women.58)
- Lacrosse (Men .33/Women.62)
- Basketball (Men.16.Women.29)
16Concussion Base Rates
- History of Previous Concussion 10-80
- Recent Trend Upwards
- ( with 1 Previous Concussion)
- Collins, et al (1999) 53
- Kaushik (2005) 75
- Moser, Schatz, Jordan (2005) 63
- Different breed of youth athletes in 2000s vs.
17What about Gender?Hillary, Mann, Schatz, ACN,
Study Sport ( of All Injuries)
Males Females Powell, Barber-Foss
Soccer 3.9 4.3 Powell, Barber-Foss
Basketball 2.6 3.6 Powell, Barber-Foss Basebal
l/Softball 1.7 2.7 NCAA Soccer 4.7 4.4 Tot
al of all injuries 3.23 3.75 Study Sport
(Injuries per 1000 AE) Males Females Dick Soccer
0.348 0.578 Dick Lacrosse 0.334 0.618 Boden,
et al. Soccer 0.6 0.4 NCAA Soccer 0.44 0.46 Powe
ll, Barber-Foss Soccer 0.18 0.23 Powell,
Barber-Foss Basketball 0.11 0.16 Powell,
Barber-Foss Baseball/Softball 0.05 0.1 J. Kelly,
J. Rosenberg Soccer 0.25 0.24 Total Ave per
1000 AE 0.289 0.348 Soccer Ave per 1000
AE 0.364 0.382 Other Ave per 1000
AE 0.165 0.293
18Epidemiology GenderCovassin, Swanik, Sachs,
JAT, 2003)
- NCAA Injury Surveillance System 3-year study
- Of 14,591 reported injuries, 5.9 were
classified as concussions - Concussions during practices
- Female athletes 167 (3.6) Male
athletes 148 (5.2) - Concussions during games
- Female athletes 304 (9.5)
- Male athletes 254 (6.4)
19Epidemiology GenderCovassin, Swanik, Sachs,
JAT, 2003)
- Barnes, et al, 1998, Am J Sports Med
- Female athletes could be at more risk due to
their smaller size or greater ball-to-head size
ratio. - Female athletes may have weaker neck muscles
than male athletes. - Boden et al, 1998, Am J Sports Med
- Male athletes may be more skilled at protecting
their heads from injury, but there are no data to
support this hypothesis.
20Gender Differences at Baseline
- 1209 NCAA Division 1 Athletes - 5 Northeastern
Universities - Completed ImPACT at baseline
- Female athletes performed significantly better
than male athletes on baseline verbal memory
scores (p 0.001) - Male athletes performed significantly better
than female athletes on baseline visual memory
scores (p 0.001). - Covassin, Swanik, Sachs, Kendrick, Schatz,
Zillmer, Kaminaris, (BJSM, 2007)
21Gender Differences at Baseline
- Female athletes endorsed a significant number of
mild baseline symptoms as compared to male
athletes - Headache, nausea, fatigue, need more sleep,
drowsiness, sensitive to noise, sadness,
nervousness, more emotional, difficulty
concentrating, visual problems. - Effect sizes ranged from .13 (Sleep) to .40
(Emotional)Covassin, Swanik, Sachs, Kendrick,
Schatz, Zillmer, Kaminaris, (BJSM, 2007)
22Recommended schedule for measuring
post-concussion status
NP Testing
Sideline Testing
23Historical Aspects UVA Football Study - Barth,
et al., 1989
Trail Making B Pre-Season and Post-Injury
24Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures-Trails B
25Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures-Digit
26Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - PASAT
27Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - COWAT
Tell me as many words that you can think of that
start with the letter FAS.
28Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - STROOP
29Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - STROOP
30Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - STROOP
31Historical Aspects Neuropsych Measures - STROOP
32Historical Aspects UVA Football Study - Barth,
et al., 1989
PASAT-4 Pre-Season and Post-Injury Performances
33Historical Aspects Echemendia PSU Hockey COWAT
34Historical Aspects
- Egocentric view
- The Virginia Football Study
- Echemendias PSU Program
- Saint Josephs University
- Division I, No Football, 400 varsity athletes
- Where can I find a place?
- Computers circa 1998
35What We Knew 2000
- Effects of Cerebral Concussions last up to 7-10
days - Primarily attention and concentrationAlves,
Rimel, Nelson, 1987, Clinical Sports Medicine,
6(1), 211-8Barth, et al., 1989, in H. Levins
Mild Head Injury Oxford Press - Effects of cerebral concussions last up to 30
days and beyond (Echemendia, et al., 1999) - Extends to other cognitive processesEchemendia
Julian, 2001, NP Review 11(2), 69-88
36What We Knew 2000
- LOC is not a predictor of concussion, and
incidence of LOC does not effect cognitive
performance (Lovell, et al, J. Clin Sports Med,
1999) - Individuals with history of Concussion and/or
Learning Disability show lowered baseline
performance on testing. (Collins, et al., JAMA,
37Current Research How do I develop a Concussion
Program at SJU?
