Hints for Freshmen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hints for Freshmen


University of P cs Medical School Orientation Day Hints for Freshmen Administrational Guide for Medical Students at the UPMS At your service The Student ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hints for Freshmen

Hints for Freshmen
University of Pécs Medical School Orientation
  • Administrational Guide for Medical Students at
    the UPMS

At your service
  • The Student Service Center
  • Klara and Orsi
  • Immigration Office cases (e.g. residency permit)
  • Student card
  • Vaccination
  • lockers
  • Everyday-life problems (renting a flat, need a
    doctor, craftman, etc.)
  • The Registrars Office (RO)
  • Livia, Kata, ZOLI
  • Students legal status
  • Booking courses
  • Exam period
  • Summer practices
  • Certifications
  • Transcripts
  • Counseling in study related questions

Registrars Office (RO)
Office hours In instruction period
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday and Friday
08.00-12.00 Thursday 12.00-16.00 In
exam period and during summer vacation
Monday-Friday 08.00-12.00
Contacts ? Mailing address Szigeti út 12, Pécs,
7624 Hungary ? UP call center 00-36-72-536-001
or 536-000 ask for extension or wait for the
operator ? Fax 00-36-72-536-106 and
536-017 _at_ office e-mail registrars.office_at_aok.pte
Quiet in office, pls!
RO Administrators
Zoltán (Zoli) ILLI zoltan.illi_at_aok.pte.hu exten
sion 1061 Kata NAGY kata.nagy_at_aok.pte.hu e
xtension 1137 Livia (Livi) VÁGÓ livi.vago _at_
aok.pte.hu extension 6016
Year of 2008
Year of 2007 Year of 2006
Year of 2005 or earlier
Leaders, committees
  1. University of Pécs (Rector)
  2. Medical School (faculty) (Dean, Vice-Deans,
  3. Faculty committees Faculty Council, Educational
    Committee, Curriculum Committee, Credit Transfer
    Committee and the Student Council

Prof. Valér J. CSERNUS, M.D., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for General Affairs, Education and
Prof. Attila J. MISETA, M.D. Ph.D. Vice-Dean
for Financial and Student Welfare Affairs
Office hours Thursday 10.00-11.00
Office hours Thursday 11.00-12.00
  • Use A4 (or letter) sized paper
  • Address it
  • Greet the him/her
  • Tell who you are
  • Tell what you ask
  • Give reasoning
  • Give response address
  • Sign it and put a date on it
  • Or ask for a form (if exists) from RO

It is something official and you ask for a favor
Studies A General Overview
Training Programs
  • General Medicine
  • (6 years, MD degree)
  • Dentistry
  • (5 years, DMD degree)
  • Pharmacist
  • (5 years, mag. pharm.)
  • PhD programs

All of them are credit-based.
Technical Background
  • ETR https//www.tr.pte.hu
  • (native and web-based platforms)
  • setting student status,
  • booking courses, booking exam dates,
  • checking status, payments, grades
  • contacting fellow students and teachers
  • CooSpace (Modulo) https//coospace.tr.pte.hu/
  • https//modulo.tr.pte.hu
  • (Cooperation in virtual space web-based
    community site with scenes)
  • Contacting teachers, fellow students, even
  • Sharing educational materials (up- and
    downloading lecture materials, home works,
    mid-term test results, exam sheets, etc.)
  • Faculty website http//aok.pte.hu
  • Downloadable publications (timetable, program
    booklet, forms, schedule, etc.)
  • Contact details for departments/clinics and for

username for ETR university ID lost password ?
ask RO for a new one
Other Useful Sites
  • English-German Student Council http//www.pecs-st
  • Forums, exam notes, community, etc.
  • Website of the University of Pécs http//english.p
  • Contacts for faculties, maps, events, news, even
    a Hungarian vocabulary
  • Especially for the International Relations Office
  • Dancing University
  • Autumn Dance Show 2008. September 22.
    2000-2200 in UPMS Aula
  • Google Maps
  • Off-line info source ROs bulletin board on the
  • E-mail newsletters from RO keep your e-mail
    address working!