(Hopefully) based on Professional and Collegiate
Concussion Management Programs
- NFL - Majority
- NHL - Mandatory
- Baseline, Serial Post-concussion Evals.
- Wide Network of Neuropsychologists
- Colleges test teams pre-season
38SJU Concussion Pilot Study Trails B
39SJU Concussion Pilot Digit-Symbol
40SJU Concussion Pilot Study d2
41There already was a trend towards computer-based
- CRI (HeadMinder.com). 1999
- Web based
- CogSport (CogState.com)..1999
- Windows/Mac
- ImPACT (ImPACTtest.com). 2000
- Windows based
42Why should we opt for computer-based assessment?
- Sensitive to RT, Processing Speed
- Randomized Trials Improved reliability
- Ability to test entire team at once (benefit?)
- Better/Objective date for Athletic Trainers, Team
Physicians - Assistance with Return to play decisions (Schatz
Zillmer, 2003, Applied Neuropsych Schatz
Browndyke, 2003, JHTR)
43Why should we not opt for computer-based
- Perhaps timing is not millisecond-accurate
- Limited validation with np standards
- Little qualitative or verbal data
- Can be used by Athletic Trainers, Team Physicians
in absence of Neuropsych - May determine return to play decisions (Schatz
Zillmer, 2003, Applied Neuropsych)
44Theres a whole lot of post-concussion tests and
Comparison of Post-concussion Assessment
Schedules and Measures. (From McKeever Schatz,
Applied Neuropsychology, 10, 2003) Schedule of
Serial Post-Concussion Assessments Hours Days
Study 1-2 24-48 3 5 7 10 30 Measures
Used NCAA- Multiple sports 2 24 7 30 cPC,
dHVLT, fSDMT, gStroop, hTrails, jVIGIL/W,
(Echmendia, et al., 2001) kDig. Span,
lPSU,mCOWAT NCAA-Football 1 3 5 7 dHVLT,
hTrails, kDig. Span, fSDMT, mCOWAT, (Collins,
et al., 1999) nPegboard NCAA-Football 24
5 10 eSDMT, hTrails, oPASAT (Barth, et al.,
1989) Prof. Hockey Players 24 5b 7b cPC,
dHVLT, fSDMT, iTrails, lPSU, mCOWAT,
(Echemendia, 2001) pBVMT-R Prof.
Football Players 24 5 dHVLT, fSDMT, hTrails,
kDig. Span, mCOWAT, (Lovell Collins,
1998) nPegboard Prof. Rugby
Players 1 5 eSDMT, rChoice RT., rMemory,
rOrientation (McCrory, et al., 1997) Prof. Rugby
Players 3a 7a 35 a eSDMT, qDigit Symbol,
rSpeed of Comprehension (Hinton-Bayre, et al.,
1999) aAthletes tested 1 to 3
days, 1-2weeks, 3-5 weeks post-concussion
bAthletes tested 5 to 7 days post-concussion
45Power In NumbersPhiladelphia Sports Concussion
- Mandatory for Participation in Athletics
- Drexel, Temple, SJU Delaware, Rutgers
- Baseline, 24-48 hr, 3, 5, 7, 10, weekly if Sx
- ImPACT _at_ 4 schools, CRI _at_ Temple
- Dissertations (McKeever, Covassin, Schneider),
Masters Theses - Validate multiple measures(ImPACT, CRI,
CogSport, Trails, Digit Symbol, d2) - Gender, Sport, History, Club Sports,
Cheerleaders, School Norms
46Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
Rationale(Schatz Putz, Applied Neuropsych 2006)
- Limited shared validation of existing
computer-based measures with standards - SDMT correlates with
- ImPACT Processing Speed (r.70) and Reaction Time
(r-.60) - CRI Processing Speed (r.60, r.67)
- Trails correlates with
- CRI Response Speed (A r.73 B r.74)
- CRI Processing Speed (B r.37)
- CogSport Complex RT (B r.34)
- CogSport Simple RT (B r.44)
47Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
- 30 Normal Volunteers
- Computer-based ImPACT, CRI, CogSport, d2, Trails
AB, Digit Symbol - Paper-based Trails AB, Digit Symbol
- Administration MWF, Individually
- Grouping A ImPACT, d2 Test of Attention
(computerized) - Grouping B CRI, Trails A and B. and Digit Symbol
(pencil and paper). - Grouping C CogSport, Trails A and B, and Digit
Symbol (computerized). - ABC, ACB, BAC BCA, CAB, CBA.