  • Physical Education and Sports center
  • Sports hall, tennis courts, swimming pool,
    handball/football court, gym
  • Sport clubs, hiking, ski and water camps,
  • UPMS Library
  • reading room, borrowing books,
  • Books, periodicals, databases, interlibrary
    loans, photocopy
  • Health Psychology Counselling
  • http//aok.pte.hu/magtud/pszikon/index.html

Confabula Student magazine write articles,
novellas, poems Faculty computer
room Stationery shop and photocopy
services Printing Services Book binding,
printing Club, Buffet, Bakery
Training program
  • Bologna initiatives A European economy based on
    knowledge, competitiveness, free flow of manpower
    (EU 4 freedom principles free flow of capital,
    products, services and persons)
  • The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
  • ECTS comparable degrees, easier recognition of
    European diplomas ? mobility of students and
    workers ? more competitive economy
  • 1.) Raising well educated manpower cycles
    skilled workers, graduate professionals (Bachelor
    program), scientists (Master program)
  • medical training undivided program, a little
    more, than a masters degree
  • 2.) credit points for each educational
  • credit point quantitative pointer for student
    workload (passing grade)
  • 30 hours of study (class home workload) 1
  • collect 30 3 credits in a semester (if you
    progress normally)

Credit System
  • Rules
  • - 1 credit 14 class hours (generally)
  • Get 30 3 credits in each semesters
  • Collect at least the minimum number of credits to
    get the degree (360 / 300 points)
  • No years (first year, etc.). The total number of
    credit points shows your progression
  • 3 chances to complete the subject (3 bookings),
    but once completed, cannot book again (retake
    only on failure)
  • Prerequisites subjects are built on each other
    (max. 3 prerequisite subjects for each)
  • High percentage of practices (no exam courses)
  • Curriculum, recommended curriculum, courses
    available in semester

Curriculum, recommended curriculum
  • Curriculum
  • list of subjects accepted at UPMS. List of
    obligatory and non-obligatory components.
  • To get your degree you have to learn these.
  • Recommended curriculum
  • Obligatory components
  • Winter or spring semester
  • years
  • Modules, milestones
  • If you want to finish your studies on time,
    progress like this.

Elements of Curriculum
  • Forms of educational items
  • 1.) Subjects
  • obligatory lecture practice seminar, EXAM /
    FINAL EXAM, 1-9 credits
  • elective / optional lecture practice
    seminar, MID-SEMESTER GRADE, 1-2 credits
  • 2.) Criterion requirements obligatory to
    complete, SIGNATURE, 0 credit
  • Forms of testing your knowledge
  • Mid-term attendance (15-30), mid-term papers,
    tests, homeworks, class activities ? signature
  • Mid-term grades are not in ETR and not in
  • Exam/final exam in exam period, 3 chances (A, B,
    C), bettering only in the same exam period, 5
    grade scale ( 1 failing, 2-5 passing grade),
    passing grade ? credit point
  • Mid-semester grade on mid-term achievement, no
    exam!, at the end of instruction period , 5 grade
    scale ? credit point
  • Signature mid-term obligations are completed

Details of subjects and crit. req.s - 1
  • Subject code e.g. OAAOK1
  • 1st character O medical school
  • 2nd character A general medicine S
  • 3rd character A obligatory subject in Basic
  • P obligatory subject in Preclinical Module,
  • K obligatory subject in Clinical Module,
  • S obligatory subject in Rotation Year,
  • E elective subjects,
  • F optional subjects,
  • R criterion requirement
  • 4-5-6th character short ID of the subject
    itself. If it contains a number at the end
    multi-semester subject which part
  • In the example O UPMS, A General Medicine, A
    obligatory, OK1 Medical Chemistry 1

Details of subjects and crit. req.s - 2
  • Subject title e.g. Medical Chemistry 1
  • Subject director a teacher in charge
  • a department or clinic
  • Prerequisite subjects normal
  • taking up (parallel)
  • max. 3 prerequisites, for obligatory only
    obligatory prerequisite
  • Type of classes lecture, practice, semester
  • Exam type exam, final exam, mid-semester
    grade, signature
  • Credit points allocated for the subject

Subject descriptions
  • General description,
  • semester of announcement,
  • headcount limitations,
  • number of hours in class,
  • conditions for acceptance,
  • making up for missed classes,
  • lecture/practice/seminar topics,
  • reading materials, exam questions, website,
  • http//aok.pte.hu ? English ? Students ?
    Registrars Office ? Courses for schoolyear
  • You can join courses from other faculties can be
    accepted ask the RO of the other faculty or the

Recommended curriculum for General Medicine
sem Obligatory 80 of credits Elective 15 of credits Optional 5 of credits Criterion Requirements No credit, no exam, obligatory to do
1 Basic Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Physical Education 1, First Aid
2 Basic Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Physical Education 2, Summer Practices Nursing Skills, Hospital Care, Med. Comm. Skills
3 Basic Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Physical Education 3
4 Basic Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Physical Education 4, Final Exam in Medical Hungarian (oral and written)
5 Preclinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses
6 Preclinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Summer Practice in Internal Medicine
7 Clinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses
8 Clinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Summer Practice in Surgery
9 Clinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses
10 Clinical Module Collect 34 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses Collect 18 credit points with completing SOME of the accepted courses
11 Rotational year Thesis 20 credit points
12 Rotational year Thesis 20 credit points
Recommendation collect 30 3 credit points in
each semester
Recommended curriculum for Dentistry
sem Obligatory 80 of credits Elective 15 of credits Optional 5 of credits Criterion Requirements No credit, no exam, obligatory to do
1 Basic Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Physical Education 1,
2 Basic Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Physical Education 2, Dental Assistant - Summer Practice
3 Basic Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Physical Education 3
4 Basic Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Physical Education 4, Final Exam in Medical Hungarian (oral and written)
5 Preclinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses
6 Preclinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Dento-alveolar Surgery Summer Practice
7 Clinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses
8 Clinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses Integrated Dentistry
9 Clinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses
10 Clinical Module Collect 25 credit points with completing courses Thesis 20 credit points Collect 15 credit points with completing courses
Recommendation collect 30 3 credit points in
each semester
Studies Progressing
The School Year
  • School year (2008-2009)
  • 10 months September July

Fall/Winter Semester 5 months September
Spring Semester 5 months February July
1. Registration period 1 week enrolling/matricula
tion, booking courses
1. Registration period last week of previous
exam period enrolling, booking courses
2. Instruction period 14 weeks classes, mid-term
attendance, papers
2. Instruction period 14 weeks 1 week extra
Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance,
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
No August exam period!!!
Main goals
  • Pass all the obligatory items subjects and
    criterion requirements, write thesis (start in
    4th year)
  • Collect enough credit points (until the end of
    the 5th year in recommended curriculum
  • GM 300 in total, 34 in electives, 18 in
    optionals, (in 6th years 60 credits are given)
  • D 300 in total, 25 in electives, 15 in
  • Try to follow the recommended curriculum (Try not
    to fail obligatory subjects, try to do everything
    on time)
  • Try passing everything maximum at third (3.)