48Cross-Validation Example ImPACT CRT
49Cross-Validation Example CogSport CRT
50Cross-Validation Example CRI CRT
Cued Reaction Time Press the spacebar as quickly
as possible only when a white circle immediately
follows the presentation of a black square.
51Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures - SRT
52Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures - CRT
53Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
Processing Speed Results
54Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
Memory Results
55Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
- These tests share some common variance on
constructs such as processing speed and reaction
time, but not within the domain of memory. - The Processing Speed Indices/measures (ImPACT,
HeadMinder, Trails B and Digit Symbol) correlated
the most consistently. - Baseline evaluations using one measure can not be
used as a basis for post-concussion assessment
using another measure.
56Cross-Validation of Computer-Based Measures -
- Small sample size.
- Reliance on univariate correlations.
- Subjects assessed independently.
- No concussed subjects.
- Not comparing tests sensitivity to effects of
57MeanwhileConcussion Effects on Youth Athletes?
- Relying on symptoms alone may be dangerous
- Attentional processes, memory, and cognitive
- speed are key elements of testing
- Younger athletes deserve particular attention
58Prolonged Effects of Concussion?(Schatz
McNamara ACN 2001 Abstract)
- Self-reported history of concussion
- 56 college freshmen, ages 17-19
- Divided into independent groups on the basis of
concussion history - 19 with one or more previous concussion,
- 39 with self-reported history of no previous
59Prolonged Effects of Concussion?(Schatz
McNamara ACN 2001 Abstract)
Mild, enduring effects of cerebral concussion can
be identified in otherwise healthy college
freshmen with a history of concussion.These
enduring effects of previous cerebral concussions
appear to involve attentional processes, and
warrant further investigation.
60Prolonged Effects of Concussion?(Moser Schatz
ACN 2001 Moser, Schatz, Jordan, Neurosurgery
- Youth Athletes from a college-prep boarding
school (Ivy-bound) - Mandatory participation in sports
- Multiple sports over 5-10 years
- No concussion program in place
- Attempt to understand/replicate
61Dependent Measure RBANS
- Subtests measure multiple neurocognitive domains
- Immediate MemoryList Memory - recall of 10 words
presented orally. - Story Memory - recall of short story presented
orally. - Visuospatial/Contructional
- Figure Copy - Copy of multi-part geometric
drawing. - Line Orientation - identify lines from a
drawing. - Language
- Picture Naming - Naming of pictures of objects.
- Semantic Fluency - Name examples from category
in one minute. - Attention
- Digit Span - Repeat a string of digits presented
orally. - Coding - Matches geometric shapes corresponding
to numbers. - Delayed Memory
- List Recall - Recall 10 words learned in the
List Learning subtest. - List Recognition - recognition of 20 words
presented orally. - Story Memory - Recall of short story learned
62Prolonged Effects Pilot Study (Moser Schatz,
Arch Clinical Neuropsych 2001)
- Youth athlete volunteers, divided into
independent groups - on the basis of concussion history.
- Zero or One Previous Concussion 8 healthy
volunteers with either no history of concussion,
or had sustained one previous concussion (not
within the past six months). - Two Previous Concussions 13 youth athletes who
had sustained two or more previous concussions
(not within the past six months). - Recent Concussion 13 youth athletes who had
sustained a recent concussion, with no
identified medical or neuropsychological
difficulties related to concussion one week
after testing.
63Prolonged Effects Pilot Results
64Follow-up Study(Moser, Schatz Jordan,
Neurosurgery 2005)
- 238 youth athlete volunteers ... divided into
four independent - groups on the basis of concussion history.
- No Concussion 82 healthy volunteers with no
history of concussion. - One Previous Concussion 56 youth athletes who
had sustained one previous concussion (not
within the past six months). - Two Previous Concussions 51 youth athletes who
had sustained two or more previous concussions
(not within the past six months). - Recent Concussion 49 youth athletes who had
sustained a recent concussion, with no
identified medical or neuropsychological
difficulties related to concussion within one
week of testing.