The School Year
  • School year (2008-2009)
  • 10 months September July

Fall/Winter Semester 5 months September
Spring Semester 5 months February July
1. Registration period 1 week enrolling/matricula
tion, booking courses
1. Registration period last week of previous
exam period enrolling, booking courses
2. Instruction period 14 weeks classes, mid-term
attendance, papers
2. Instruction period 14 weeks 1 week extra
Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance,
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
No August exam period!!!
Students Legal Status
  • Semester start
  • Admission ? matriculation (creating status,
    accepting place) in MODULO
  • Later semesters enrolling (decision on
    continuing / suspending studies) in ETR
  • Active semester book subjects, attend classes,
    take exams, get grades and credit points pay
    tuition fee
  • Passive semester no classes, no exams, no
    grades, status suspended no tuition fee
  • Suspending studies must declare (make semester
    passive), w/o permission twice after each other,
    w permission 1 year

Dismissing or Terminating studies
  • Dismissing
  • couldnt pass subject (even elective or optional
    but not valid for criterion requirements) even
    booking it for the third time
  • did not set semester active or passive for 2
    semesters in ETR
  • Number of active and passive semesters are more
    than 24/20
  • Disciplinary reason
  • Old rule (not valid anymore) 30 / 60 credits
  • Terminating
  • on request (write request)
  • transfer away

Completing Items in Curriculum
  • Possible by attending courses
  • Subject what should be learnt topics, form of
    getting the grade, criterions in your majors
  • Courses an event for learning the subjects
    content place, time, classes, headcounts,
  • Courses can be available for more majors.

Course ? Subject
The lecturer gives courses topic, schedule,
place, spots
You have subjects in your curriculum to complete
by taking courses
You (in major X) have a subject in your
curriculum to complete
Group A Medical Hungarian 1 Mondays 14.00,
lect. room II., 30 persons
Medical Hungarian 1
Group B Medical Hungarian 1 Mondays 16.00,
lect. room II., 30 persons
An other guy in major Y also has a subject in
his/her curriculum
Medical Hungarian 1
Group C Medical Hungarian 1 Fridays 16.00,
lect. room II., 30 persons
You have to choose 1 course at a time you can
complete this subject only once (only 1 grade can
be given)
Booking a course
  • Only in ETR!!!!! Not on teachers list!
  • How to prepare for booking courses
  • Check the recommended curriculum what obligatory
    subjects and criterion requirements you have to
  • Read about elective and optional subjects on the
    UPMS website interesting? Prerequisites are
  • Book the courses of your choice available on ETR
    within the given deadline!
  • About the booking process we have a description
    on the UPMS website (Students?Registrars Office
    ? Guidelines and Presentations section)

Student Groups
  • Over 200 students,
  • 8 subjects with practices or seminars in
  • ?
  • to ease attending obligatory classes (practices
    and seminars)
  • set by RO (recommendation)
  • appr. 20-24 people in one group
  • for changing group the departments permission is
  • Group leader / year representative

Completing a subject
You have a subject or crit. req. in your
curriculum you have to / want to complete
A course is offered in the ETR in a semester with
which you can complete the subject / crit. req.
If the prerequisites are completed, the schedule
is OK for you and there is a spot for you you
book the course
If you complete the tasks and attend enough
classes a signature will be given
Your subject or crit. req. is completed
If it is needed in the curriculum, you get a
grade (as a mid-semester grade upon your
achievements during the instruction period or as
an exam grade in the exam period) - with the
grade you get the credit point
  • Official document registering courses and
    signatures/grades through your studies.
  • (When I mention grades I mean grades for
    courses granted by passing exams in exam period
    or granted as mid-semester grades. Mid-term
    grades for papers, etc. are registered only by
    the departments/clinics.)
  • Normally stored at the RO. You get it for the
    exam period only (if all the payments and fees
    are paid).
  • Must have it at exam with you.
  • After the exam period you must return it to RO.
  • Authentic document of proof faking it
  • or jail!!!!

The course list
The School Year
  • School year (2008-2009)
  • 10 months September July

Fall/Winter Semester 5 months September
Spring Semester 5 months February July
1. Registration period 1 week enrolling/matricula
tion, booking courses
1. Registration period last week of previous
exam period enrolling, booking courses
2. Instruction period 14 weeks classes, mid-term
attendance, papers
2. Instruction period 14 weeks 1 week extra
Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance,
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
No August exam period!!!
In instruction period
  • Study, study, study
  • Attend classes
  • Do classroom and home works
  • Prepare notes

Money makes 1
  • Tuition fee
  • To be paid for active semesters
  • Winter semesters 5900 USD, spring semesters
    5000 USD
  • Pay by bank transfer
  • e-mail notification about payment details appr.
    2-3 weeks before semester start
  • Deadline for payment
  • Proof to be submitted until deadline
  • Reduction can be granted only 0-1-2 obligatory
    course in semester or scholarship for good
  • Educational contract

  • Reduction can be granted from the basic amount on
    two bases
  • number of obligatory courses youll have in the
    coming semester
  • you do not want to have any courses, just to have
    an active status 100 USD to be paid,
  • 0 obligatory course (only elective, optional or
    criterion requirement courses) 1500 USD to be
  • only 1 obligatory course (doesnt matter if you
    have other courses) 30 reduction from the basic
  • only 2 obligatory courses (doesnt matter if you
    have other courses) 15 reduction from the
    basic amount.
  • Scholarship for good students you can apply for
    it only from next year. We need to count an
    average of the averages achieved in the two
    semesters of the previous academic year. It this
    average is between
  • 4.014.50 10 reduction from the basic amount,
  • 4.514.99 20 reduction from the basic amount,
  • 5.00 40 reduction from the basic amount.
  • Another important circumstance is that only
    students progressing according to the recommended
    curriculum can apply for this scholarship
    provided by the UP MS.

Money makes 2
  • Service fees and penalties
  • Paid at cashiers in HUF, cash
  • missing deadlines (submit gradebook, pay tuition
    fee, submit proof about payment)
  • C chances (exam or final exam)
  • unjustified exam absences
  • if you lose gradebook
  • valid residence permit show after the 13th week
    of instruction

Before exam period
  1. Exam dates to be determined agreement between
    students and departments
  2. Exam places (spots) 2 x number of students at
  3. Revealed in ETR 4 weeks before exam period
  4. Booking start 2 weeks before exam period
  5. Gradebooks can be picked up from RO if no
    payments are missing 1 week before exam period
  6. Signatures (testifying attendance at course)
    should be collected from departments.

The School Year
  • School year (2008-2009)
  • 10 months September July

Fall/Winter Semester 5 months September
Spring Semester 5 months February July
1. Registration period 1 week enrolling/matricula
tion, booking courses
1. Registration period last week of previous
exam period enrolling, booking courses
2. Instruction period 14 weeks classes, mid-term
attendance, papers
2. Instruction period 14 weeks 1 week extra
Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance,
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
3. Exam period 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
No August exam period!!!
Booking exam places (spots)
  • For courses (subjects) ending with exam or final
  • (Courses ending with mid-semester grade or
    signature dont have to sign up for anywhere,
    result is entered automatically) no retake
  • In ETR only!
  • 1 exam date in one course at one go
  • sign up for next if result is in ETR
  • sign up 1 WORKday before exam until 9.00 a.m.
  • sign off 2 WORKdays before exam until 9.00 a.m.
  • Booking your name appears on an exam sheet
    the department will see this. Name not on exam
    sheet no exam.

Registration of Results
  • EXAM (exam or final exam)
  • Exam sheet sign yourself up
  • Must have your gradebook with you.
  • Oral exam teacher writes your grade into
    gradebook, and until next workday 12.00 a.m.
    enters grade into ETR
  • Written exam leave gradebook in department, they
    correct tests in 2 workdays, enter grades into
    ETR and into gradebook. Do not forget to pick up
    gradebook from department.
  • Check grade in ETR!!!!
  • If grade in gradebook and in ETR are different,
    grade in gradebook is valid.
  • Technical list of results only one, with all
    names at course
  • Get it written in by the teacher until the end of
    the exam period. Teacher has to enter grade into
    the ETR in the 1st or 2nd week of the exam
  • It is your responsibility to have all grades and
    signatures written into the gradebook until the
    end of the exam period!!!