65Prolonged Effects-GPA
66Prolonged Effects-RBANS
67Prolonged Effects Results
- Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
revealed a significant overall effect of
concussion history on cognition F(21,672)1.8
p.015. - Univariate F-tests revealed significant main
effects of concussion history on Attention
F(3,228)4.72 p.003 and GPA F(3,228 5.76
68Prolonged Effects in Youth Athletes
- Health non-concussed youth athletes with a
history of concussion often show subtle deficits
in attention and concentration at baseline
assessment. - These enduring effects of previous cerebral
concussions can be detected using traditional
measures. - Concussions appear to occur in female athletes
at a greater rate/frequency.
69Youth Athletes What we think we know
- Contributing to these findings
- A more vulnerable and susceptible youth brain
- Participation in multiple sports over a long
period of years. -
70 - Emotionality
- Feeling more emotional
- Sadness
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Somatic Symptoms
- Visual Problems
- Dizziness
- Balance Difficulties
- Headaches
- Light Sensitivity
- Nausea
- Cognitive Symptoms
- Attention Problems
- Memory dysfunction
- Fogginess
- Fatigue
- Cognitive slowing
- Sleep Disturbance
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Sleeping less than usual
Factor Analysis, Post-Concussion Symptom
Scale N327, High School,Univ Athletes Within 7
Days of Concussion (Pardini et al, 2004)
71Post-Concussion Gender DifferencesCovassin,
Schatz, Swanik, Neurosurgery, 2007)
- 79 NCAA Division 1 Athletes
- Completed ImPACT at baseline
- Sustained concussion warranting serial
assessment up to 10 days post-concussion - Average 3, 8 days post-concussion
- Males (N41) Baseball, cheerleading, football,
ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, and
wrestling - Females (N38) basketball, cheerleading,
gymnastics, lacrosse, soccer, softball,
72Post-Concussion Gender DifferencesCovassin,
Schatz, Swanik, Neurosurgery, 2007)
- Baseline No Gender differences F(5,73).80
P0.55 - Post-Concussion 3x2 mixed-factoral design MANOVA
- Time (Baseline, 3 days, 8 days) F(2,76)1670
P0.0001 ES.98 - Gender F(1, 77).16 p.69 ES.002
- Time x Gender Interaction F(2,76).54 p.59,
73Post-Concussion Gender DifferencesCovassin,
Schatz, Swanik, Neurosurgery, 2007)
- Post-Concussion Symptoms
- Male athletes reported significantly higher
symptom scores for - Sadness F(1,77)13.05, P0.001
- Vomiting F(1,77) 5.95, P0.017
74Post-Concussion Gender DifferencesCovassin,
Schatz, Swanik, Neurosurgery, 2007)
- Reliable Change Indices (RCI)
- At Time 1 (up to 3 days post-injury)
- 58 of participants had one or more reliable
declines in performance or increases in symptom
reporting - At Time 2 (up to 10 days post-injury)
- 30 of participants were still showing one or
more reliable changes from pre-season levels.
(2001), Prague (2004)
- Removal of symptomatic athletes from play
- Graduated return to play
- Neuropsychological testing recommended
- One of the Cornerstones of Management
Aubry, Cantu, Dvorak, Graf-Baumann, Johnston,
Kelly, Lovell, McCrory, Meeuwise, Schasmasch,
2001. Clinical J. Sports Med.
76Current Large-Scale Programs Neuropsychological
- 20 NFL Teams
- IRL, F1, CHAMP Car
- USA Olympic Hockey
- USA Hockey
- 400 High Schools in US
- 60 Sports Medicine Clinics in US
- Pro Boxing in California
- USA Ski Team
- USA Soccer Juniors
- Ontario Hockey League
- New Zealand Rugby
- S. African Rugby
- World Cup Soccer
- 150 Universities in US
- Many Neuropsychology Clinics in US
- Major League Baseball
- Major League Baseball Umpires
Contribution To The Diagnostic Puzzle
- Testing Provides Unique Information
- Concussed Athletes Often Deny Symptoms
- Athletes May Lack Awareness of Symptoms
Testing reveals cognitive deficits in
asymptomatic athletes within 4 days post-injury
N215, MANOVA plt.000000
Reaction Time Processing Speed
MANOVA plt.000000 (ImPACT Test Battery)
NP testing increases Diagnostic yield to 88
declined From baseline
201 concussed High School and collegiate athletes
tested with 2 days of injury. Abnormal
performance determined by RCIs (van Kampen,
Ding Injuries May be Significant
- Cannot gauge severity of injury based on initial
symptoms - Acute recovery may not be a linear process
82Concussion and Memory Dysfunction
- 64 high school athletes with Grade 1 concussion
- 24 Non-injured control subjects
- All athletes diagnosed with ding
- Confusion, amnesia, signs/symptoms cleared
- within 15 minutes
- No athlete in sample sustained LOC
- No athlete returned to contest
- ImPACT evaluation obtained at baseline, 36
hours, - 4 days and 7 days post-concussion
Lovell et al., J. Neurosurgery, 2003.