  • Booked an exam spot and you do not appear at exam
  • Lose exam chance (A/B/C)
  • Result did not attend (or absence)
  • Unjustified fee to be paid
  • Certified absence on medical reason, take
    medical certification to department then did
    not lose exam chance

Retakes / bettering exams
  • First chance A chance
  • First retake chance B chance free
  • Second retake chance C chance fee
  • Pay fee before exam, and show receipt to
    examiner! After exam period all receipts should
    be submitted with the gradebook to RO.
  • Bettering exam (you are not satisfied with the
    passing grade you got) can be B or C chance. You
    can get worse grade (or fail) even
  • EXAMS ONLY!! No retake or bettering chances in
    mid-semester grades.

Deans chance
  • Law of equity (Code of Studies and Examinations
    Article 14)
  • Can be used for having a 4th exam chance or
    signing up for a course after the booking
    deadline special permission granted by the Dean
  • Can be used for only once during your studies!!
  • Fill in a form at RO and RO enters your name to
    exam sheet. Deadlines are the same as for booking
    other exam dates!

Credits taken / completed
  • Credits taken ? credits completed
  • Tuition fee covers taking 396 (GM) / 330 (D)
  • (lt10 more than necessary is covered).
  • Book more extra fee
  • Indexes (averages)
  • for a semester or for your studies
  • Weighted average
  • Credit index
  • Corrigated credit index

?(completed courses credit x grade) ?
completed credits
?(completed courses credit x grade) ? 30
?(completed courses credit x grade) ?
completed credits
? completed credit points ? credit points
taken up
Research Opportunities
  • Student Researchers Society
  • Conferences (here at MS or elsewhere)
  • ERASMUS trips
  • Other projects organized mainly by the Hungarian
    Student Council (e.g. Teddy Bear Hospital)

  • everything changes,
  • cheating (detection, punishment),
  • moody teachers,
  • interpretation at oral exams,
  • first 2 years (hell, build your uni learning
  • statistics,

  • Some rules again, just to make sure you remember
  • No problem if you fail a subject 2 times. If you
    book it for the third (3.) time, make sure you
    pass it or youll be dismissed
  • Exam chances in an exam period you have 3
    chances to pass an exam (A, B, C chances) if
    you can book an exam date for yourself.
  • Complete courses only once once you passed an
    exam in a semester and this way completed a
    subject you cannot book it again in any coming
    semesters. Reason for completing an item you can
    be given credit points only once.
  • No exam courses if you have to retake a subject,
    officially you have to attend the classes again.
    There are no exam courses available. Officially
  • Attendance at classes is obligatory. General
    rule, if you missed more than 15 of classes (not
    only practices and seminars, but lectures count
    as well), the teacher can deny giving signature.
    Above 30 he must deny it.
  • Summer practices

Hints for surviving
  • using names in Hungary (your name, mothers
    maiden name),
  • how to address teachers (professor, associate
    professor, senior lecturer, demonstrator)
  • keep your personal data in ETR (addresses!!!)
  • notice boards, web-announcements, official
  • make checklists, pay attention, ask, keep
    deadlines, keep each other informed
  • You are our costumer, not your parents and
    friends (data protection)

Opening ceremony - Oath
  • I, SAY YOUR NAME LOUDLY, student of Pécs
    University Medical School, solemnly promise to
    respect the rules of this University and the
    Medical School. I will pay due reverence to all
    the tutors and other staff members of the
    University. I will always behave in a way worthy
    of the name of the student of this University. I
    will conduct my studies to the best of my
    abilities. I vow to respect all patients human
    dignity. I will never break their confidence or
    disclose their secrets. With all my efforts I
    will familiarise myself with the latest
    accomplishments in the medical sciences so as to
    make a highly qualified professional of great
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