83Memory Impairment Following Mild Concussion
Time of Evaluation
Lovell, Collins, Iverson et al., J. Neurosurgery,
98, 2003
- Current research supports the use of
neuropsychological testing following
concussion - Relying on symptoms alone may be dangerous
- Attentional processes, memory, and cognitive
- speed are key elements of testing
- Younger athletes deserve particular attention
85And Now for Something Completely Different
- Effort (Green, et al., Brain Injury, 2001)
- gt50 of variance in scores was due to poor
effort - Education 11
- Age 4
- Symptom Validity Testing (Bush, et al NAN, ACN),
- it is necessary to evaluate symptom validity
objectively in any neuropsychological assessment
86And Now for Something Completely Different
- Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993)
held that trial judges should permit expert
scientific testimony only when the reasoning or
methodology underlying the testimony is
scientifically valid, and properly can be
applied to the facts in issue.
87And Now for Something Completely Different
- Effort Tests
- Rey 15-item, Dot Counting
- Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM)
- Word Memory Test (WMT)
- CARB (Comp. Assess. Response Bias)
- Validity Indicator Profile (VIP)
- MMPI-2
88Assessment of Effort - Rationale (Schatz
Sucharski, in some stage of submission)
- Little data on effort at time of assessment
- speculation that athletes are often motivated
to underreport symptoms so they can return to
competition (Echemendia Cantu, 2003) - motivated to underreport subjective symptoms to
hasten the return to competition. (Erlanger, et
al., 2003) - An athletes apparent fear of removal from a
game or of losing his or her position on the team
may tempt some athletes to deny or underreport
postconcussive symptoms. (Lovell, 1998) - Ostensibly, symptom minimization occurs in
hopes of a faster return to the playing field,
court or ice. (Lovell, et al., 2002) - it is more likely that suspicion regarding the
use of the test results and/or general
disinterest and apathy could impact the accurate
measurement of cognitive ability at baseline
(Echemendia Cantu, 2003)
89Assessment of Effort - Rationale
- Bailey, Echemendia, Arnett (2006), JINS
- Assigned to High Motivation at Baseline (HMB) and
Suspect Motivation at Baseline (SMB) groups based
on whether baseline performance fell one or more
standard deviations from the mean of the given
measure - N26 to 33, Pre, Post-Mild TBI, Trails, Dig Span,
Stroop - In repeated measures ANCOVA (that removed
achievement performance), the SMB groups
demonstrated greater improvement than the HMB
groups for the Trail Making Test A B ( TMT-A
B), Digit Span, and Stroop-Color Word (Stroop-CW)
90Assessment of Effort - Methodology
- 155 Participants 77 athletes, 78 from human
subjects pool - Administered Word Memory Test (WMT) and ImPACT
- Only looked at Baseline performance
91Assessment of Effort - Methodology
- Word Memory Test (WMT)
- Show word pairs (e.g., Boy-Girl)
- Show cue word (e.g., Boy)
- Show target choices (e.g., Girl, Truck)TBI
Patients 95
92Assessment of Effort - Incidence
93Assessment of Effort - Effects
94Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
MicroComputers (unpublished data)
External Timer
Internal Timer
Mouse-clickstops bothCompare Calculate
Difference Score
95Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
MicroComputers (unpublished data)
96Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
97Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
98Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
99Validation of MilliSecond Accuracy in
100Millisecond Accuracy?
- Baseline to post-concussion computers
- Caution when interpreting reaction time and
processing speed - Use of software by clinicians
101Assessment of Effort - Implications
- Given the wide-spread use of computer-based tests
for the purpose of documenting baseline cognitive
function in athletes, neuro-psychologists and
sports-medicine professionals should utilize
external measures of athletes' effort. - Further, employing normal controls from human
subjects pools may provide less accurate
comparisons than desired.
102What we need to know more about
- Diagnosing and managing concussions with
computer-based measures - Ongoing, external validation of existing measures
- Ongoing validation of computer-based measures in
prospective clinical samples - Accurate standard for timing accuracy
103What we need to know more about
- Diagnosing and managing concussions in youth
athletes - Junior High, Grade School, Youth Leagues
- JV, Club Sports
- Gender
104What we NEED
- Baseline screenings for all athletes, but
especially in vulnerable youth athletes. - -documenting pre-concussion status,
- -pre and post concussion comparisons -multiple
sliding baseline. - Public service announcements
- Involvement /awareness of pediatricians and
family practices Neuropychology